Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Republican Government Shut-Down Affecting Children With Cancer

Take a hard look at what the spiteful GOP is doing to the American people.  Among all the other government agencies that are being impacted by the shut down is the National Institutes of Health and the cancer studies it supervises.

From the Wall Street Journal:

"At the National Institutes of Health, nearly three-quarters of the staff was furloughed. One result: director Francis Collins said about 200 patients who otherwise would be admitted to the NIH Clinical Center into clinical trials each week will be turned away. This includes about 30 children, most of them cancer patients, he said."

Brad Plumer, Washington Post

"Here's some broader context: Individuals typically enroll in inpatient and outpatient programs at the NIH Clinical Center "only when standard medical treatments have failed, and other treatment options are not available. As a result, they have no other alternatives.


"[T]he rules of the shutdown mean that the Clinical Center would not be accepting new patients or initiating new clinical protocols during a hiatus," the memo said. So, as a result of the budget impasse, there will be a certain number of patients who have exhausted all their options, were hoping to undergo treatment at the NIH Clinical Center, and won't get admitted — at least until the shutdown is resolved. "

To the Republican Party that claims every life is precious, tell us how you justify denying hope to the adults and children whose last hope is with the NIH and these cancer trials.  Tell us and them how you justify withdrawing their last chance at life, and why these living, breathing precious lives do not matter to the GOP.  

And tell us why civilized people shouldn't look at the Republican Party as nothing more than a collection of mobsters using the pain and suffering of the American people to extract their ransome.  And what would that ransome be?  Delaying the implementation of a health care program that will enable Americans who do not have insurance to buy that insurance at state exchanges.

The nine most painful impacts of a government shutdown

From contributor "Hunter" of the Daily Kos:

"We have reached the point where Republican hostility towards governance has reached its logical conclusion: not governing at all. Crashing the whole state, lest any contrary ideology be granted a foothold. Stopping the food rations and the clinical trials and all the rest of it because the other parts of government have the audacity to be for something else. 

This is no longer a political party. It is a coup d'etat in cheap suits. It is a movement of arsonists, of ideological addicts leaping from issue to issue and crisis to crisis in their search for the next momentary high. In its tea party origins, it is a specifically and obsessively anti-Obama movement formed as direct response to the first black American president, a movement animated by racial notions of the president's supposed non-citizenry, secret apparent Muslim-ness, obvious otherness, stoked and coddled and celebrated until there is nothing left but the underlying id remaining. It is a movement that can treat a truth and a lie as equivalent. It is a movement that punishes offensive truths by remanufacturing them into something else."

Make no mistake, what "Hunter" of Daily Kos wrote can be verified by reading any number of conservative blogs where lies about President Obama are stated with certainty: that President Obama is a Muslim Commie. Day after day after day this slander is repeated until they internalize it and sincerely believe it.  And, I think, this is why it is easy for the Republican Party--the political party that wraps itself in the phony cloak of protecting human
life--finds it conveniently easy to disregard the pain and suffering their leaders have brought down on innocent American men, women, and children through this unnecessary government shut down.  Afterall, they believe, anything--even denying children cancer treatment--is acceptable in their fight against anything the Muslim Communist in the White House, their White House, is for.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The shutdown will cost $30 million a day, brought to you by the fiscally conservative teapublicans!

  3. Government is a shared responsibility. Both parties, at least this point are acting and performing like children in the midst of a temper tantrum.

    The partisan kooks running the show are both tone deaf and stupid. I for once have to say I am actually enjoying the circus act that American politics has become.

    Or put a different way, I and I'm sure millions of other rational people just don't care anymore. IT IS HAS GONE SO FAR THERE IS LIKELY NO WAY OUT.

    Harkin may VERY well be right.

  4. The federal government shutdown already has led at least one state to shutter a nutritional food program for struggling women and infants on Tuesday.
    More here shaw:

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced Saturday that a shutdown would hobble the $7 billion Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children. The program, known as WIC, provides healthy-food vouchers, nutrition education and breastfeeding support to roughly 9 million poor women and their children.

