Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pardon This Interruption...

but I had an idea of how to settle the tempest in a teapot super dome controversy over changing the Washington Redskins' name.

My suggestion is that Dan Snyder add just one word to the team's name that will end the brouhaha once and for all, with no cultural group feeling disrespected or ridiculed.

My suggestion:

Change the name of the football team to:


(Dan Quayle, where are you?)

Perhaps someday we may then be able to look forward to a Redskin Potato Salad Supper Bowl?

Go Potatoes!  Go!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled internet brawling.


  1. Ha

    Ha! break me up!!!! 'cept, personally, not real fond of Potato salad. I do like the idea, Football Food teams.... I would venture....the Washington Crab Dips.
    ya, know, irregardless&STUFF...this could be a great thread. Gotta go check on my favorite team ...the Green Bay Guacamoles...see if they can cover the spread. hehehe


  2. This has possibilities. Most teams seem to be named after animals, so a team named for a vegetable would really stand out.

    Or they could change their name to the Washington Creepy-Ass Crackers. All a question of whose ox is being gored.

  3. Ha! Green Bay Guacamoles is brilliant! Covering the spread? Knee-slapper!

    The New England Clam Chowdahs! --football

    The Boston Red Lobstahs!--baseball

    The Boston Corned Beef and Cabbages. --basketball

    And finally:

    The Boston Brown Bread and Beans--hockey

  4. 15 out of 32 are named after animals. This debate comes up every year and the owner says he is not changing the name.

    The way dallas is playing, they are an insult to cowboys and need to change their name.

    As a cheese head I am fine with their name.

  5. ya know........ Boston did have a baseball team named the 1894. Word is...they were a gas.

    Pittsburgh Pot Roast
    Houston Ho-Hos
    Cincinati Chili

  6. okjimm said...
    ya know........ Boston did have a baseball team named the 1894. Word is...they were a gas.

    They gave themselves airs, but I heard they stunk.

  7. THE WASHINGTON REDS would seem the most appropriate name today.

  8. Why? Do you think the football team are Commies?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Washington Redskin Potatoes -- an appropriate name for cellar dwellers.


    That's a nice RED vegetable too, but it has a little more character than a potato.

    Of course "rhubarb" has a pejorative connotation when applied to baseball.

    Maybe it would be better to depart from anything to do with "red" altogether, and try names like The Washington Scalpers -- The Washington Ululators -- The Washington Injuns -- The Washington Invaders -- The Washington Usurpers -- The Washington Weasels -- The Washington Wackos -- The Washington Magpies -- The Wasington Cankickers -- The Washington Morons -- The Washington Blitherers -- The Washington Sellouts -- The Washington Traitors.

    OOH! That's IT. The last is the best. -- and the most fitting. };-)>

  12. San Franrancico Potheads

  13. "The Washington Invaders -- The Washington Usurpers -- The Washington Weasels -- The Washington Wackos -- The Washington Magpies -- The Wasington Cankickers -- The Washington Morons -- The Washington Blitherers -- The Washington Sellouts -- The Washington Traitors."

    Those names have all been given to the Republicans.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. How's that stop-ey the A.C.A.-ey thing-ey working out for you TeaPubs?

  17. Could THIS be why the Repukes are fighting so hard to delay Obamacare?

    Oct 8 (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of uninsured people have begun to sign up for health coverage through online Obamacare private insurance marketplaces in California and New York, officials said on Tuesday, while problems still plagued the federal online system.

    California and New York are two of the biggest markets for signing up millions of uninsured Americans under President Barack Obama's healthcare law. State officials said the data they provided on Tuesday was an early indicator of strong demand for new insurance plans that will take effect in 2014.

  18. IMO, the mascot was probably complimentary rather than derogatory; Braves, Trojans, Spartans come to mind.
    The team colors and similar fierce
    mascot might be served by something
    like Redhawks, Crimson Eagles, etc.

  19. BB said. //complimentary rather than derogatory; Braves, Trojans, Spartans //

    c'mon...a team named after a brand of prophylactics ???? GOSH...what would Pat Robertson say? haven't birth control devices been defunded? one thing...the thread has revealed who has a sense of humor....and how acute that humor is. Listen.....good on you!!!!!

  20. Ducky,

    That's much more sensitive!

  21. Hey Shaw,

    Jose, "Can you see?" Conservative and I support Obama are just trolls. You totally allow yourself to be played by dickheads.
