Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Thank you, Mrs. Obama...

for your efforts in bringing attention to childhood obesity. You chose an excellent subject, as the FLOTUS, to focus on:  the health of America's children.

The ignorant hatemongers among our fellow citizens never let up in criticizing you for suggesting that our children should go outside and move; for suggesting they drink water rather than sugary sodas; for suggesting they eat healthy snacks like fruit, rather than fat and sugar laden processed foods.  All of your efforts are appreciated by Americans who understand the consequences of ignoring childhood obesity.

According to the New York Times, your campaign to call attention to and encourage America's young people to form healthy habits may very well be having a good affect on America's kids, and for that, all of us who care about our future generations, thank you.

NY Times on a 43% drop in obesity levels in the youngest children: 

Experts point to several possible explanations for the fall, but say a full understanding remains elusive. Children now consume fewer calories from sugary beverages than they did in 1999. 

More women are breast-feeding, which can lead to a healthier range of weight gain for young children. 

Federal researchers have also chronicled a drop in overall calories for children in the past decade, down by 7 percent for boys and 4 percent for girls, but health experts said those declines were too small to make much difference. 

Another explanation is that some combination of state, local and federal policies aimed at reducing obesity is starting to have an effect. 

Michelle Obama has led a push to change young children’s eating and exercise habits and 10,000 child care centers across the country have signed on. Many scientists doubt that anti-obesity programs actually work, but proponents of the programs say a broad set of policies applied systematically over a period of time can affect behavior.



  1. I noticed that article also.

    It's tremendously difficult to change entrenched diet preferences but this one might be generating results.

    The data hasn't been given much publicity, however. The media could help give this some momentum.

  2. People need to understand the benefits of healthy eating in the first place. In the second place they must recognize a personal need that will provide the motivation for a change in habit. Third they must see in a relative short amount of time results from their change in eating habit. Finally, AND THIS IS very IMPORTANT, they need to have a support system and people that will encourage them and recognize their small accomplishments as they move into a healthier and more active lifestyle.

    Personal trainers provide a great service in this regard.

    That's pretty basic but it is all I have time for.

  3. PS: Kudos from this corner of conservative libertarian thought goes to the First Lady.

    Good job Michelle! Keep pressing on with this initiative.

  4. Growing up, I was always underweight, even though I ate everything put in front of me. The thing that was different was the fact that we never had junk food in the house, and we were allowed soda (or "tonic" as we Bostonians call it) only on special occasions, which were usually celebrated at Nonna's house. The Mediterranean diet of fresh vegetables, fruits and small amounts of red meats, and of course wine with the main meal of the day is what I thrived on. Yes, my father allowed us wine, diluted with lots of water, even when we were 10 years old. No alcoholics in our family, because wine was alway part of a meal, and not a recreational drink.

    Anyway, I can't imagine why the Baggers went all Nugent over Mrs. Obama's efforts at helping American children make better choices for improving their health.

    Do you think it had anything to do with...oh never mind.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. As much as I would prefer to answer no to your "oh never mind" question Shaw, being an honest person I must say there is an ample number of people in that neck of the woods that cause me to say yes.

  7. ya know... I keep emailing her in the White House asking her for a date....and she keeps replying that 'nah, I'll stick with Barry'

    ...maybe if I gave up french fries and Big Macs....

  8. The Rightwing media isn't happy Michelle Obama is getting any credit for the drop in childhood obesity rates. The National Review says "Let's Move? Fat Chance" and "Childhood obesity has declined, but that's no thanks to the first lady's initiative". The Daily Caller declares "Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign fails miserably". Alex Jones' Infowars (citing The Daily Caller) changes "fails miserably" to "epic failure".

    Also, I thought RN might be talking about friends and family members when he brought up the need for a support system and encouragement. Silly me. He was talking about himself and doing those things for money. I should have know better, as money is THE MOST important thing when it comes to "greed is virtuous" Rand devotees.
