Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Dumbass Pundit

I'm not posting this just for the sake of another "Outrage-A-Day" outragey outrage.

No.  The reason is this:  Laura Ingraham is really popular with a certain segment of the voting population,   She has a fairly good following on hate-talk radio; and as stated below, is a frequent guest on FAUX NOOZ's Bill O'Reilly show, another large audience.

That's why she's a menace to any society that values education and reasoned discourse.  Because of her unearned respect with her particular listeners and fans, they will take what she stated as fact, and form a biased opinion of Justice Sotomayor based on Ingraham's ignorance.  And Ingraham is sincerely and grossly ignorant. But I'm not so sure her stupidity is "conscientious."  It appears to be just plain ordinary vulgar stupidity, since it promotes xenophobia and bigotry.

Laura Ingraham, a conservative radio host and frequent guest host for Bill O’Reilly’s Fox News show, suggested on her radio show Tuesday that Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s “immigrant family background” calls into question her loyalty to the United States.

The context of Ingraham’s statement was a rant about Sotomayor’s decision to refer to people in the United States without citizenship or immigration papers as “undocumented immigrants” because, in Sotomayor’s words, calling “them illegal aliens seemed . . . insulting.”

After claiming that Sotomayor’s preference for one term over the other somehow reflects insufficient respect for the rule of law, Ingraham said that Justice Sotomayor’s “allegiance obviously goes to her, you know, immigrant family background, not to the U.S. Constitution.” Justice Sotomayor, who was born in the Bronx, is a Puerto Rican American.

Puerto Rico is part of the United States and Puerto Ricans are United States citizens. So Sotomayor does not actually have an “immigrant family background.” --Think Progress


  1. "“immigrant family background” calls into question her loyalty to the United States.

    Now that flat out breaks me up. Another talking head that speaks without fact checking.

    My grandfather was a ethnic German from what is now Austria.

    No one questioned my father's 'loyalty' when he fought in WWII...or my Grandmother's when she would read a German language American newspaper.

    sauerbraten is still my favorite American meal.

    sheesh, dummies.

  2. Yes. Dummies. Ignorant.

    My father and mother CHOSE America.

    They weren't born here, they chose this country to be theirs. They gave up their Italian citizenship to be Americans.

    Go ahead Laura Ingraham, tell me about my loyalties.

    What a jerk.

    What is especially awful about what she said, besides her stupidity, is that it was meant to promote hatred toward people with a Puerto Rican heritage. That is unforgivable.

    And she's a disgrace. When we make claims about the conservative's hatred of "others," we know what we're talking about. They just can't face what their pundits are.

  3. Personally I believe anyone here illegally is an illegal. Sugar coating it might make some of a particular political ideology feel all farm and fuzzy but being in the country illegally makes a person an illegal alien.

    Now, as to Ingraham, she can be an idiot and her statement with respect to Justice Sotomayor is an example of her occasional ignorant and idiotic utterances One certainly does have to wonder how she made it this far. Then Beck and Hannity come to mind.

    Don't know, and neither do you for a fact that Ingraham's intent was to promote hate for people of Puerto Rican heritage. That is conjecture. You may be correct or you maybe incorrect.

  4. This must be part of the right's move to attract more Latin voters.

    They may want to run the routine past Karl Rove for fine tuning.

    Since Boston only has a weak AM rabies station left it's tough to keep up on the hate scene.

  5. These are Ingraham's own words:

    Ingraham said that Justice Sotomayor’s “allegiance obviously goes to her, you know, immigrant family background, not to the U.S. Constitution.”

    That's a direct accusation based on what? Ingraham's stupidity? I think so, and it incites the sort of folks who listen to her hate-radio show to think of Puerto Ricans' loyalties as questionable by insinuating that since Sotomayor was born into a culturally Puerto Rican family, her loyalty to America comes into question when she gives an opinion not in sync with Ingraham's conservative outlook.

    It doesn't matter what Ingraham's "intent" was. She spoke those words and the meaning is quite clear.

    People who are not rabble-rousing bigots don't say such things.