  5. If the parents of those children had just had the good sense to abort them, we wouldn't be facing this problem.

  6. WIC is a very good program and the Food Stamp program should use it as their guideline, which one congressman has suggested. Doubt it will go anywhere because it doesn't allow potato chips so is telling people what they can eat.

    The fallacy of the shutdown is it is a paid vacation for government workers and hurts people who really need help, like the WIC program.

    Since the administration is taking a no negotiate approach, and Reid will not bring any Republican proposal to the floor it could last for awhile.
    This shutdown has nothing to do with the American people, this is all about the congressional elite and politics.

  7. Skud said..."Since the administration is taking a no negotiate approach"

    let the house vote...the Republicans are blocking....the legislative process. let the house vote and let the American people KNOW how their House Representatives are 'working' for them.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. "If they be like to die, then they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."

    Charles Dickens had this "type" perfectly pegged 170 years ago when he created Ebenezer Scrooge. But it's hard to say whether they could be reformed even by meeting some of the victims of their attitude in person, as Scrooge was. Not even Dickens could have imagined the toxic ideological justifications for cruelty that have been created by people like Ayn Rand.

    As for what to do about the shutdown, it's perfectly simple; The House has to stop screwing around, do its job, and pass a clean CR. And don't forget that if it were actually presented for a vote, it would pass. All 200 Democrats would probably vote for it, leaving only 17 additional Republican votes needed -- and there are likely more than that who are ready to end this nonsense which will damage their own party as well as the country. The problem is that Boehner doesn't have the guts to face down the deranged teabaggers.

    It's completely impossible for the Democrats to make any concessions, as they seem to finally understand now. If you negotiate with hostage-takers, you just get more and more hostage-taking for ever and ever. We can't go on with the government being plunged into an artificial crisis every few months whenever these nutcases decide to throw a tantrum about something or other. They have to be crushed.

  10. Late breaking news flash!

    The man who said he would not negotiate, President Barack Obama, has summoned congressional leaders to the White House for negotiations.

    In other news, the First Lady, fresh from her campaign to get us all to drink more water, would like to remind everyone to go to the toilet.

  11. The cons are taking a beating in the polls and everywhere else. When you act like thugs people will treat you like thugs.

  12. George,

    It is far to early to tell what the polls say but you are probably correct because public opinion is formed my the MSM which is clearly working for the administration.

    Will this still be the case a year from now when it matters, time will tell.

    I guess you favor unlimited spending and let our children and grandchildren worry about it.

  13. Falsely claiming that both sides are responsible does not allow for knowing exactly who and what created the problem, thus making a "fix" impossible and continuing to make the same mistakes.

  14. "...public opinion is formed my the MSM which is clearly working for the administration."

    So Obama's falling poll numbers are working for the administration? Check.

    Shaw, where do they find intelligence-challenged trolls like this?

  15. "Shaw, where do they find intelligence-challenged trolls like this?"

    Go to the con blogs. They're full of them.

  16. Anonymous AnonymousOctober 2, 2013 at 1:31 PM

    who does the shut down hurt?

    "Ned Resnikoff reported yesterday, for example, on several hundred preschool-aged children who can no longer go to a Head Start center in Alabama because its 240 employees have been furloughed without pay.

    The Wall Street Journal had a related item on the shutdown's real-world effects:

    At the National Institutes of Health, nearly three-quarters of the staff was furloughed. One result: director Francis Collins said about 200 patients who otherwise would be admitted to the NIH Clinical Center into clinical trials each week will be turned away. This includes about 30 children, most of them cancer patients, he said.

    Got that? Children with cancer will be turned away from NIH clinical trials. Why? Because House Republicans won't take a center-right budget deal that enjoys bipartisan support."

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Without a doubt, Obama is the most patient, accomplished, qualified person to ever occupy the Oval Office in American history.

    But was he born in a stable? I don't know if I'd say that...

    But who can argue with Dog?

  19. Well, Mona Charen, always a reliable advocate for sanity, accurately predicted what the Democrat's strategy would be in the run up to the 20016 election:

    I published her latest article today at my blog. It's well worth reading in its entirety, but this little snippet makes a splendid rejoinder to the article posted here today.

