Thursday, February 13, 2014

Teddy Desperado


Senator Ted Cruz (R-CrazyTown) wants everyone to know that he's against teh gaii marriage, and he will affirm this by introducing a bill that will allow individual states to prohibit teh gaiis from entering into a mutually agreed upon relationship that has nothing to do with heteros or the state or him.

What Teddy Desperado doesn't get is the fact that when people want to marry the persons they love, it doesn't diminish any other couple's marriage.  Marriage equality does not stop any hetero couple from marrying.  But Teddy Desperado's proposed legislation will allow states to interfere with those marriages he and his TeaPublican Christianists hate.  IOW, he's for a statist interference with individual rights.

This will go nowhere.  Enlightened people understand that Teddy Desperado is engaging in interference with individual choices that have no impact on other peoples' marriages in order to make his bones with the Tea Party.

"Never let a opportunity to grab headlines and ingratiate oneself with the Holy Fearers when the opportunity arises."  Teddy Desperado's motto.

Ted Cruz Introduces Anti-Gay Marriage Bill

Teddy Desperado and his intellectual equal.


 McCain Hints That Ted Cruz Is Ruining The GOP


  1. Intellectual equal? Is he that smart? LOL!

  2. As best I can tell from the linked article, this would prevent the Feds from treating gay couples as married from the viewpoint of joint tax returns and Social Security and suchlike (if they live in states without gay marriage). That is, the things that it would prevent aren't really interferences in the states in any substantial way. It's pure mean-spiritedness.

    These days, when the right starts yammering about defending religious freedom, they're always talking about the religious freedom to exclude people and to deny people things. And they wonder why the young, even young evangelicals, feel turned off!

  3. "Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) is the bill's only co-sponsor so far."

    Not even Coburn or Inhofe? Rubio?
    What's a Bagger to do without Benghazi.

    I suppose here's Bachmann and Gohmert in the House.

    This looks like a winner.

  4. Maybe the democratic senators can read from "The Cat in the Hat," or "Hop on Pop" during the filibuster.

    These dumb republicans. They have no understanding that time is the most precious thing that we have.

  5. well...that is certainly a bill that would balance the budget, created jobs, provide health care, stop pollution,reverse climate change and get the olympics out of Soshi. is Dill Pickle Appreciation Day. kinda and alternative to giving chocolate to the ones you love. A day to relish. just sayin

  6. My day wouldn't be complete without a comment from you okjimm!

    F.J., there's a lot these TPublicans don't get, and that's why we're in such trouble.

    Ducky, Cruz is working hard to be the Sarah Palin of the Senate.

    Infidel753, I think the Goopers hope to defeat any marriage equality initiative through death by a thousand cuts.

    George C., for a guy who has an Ivy League education, Cruz spends an awful lot of time pandering to the stupids.

  7. Ah, but who else to pander to?

    Panderong, a universal as well as national pastime.

  8. What you don't understand is that us conservatives know that Ted Cruz is brilliant and that we will support him when he runs for president and wins. Make fun of him all you like, but he will laugh at YOU when he's president in 2016!

  9. //but he will laugh at YOU when he's president in 2016!//

    ...that's funny...a ethnic Cuban, born in Canada...the only presidency he is likely to be elected to is the Toronto Crack Smoking Club.

    say...have another hit on that pipe before your next comment.
