Friday, November 8, 2013

Is there no end...

to the TeaPublicans' stubborn wrong-headedness? Speaker John Boehner, (R-Orange) and his minority of a minority, who cost this country billions of dollars while the government was shut down, is now claiming that if they support ENDA, it will encourage frivolous law suits.

[Have you finished laughing yet?]

"[ENDA]...forbids discrimination among federal contractors against gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people. That order has been languishing somewhere in the White House for years.

As Mr. Obama said last week, workplace discrimination is “offensive. It’s wrong. And it needs to stop, because in the United States of America, who you are and who you love should never be a fireable offense.” --Daily Kos

The TeaPublicans are against a bill that would end discrimination in the workplace?  How liberty-loving of them!  How big-tent-y of them!  How Constitution-worshipping of them!  And boy-o, how this opposition will encourage Americans to flock to their party and be proud to stand with the TeaPublicans against the all-American ideal of inclusiveness and non-descrimination. 

A majority of Americans support ENDA; a minority of a minority of legislators, whose only purpose in life is to obstruct and sabotage anything President Obama proposes, is behind this nonsense again, threatening to defeat this bill.

When the whiners and feckless complainers tell us that this economy still stinks, or that Americans still need jobs, or that the A.C.A. is still not working well, take a look at the legislators who have done all in their power to obstruct, filibuster, and sabotage anything and everything this administration has put forward to help the American people.

A party that puts their personal agenda before the needs of the American people deserves all the bashing and mockery it gets.   IMO, the TeaPublicans are no more a political party than a roving band of gang-bangers, reveling in their ability to keep the government stalled and not working as it should while at the same time making people's lives miserable.


Did I get your attention?


Because this:

NEW YORK -- CBS' "60 Minutes" announced Thursday night that it's reviewing a controversial Oct. 27 report on the attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, to determine if its eyewitness, security officer Dylan Davies, "misled" the network. "60 Minutes" said it had "learned of new information that undercuts" the harrowing account given on air. The New York Times reported Thursday that Davies previously told the FBI that he was not at the U.S. compound on the night of Sept. 11, 2012 -- an account that directly contradicts his "eyewitness" statements on air.

CBS Reporter Sorry For Benghazi Story: ‘We Made A Mistake’

I still haven't seen anything on any of the conservative blogs that jumped on the fraudulent story peddled by CBS 60 Minutes liar, Dylan Davies.  They don't let facts get in the way of their blinkered world view where BENGHAZI! is their hope for destroying the Obama Presidency.


  1. The problem these guys have is that no matter how nutty they get, there will always be someone even nuttier. RedState has been posting rants about ENDA for almost a week, claiming it will destroy business, persecute Christians, and basically be the end of the world (everything is the end of the world with these people -- surely their readers will tire of it eventually), and denouncing the Senate Republican leadership as the epitome of evil for letting it get through. You can see why a coward like Boehner is frightened of drawing the collective fire of teabaggerdom.

    I still haven't seen anything on any of the conservative blogs that jumped on the fraudulent story

    Interesting point. Since a lot of teabaggers refuse to read non-bubble media on principle, they may well keep on trumpeting the Benghazi scamdal for some time, unaware of this latest blow to its credibility. "Please proceed, wingnuts."

  2. Hi Shaw,

    As you can see from my name and avatar, I'm a fraud who's going around to conservative blogs pretending to be YOU!

    I've changed your blog name from "Shaw Kenawe" to "Shaw Keeawe," and I've stolen your avatar.

    When I post on conservative blogs and you link to my name, you will not be able to link to the REAL "Progressive Eruptions," because I am a fraud, trying to harass you and play dirty tricks on you and your blog.

    I'm welcomed and published in the comment section of CONSERVATIVE BLOGS because they deal in deceptions, why would they stop me?

    I like the fact that I can continue to be this dishonest and that no one will say anything about it.

  3. It doesn't seem like the obama/biden government had an effect on job growth. It is still weak but at lease over 200,000. Of course the participation rate is falling with three times the number of people leaving the workforce than joining.

    I attribute the lower participation rate to obamacare. Where people kept jobs because of insurance, now they don't have to.

  4. File under "Cry Me a F**king River:"

    "Git out yer pitchforks, socialist dictator Barack Obama is redistributin’ yer wealth by making former millionaire MSNBC personality Dylan Ratigan pay AN EXTRA FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR for health insurance, because the old one he bought — his $170 per month catastrophic “insurance” done been canceled. (And who canceled it, according to Dylan Ratigan? OBAMACARE CANCELLED IT, case closed!)

    Will nobody think of the poor millionaires?

    Via NoMoreMisterNiceBlog, who really isn’t near as sympathetic as he should be:

    Oh yeah, I feel terrible for this guy, who walked away from a $1 million annual salary at MSNBC last year (that’s in addition to the money he made when he sold his Lower Manhattan loft last fall for $1.38 million). I’m sorry he has $4080 less a year to help fulfill his dream of being a successful hydroponics entrepreneur — though that last link does say he also sold his Porsche.

    NoMoreMisterNiceBlog does not even seem to realize this extra $4000 per year is obviously going to keep Dylan Ratigan from creating probably at least nine jobs! AT MINIMUM!"