    "You can take this to the bank: In the run-up to the next presidential election, Democrats will be in thorough blame-shifting mode. It wasn't the perverse incentives, byzantine complexity, new taxes and layers of bureaucracy built into Obamacare, they'll insist. It was heartless health insurers who were willing to let people die rather than accept a lower profit margin."

    Her prophecy is ALREADY coming true right here, right now.

    YEP! Those rotten Republicans would PREFER to let poor, little, helpless innocent CHILDREN to DIE of CANCER, just to try to get their OWN way AGAINST "The Law of the Land." Those THUGS! Those EXTORTIONISTS! Those MORAL IMBECILES! Those SELFISH MONSTERS! Those DEFENDERS of GREED an CORRUPTION!

    The implication, of course, is that if Republican Obstructionists would only develop a conscience and a heart, and then roll over and playing dead for the Obama Agenda, those poor, dear, innocent, utterly pitiful little victims of dread disease could be SAVED.

    ALL it would TAKE to save their precious little lives would be REPUBLICAN ACQUIESCENCE to the Obama administrations oh-so enlightened initiatives.

    God in Heaven! Will this travesty -- this SHAMELESS, DISINGENUOUS, POLITICAL POSTURING -- never end?

  20. As I explained to Shaw in an email, a con stole my name and avatar and is impersonating me in the con blogs Geeeeez, AOW, and Free Thinke.

    The faker did this at Dervish Sanders blog "Sleeping With The Devil," but he was able to figure out the fraud. Smart liberal guy! Thank you D.S.

    Thank you, Shaw, for letting me play their stupid game for a while.

    Those bloggers aare the same cons who hate it when they're called "stupid." But they've been had by the impersonator.

    I am the original George Whyte with my profile that says I started a blog profile in August 2013. The cheater whose making monkeys out of the stupids at AOW, Geeeeez and Free Thinke is a fake, using my name and avatar. But they're too dumb to know it, or they are so far gone at TeaPublicans that they allow themselves to be made fools of by the faker.

    There's a reason people call them stupid. And the fake George Whyte whose profile shows he or she started blogging in May 2013 proves their stupidity.

    Thank you Shaw for letting me use this blog to defend myself.

  21. Jeeeeeezus shaw, need I make my point better? See Above.

  22. "I am the original George Whyte with my profile that says I started a blog profile in August 2013."

    Followed by

    "And the fake George Whyte whose profile shows he or she started blogging in May 2013 proves their stupidity."

    Wait a minute George. You saying the fake GW's profile is older than yours? How is that possible?

  23. FT said '
    ALL it would TAKE to save their precious little lives would be REPUBLICAN ACQUIESCENCE to the Obama administrations oh-so enlightened initiatives...'

    ...really....all it would take is for Boner to allow rules of procedure and allow a vote in the House. Not everyone in the House is a Repub and not all Re pubs in the House agree with what is happening. irregardless of which Party the representative is in....they still ALL represent the people. I want a vote!

  24. ok

    Maybe bringing bills to the floor for a vote should apply to the Senate as well. The problem is if you have to cast a vote you will be held accountable. What the Senate majority leader has done is keep his members from being on record.

    BTW, irregardless "Used by people who ignorantly mean to say regardless"


    they did vote. Actually. oh, and gosh&sh8t..youse so articulate....

  26. To the grammar critic:

    Definition of IRREGARDLESS

    : regardless
    Usage Discussion of IRREGARDLESS

    Irregardless originated in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century. Its fairly widespread use in speech called it to the attention of usage commentators as early as 1927. The most frequently repeated remark about it is that “there is no such word.” There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead.

  27. Jerry Critter,

    Blogger allows people who have set up blogs in the past to change their blog name and avatar at any time they please, but the date of their first setting of the blog cannot change.

    Therefore, it is possible that the George Whyte of May 2013 had a different profile on that date; erased it; and mimicked the above G.W who set up his blog in August.

    The impostor is a slimeball.

