Sunday, February 2, 2014

John Elway, Jackass Hall of Famer

John Elway to Fox News: I’m Republican because ‘I don’t believe in safety nets’

Of course you don't Mr. Republican Famous Football Person!

And since you proudly state that you're a Republican, we already KNOW you don't believe in safety nets, Mr. Braggy Tight Pants.

Believing in safety nets means you'd believe in providing help to the elderly, the disabled, our veterans, and families with hungry children.

And if you believed in THAT, that would make you very NOT Republican!

So why are you, Millionaire Richy Rich Person, bragging about the fact that you don't give a rodent's behind about the elderly, the disabled, our veterans and hungry children?  

Is that something that will get you into the Jackass Hall of Fame?


  1. I took Eucharist here today

    I was walking by and i was struck that they were passing out just what the homeless needed -- cake.

    Everyone was just sitting around enjoying a piece of cake. Seemed so natural.

    This ministry apparently believes in safety nets but they would have given John Elway a piece of cake.

  2. It's Elway's total inability to be self-aware while saying such a stupid thing.

    And yes, those good folks in that ministry would have given him a piece of cake, but what he really needs is a humanity transplant.

  3. I wonder if Mr. Elway believes in safety nets for the NFL:

    "The league, which pays no federal taxes because of its tax-exempt status, receives 100 percent of the revenues from the sale of all Super Bowl tickets and parking, and has long gotten a pass on state and city sales taxes when it comes to the championship game.'

    "One of the standard conditions that the NFL asks of all host communities for Super Bowls is to provide sales tax relief on the sale of tickets to the game and certain associated events as well as parking at those events," said Christopher Santarelli, a spokesman for the state Treasury Department. "New Jersey agreed to provide this tax relief to the NFL."

  4. I never liked Elway before not liking Elway was cool.

  5. After watching the Super Bowl game last night:

    I know 11 football jokes and none of them scored. Same goes for right wingers.

  6. An old saying: Imitation is the greatest form of flattery.

    The link shows a blog that has some wanker so crazed over your writings and opinions that he took some of his precious and limited time on earch to make a parody of your blog!

    That sort of effort happens when someone (you) enrage them so completely that they're reduced to shameful feelings of impotence.

    The parody blog is their only way of dealing with that uncomfortable "angst."

    Well done.

    Check your email.

  7. .

    "John Elway to Fox News: I’m Republican because ‘I don’t believe in safety nets’"

    The irony is just too great.

    Where would the RepublicanT Party be without government safety nets? Government corporate welfare _IS_ the back bone of today's modern Republicanism!

    The high flying trapeze artist can be as good as the artist's skills, talents, and capabilities takes her/him. Having a safety net does not in anyway affect the high-flying trapeze artist.

    Ema Nymton

  8. "Yes, mused Gerald, fine-tuning the layout of his seafood buffet, the Coquilles Saint-Jacques would look best among the plates of rock cod and (he had to admit it) the rather overcooked flatfish; yes, right there, he thought, that’s where the scallops should go: between a rock and a hard plaice."

  9. The most ironic part of Elway's unthinking remark is the fact that the NFL is a TAX-FREE entity! And when stadia are built in cities across America, the tax-payers, football fans or not, end up footing the bill.

    They have a damn good scam going to keep them in princely luxury when their biggest stars retire--the ones whose brains haven't been irreparably and permanently concussed, that is.

  10. P.D., food pun quite apt. Food fight going on over there? LOL!

  11. Anon, I've been aware for quite some time of their "angst."

    They can't seem to quit me. LOL!

  12. RN, good one! Very good.

    (O)CT(O), :)

    I was glad to have had Downton Abby to watch last night.

  13. They must set up these fake blogs and then loose track of them:

    Progressive Disruptions

    And this.

    They're not at all clever. But they are endlessly amusing.

  14. Here's what I respect from Elway now that I'm a republican. His financial success had nothing to do with his ability to throw a football. It was because of collective bargaining.

    Elway made more money for playing one quarter of a football game than Joe DiMaggio made a year. Joe didn't have the luxury of free agency and an agreement that spelled out his rights to sell his services to whomever he wanted.

    Being a republican now I have great appreciation for the hypocrisy. It's okay when we do it.

  15. "Being a republican now I have great appreciation for the hypocrisy. It's okay when we do it."

    You got that right, Mr. Truth.

    Now let's sit back and listen to Paul Ryan talk about Mr. Obama's executive orders and

  16. For christsake! The NFL is the ultimate example of "corporate socialism".

    Multi millionaires who've been profit sharing for more than 50 years, small market, large market, Green Bay is the equal of New York.

    Elway was a great QB, but he's even a greater hypocrite. No more wasting time on this guy....time to share an Eric LeGrand post.

  17. Hell yeah we need to impeach the socialist dog. We also need to wean the teatsuckers off the government dole so we have more to give oil companies.

    Like I said, it's okay when we do it.

  18. RN... I haven't liked Elway since the Broncos beat the Packers in 98. He talked like a chump then and still does.

    Contrast him to the articulate and sportsman like comments of Russel Wilson and the losing quarterback, Peyton Manning....once a chump, always a chump.