  5. And no, Shaw, there is no end to the TPers and their cheating. the jerk who stole your ID proves it.

  6. FYI, Shaw. Found at a conservative blog:

    Shaw Keewee November 8, 2013 at 5:53:00 PM EST

    Hey all you Cons who posts here all the time.
    Thanks for your tax dollars! I will enjoy them in my cushy retirement, since I get a Government workers retirement. I’ll be living the high life on YOUR tax dollars.!

    Have a good weekend, guys

  7. Anon@6:52, thanks for the tip, but I have no control over what the con blogs decide to publish. And apparently they like to publish trolls who steal people's identities--but only when they're liberal IDs.

    They have control over what is put on their blogs, and if they see nothing wrong with allowing impostors to steal people's avatars and fake their names, that's their mojo.

    It also says a lot about their integrity.

    They'd howl if a liberal blogger did it to them, wouldn't they.

    Meanwhile, the real message here is that I drive them absolutely nuts, otherwise, they'd ignore me. So really it's sort of flattering that they pay so much attention to my little blog and what I have to say.

    I don't even have to visit them anymore, because their little banana-brained minions do it for me.


  8. Your secret admirer sure has been busy, Shaw.

    Boy, the Tea Party just doesn't know when to stop digging.

    skudrunner, you speak of job growth. May I point out that we are still feeling the effects of "tinkle down" economics.

    Taxes on the rich are at an all time low.

    Corporations are sitting on a ton of cash

    Bernanke is keeping the stock market happy as the wealth transfer proceeds

    Now, since everything is working for the "job creators"(LMAO) I have to ask you why these slugs aren't creating any jobs. Is it because supply side economics is a scam and you risk seeing your whole political view at risk if you admit the grift?
    25 words or less will do for a reply.

  9. Ducky,

    If you're around the North End tomorrow, go to the open house at the North Bennett Street School, which has re-located from North Bennett Street to North Street at North and Richmond Streets.

    They've done a great job refurbishing the old factory that they've relocated to. I met with several of the students who are from all over the country: Iowa, Nebraska, North Carolina, New Mexico, and California. Worth a visit.

    And yes, my impostor has been all over the right wing blogsphere for reasons only he can know. I've got someone working on his true identity, and I've already found out some interesting things...

  10. PS. You won't get much of an answer from skuddy. He's more of a hit and run commenter, not interested in facts.

  11. Ducky, doesn't the demand side precede the supply side of the equation?

    Shouldn't the job creators be creating decent paying jobs here at home?

    Shouldn't the goal be to restore the middle class? Resulting in a strong long lasting economic growth built on strong foundation.

  12. Another thing Ducky, ain't it about time Americans shed the partisanship? Look to building on our strengths and improving on our weakneses and shortcomings?

  13. One last thought for you Ducky, well, perhaps everybody.

    Is anyone so sure of their position(s) they should cease questioning them?

  14. Ducktail,

    You can only blame previous administrations for a limited time for the current situation. With obama I guess that is extended for 8 years.

    Companies hire out of need not to be good guys. When you are uncertain of tomorrow, you are not going to invest in it and there is a lot of uncertainty.

    Bernanke is doing what he is guided to do and that is at the expense of retirees. One reason the stock market has done so well is there is no where else to put money.

    Obama is showing that he will lie about everything and then duck and cover. If there is nothing substantial regarding bengazi now is the time for him to lead from behind.

    As to ever present slogan the "rich" don't pay enough taxes, push for the Fair Tax.

  15. Skud: "Obama is showing that he will lie about everything and then duck and cover. If there is nothing substantial regarding bengazi now is the time for him to lead from behind."

    Boiler plate hogwash, skud. You leave here all the time. You make accusations without any back up.

    We're not sorry that your hopes and dreams for a "Benghazi Scandal" have not come true.

    See CBS and their lies.

  16. The fact is politicians lie, or of you prefer fudge the facts. That's what they do and the successful ones do it successfully. For a time anyway. Eventually they get caught. I'm sure you remember Nixon and GWB. My point Skud is Obama is no worse than republicans that "fudge the truth", guys like Gohmert, Cruz, Rubio, and Rand all do the same.

    Honesty is not the rule of the times. A shame but the people can't handle the truth.

  17. Origami, 2013's Pistachio said...

    Lice, Lice, Lice, this is what the entire poltroon process has become -- This is what the goblet has become, one big bag of lice, delicious corruption, frogs, calamine lotion, spit, promoted with the ranunculus, uncommon zebras and feral cunnilingus exorbitantly characteristic of our currant presidio and the violet effluence in which it has been schtupped in and with which it has been surrendered and suppurated all its life. Barney Organza Is A Pathogenic Lorax, a scrum bracelet...

    His base of 'BLARNEY IS BOUNTIFUL' superintendents believes the Lyre. Thus, its OKRA like polenta, because it allows hunters more time to achieve their goals of deploying our livers.

    His 'Dull FROM THE NOOKIE DOWN' sargents don't care about the Lebonese because they are already slathering the cistern. He dare not awaken his bassoons to the lice that he careens about them when he really lathers them. He has nothing but consumption for his polyhedral bunions.