  28. Mr. Free Thinke,

    Why would you think anyone here would give any credence to Mona Charen, a rightwing mouthpiece? Would you have welcomed my copying and pasting an opinion piece by, say, Al Sharpton, as an argument for my position? Of course not.

    I don't care what Charen has to say. The facts are that the American people will blame the Tea Party for the mess they've created. And they deserve every bit of anger they've cultivated by their petulant and nasty, destructive behavior.

    This will not go well for them. Count on it. Despite what Charen and all the other righwing mouthpieces say to deflect the blame the Tea Party so richly deserves.

    They will be remembered as the Somali pirates of American politics.

  29. Thanks, Shaw. I didn't realize that possibility.

  30. G.W.,

    The best thing to do is to ignore the asshat who's impersonating you and be proud and happy that what you've written has been so upsetting to the moron imitating you, that he's had to resort to stealing your identity in order to counteract what you've written.

    They're too stupid to win an argument on merits so they use these underhanded tactics. Wear as a badge.

  31. "They're too stupid to win an argument on merits so they use these underhanded tactics."

    Just like the tea party and their efforts with the Affordable Care Act.

  32. In addition, the conservative blogs that allow George Whyte of May 2013 are being used by the asshat, and they haven't the ability to understand that the person impersonating you is one of them, and he's making a fool of the cons.

    We, however, are smart enough to be on to the stupid fraud. Too bad they're not.

  33. Jerry Critter,

    Isn't that the truth.

  34. The slimeball impersonator has been all over the con blogs you mentioned, and he's getting people angry while pretending to be me.

    Slimeball is too nice a word for the f**ker.


  35. Here's an example of the fakefuck George Whyte posting at Geeeeez:

    George Whyte said...

    As I explained to AOW or was it Geezzz, a con stole my name and avatar and is impersonating me in the con blogs Geeeeez, AOW, and Free Thinke’s blog.

    The faker did this at Dervish Sanders blog "Sleeping With The Devil,"blog also but he was able to figure out the fraud. Smart liberal guy! Thank you
    Those bloggers aare the same cons who hate it when they're called "stupid." But they've been had by the impersonator.

    I am the original George Whyte with my profile that says I started a blog profile in August 2013. The cheater whose making monkeys out of the stupids at AOW, Geeeeez and Free Thinke is a fake, using my name and avatar. But they're too dumb to know it, or they are so far gone at TeaPublicans that they allow themselves to be made fools of by the faker.
    As you can see, the goons are getting desperate.
    There's a reason people call them stupid. And the fake George Whyte whose profile shows he or she started blogging in May 2013 proves their stupidity.
    Either way, it’s a BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK.
    Thank you Geeeezzz for letting me use this blog to defend myself. Jeeeeeezus think I made a louse excuse to make my point ~"

    LOL! The fker can't stop imitating me! Bwahahahahaha! And the morons on those blogs don't know the difference.

  36. G.W. let the greasy little rodent have his fun. How does it hurt you? He's making fun of the naive con bloggers who let him comment there. As has been noted. They don't know they're being had.

  37. Also, we can't save the easily gullible from themselves.

    If they have been duped by one of their own impersonating George Whyte, August 2013, then it is easy to understand how they've been duped and led by their naive noses by special interests working against them.

    What a perfect parable this is to illustrate how easily they can be fooled.

    It explains EVERYTHING. Especially how they can be duped into working against their own interest and into believing the most blatant lies.

    The George Whyte impersonator has shown us all how dumb certain members of the right can be.

  38. Anonymous AnonymousOctober 2, 2013 at 9:16 PM

    Today's crazy conservatives: Easily fooled even on their own blogs.

    Explains a lot.

  39. today hasn't been a good day for the rethugs but it's been a good day for President Obama. They're going to lose on this issue that's why they're going nuts on the blogs and everywhere else...major melt down ahead for rethugs...

  40. When rhetoric, hyperbole,innuendo, partial truth, partial lie, hatred, deceit, gamesmanship, and general BS ruled America.

    Indeed a shameful time. The price a nation pays when partisan loyalty trumps reason. Tic Toc, Tic Toc, Tic Toc..