  6. Ducky, is that the radio station that broadcast Howie Carr? Is he still there? Was it WEEI? Can't remember.

  7. RN...illegal is illegal? And compassion is compasion.

    there are millions of 'Illegals'...who were brought here by parents when they were one or two or three...and are now adults. Depoort them...where? To a country they do not know? In a place they can harsdly speak the language? Evicted from the only country they know...and to the point of the post...from a country they feel the most allegience and loyalty? I do somewhat concur...illegal immigration should be actively curtailed...but the issue is complex. The more I learn, the more I feel much dialogue is needed, in a very dispassionate way. Lives are in the balance...and that is where I get compassionate. and I believe you are too.

    1. I did not say the issue should not be resolved showing the proper compasion for those circumstances you point out. Being an illegal by choice and being illegal by circumstances you describe are two different things.

      But illegal is illegal, the task is to untangle the mess, not change the language IMNHO.

      As I said Ingraham can be idiotic and play to ignorance. She is making money playing to people who already think that way. Were there no audience there would be no Ingraham selling the rancid product.

  8. This comment from G.C. was posted below. I think it belongs here.

    George Cucumber said...

    "Ingraham is a racist without the help of anyone. What this really amounts to is Ingraham’s problem with the changing demographics of America. We hear all the time at Tea Party rallies, 'I want my country back!'

    People like Ingraham feel we are losing our culture to the 'other,' which amounts to minorities. She has repeatedly made derogatory comments about immigrants under the guise of protecting American jobs. She has even recorded a promo for a group that the Southern Poverty Law Centers considers a registered hate group. This is the manifestation of racism in 2014.

    And as Frank Rich of the New York Times points out, the Fox crowd is only getting older and whiter, which means that people like Laura Ingraham will have a seat at the table for the foreseeable future."

    February 5, 2014 at 7:58 PM

  9. does Ingraham hold the same opinion of Alito, Scalia and all the other justices - since there are "immigrant" families in their backgrounds too?

  10. Dear Laura,

    Great and wise pundit that you are, would you clarify a vexing question that has troubled me for a long time:

    Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not to Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?

  11. Canadians are not so hot on the slave market...mostly because they have trouble speaking Americanese and are usually only good at comedy shows and singing.

    if they can be taught to pick cotton or play 'real' football....they it may be different.

  12. Did you guys hear the crack smoking mayor of Toronto named today Bob Marley day? Down with that for sure.

  13. "...and are usually only good at comedy shows and singing."

    What? Not hockey?

  14. For those of you who don't know too much about HOCK-ee.

  15. Harumph! I will have you know....I played hockey in HS.

    I served my detention and that was the end of it!

    The racist implications of needing a 'wall' to keep Mexicans out, as proposed by an astute member of my bar association, and not one on the Canadian border was truly astounding. I believe he said something of the nature that Canadians were almost Americans...'why they play in the same Hockey league!'

    See, Mexico needs some hockey teams...then they would not need to come to America for jobs. He said he was not racist, he enjoys NASCAR.

  16. Dear Dr. Laura,

    Sorry to bother you again. Just two more questions, please, please!

    Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev 19:27. How should they die?

    I know from Lev 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

    Many thanks.

  17. Dr. Laura told me she consulted the Rannygazoo and it told her that the guy who wrote Lev. 25:44 and Lev 19:27 was just kidding.

  18. I spoke with Zuess and he told me he and all the Gods of ancient Greece are quite peeved because of all the modern absurdities. Particularly so with regards to religion and politics.

    Unless we change our ways the Gods will rain fire down upon us from My. Olympus.

  19. Now, indeed, the essence of pure nightmare was upon me. Sanity departed - and ignoring everything except the animal impulse of light, I merely struggled and plunged upward over incline's debris as if no gulf had existed. Then I saw the chasm's edge, leaped frenziedly with every ounce of strength I possessed, and was instantly engulfed in a pandaemoniac vortex of loathsome sound and utter, materially tangible blackness.

    Phnglui mglw nafh Cthulu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

    Finally, I changed the channel and swore I would never watch Laura Ingraham again!


  20. Holy Christ.....FOX has hired James Carville and Maria Bartiromo....

    Fear not....MSNBC still has Howard Fineman,Eugene Robinson and David Corn....whew!