    Shaw...You watched Downtown Abby??? Did she win? Did she cover the point spread? Was it on ESPN 5? I missed that game.

  19. Let's say you're Bill O'Reilly, or let's say you're an effing idiot. But I repeat myself.

  20. okjimm, I was the only female in the house watching the game with an ex-hockey player and a Canadian. They both begged me to switch to Downton Abbey so they could see some real drama!


    I have to admit I was not broken hearted over the Superb Owl outcome.

  21. "Multi millionaires who've been profit sharing for more than 50 years, small market, large market, Green Bay is the equal of New York."

    But isn't that the perfect income redistribution. Guess the NFL are democrats after all.

  22. But...but SKUD! The NFL doesn't pay taxes!


  23. The NFL is league with a sweet deal. Personally I don't have a problem with leagues or associations not paying taxes as they do not provide a product, they merely coordinate etc. Owners, ie the organizations now that.s a different story.

  24. Oh my goodness! The villagers are all worried about the death of

    Miss Freda's Peach!

  25. " they do not provide a product..."


    1. Marketing the product provided by the participating individual teams, athletes etc. All of which are subject to taxation.

      Taxing the organizing body falls into taxing everyting that moves or speaks. Talk to me when thr Church and governnnment itself is taxed.

  26. I think that this blog post doesn’t fully account for the effect of the “authority” value on the argument. While liberals place authority in the individual, in democratic/collective working out of decisions based on the individual wisdom of every person, conservatives, for all their talk about freedom and individual rights!,

    I further despise the polarizing nature of this blog insinuating that there is something bad or reprehensible about the way Liberals or Decorates if you will feel about the Free Speech, or the Construction of the United States of America. Do you really feel that you Republican are the only ones who value Free Speech and that Liberals or Democrats are out to destroy our Construction or the 1st amendment the exercise of the freedom of communicating information and Free Speech!

    I find that You and everyone who thinks like you are block-headed dopes, and the fact that you have this blog is very dangerous. .
    Time to flush that Crap!.

  27. Anonymous Anonymous,

    You may fool folks at the con blogs, but you don't fool me.

    You're no "liberal" blogger posting here or anywhere else.

    This is you:

    And you're just some unimaginative idiot troll pretending to be what you are not.

  28. Is that "Imbrenalexa nervosa" or am I missing something?

  29. Freedom fighters fight for freedom, terrorists commit acts of terror. Without a doubt, no question about it.

    Women, old or young, it don’t make a bit of difference. No matter if they agree or disagree with the cause

  30. "But...but SKUD! The NFL doesn't pay taxes"

    That is part of our insane tax code. Religions don't pay taxes!

  31. Honest Opinion, Anon Anon, or whatever you call yourself:

    Your comment is an affront… AN AFFRONT, I tell you! … to the Royal Order of Striped Bass. Further offenses will be referred to the High Counsel of Barracuda and taken under advisement. Meanwhile, consider yourself unicorned until further notice.

  32. (O)CT(O)PUS,

    This is from Anon, Anon's comment:

    "...there is something bad or reprehensible about the way Liberals or Decorates if you will feel about the Free Speech, or the Construction of the United States of America."

    "Anonymous Anonymous" does have a poinsettia. What could be more prehensile than "Decorates Construction?"

    Acquiring minds want to know.

  33. I'm a Broncos fan living in Colorado and have know several people who have actually met John Elway. Every one of them agree with your assessment of his personality.

  34. Wow! From the "Bronco's" mouth!

    Thanks for that input.

  35. Nobody gnu! Who would have thought it possumable?

  36. Alan West said "We have room for but one flag, the American flag..."


    He needs to come to Boston on March 17 and get in every Irish man, woman, and child's face over this. I can't count how many green, white, and orange flags I have personally witnessed flying in the late winter breeze not only here in the EYE-talian North End, but in that hot bed of "UN-Americans," SOUTHIE!!!11!

    And what about Noo Yawk? Chicago?

    Oh, wait. I never, never, never, never, never hear any two-bit loud-mouthed pol complain about that.

    Nor do I ever, ever, ever hear any two-bit, dumbass pol call the EYE-talians "UN-Americans" as they fly the Italian flag high when they win a World Cup, or on Cristoforo Columbo's Day!

    But I do hear that whiney-assed complaint when the "Messicans" fly their beautiful red, white, and green on their cultural holidays.

    I wonder why that is?


    Are the "Messicans" more UN-American than the Irish and Italians?

    BTW, I'm Irish by marriage, Italian by heritage, and American by birth.

    So I'm red, white, blue, green, and orange!

    It's a Rainbow Sparkle Pony life for me!!!!!!!!

  37. Damn all those Un-American Irish, Italian, Sweedish, German, Scottish, French, Portuguese, Iranian, Spanish, Lebanese, Syrian, Japanese, Chinese, Ukrainian, Czechoslovakian, Greek, Turkish, Danish, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Columbian, Brazilian, Vietnamese, Cambodian... My apologies for those immigrants to these Great United States of America that I neglected to mention, however my typing finger just got tired.
