Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Gov. Bobby Jindal's Louisiana

Imagine what these people would do if they controlled all the states and Washington D.C.  These are the same people who blubber about being descriminated against and ridiculed because of their "faith."

The parents of a Buddhist student in Louisiana ridiculed by a creationist teacher won their lawsuit against the school district, the American Civil Liberties Union revealed Friday. 

 The student, known as C.C., was asked by sixth-grade teacher Rita Roark to answer the following question on a test: 

“ISN’T IT AMAZING WHAT THE _____________ HAS MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” 

When C.C. failed to respond “Lord,” Roark responded “you’re stupid if you don’t believe in God.” 

She also frequently denigrated his Buddhist faith, as well as the Hindu faith, referring to both as “stupid.” 

 When his parents complained to Sabine Parish Superintendent Sara Ebarb, they were told that “this is the Bible belt,” so they should expect to find the Christian God in the classroom. 

Ebarb advised them that if they wanted an ungodly classroom, they should transfer C.C. to a school where “there are more Asians.” 

Judge Elizabeth Foote of the U.S. District Court, Western District of Louisiana sided with C.C. and his parents, citing that Roark’s behavior — and the school’s decision to defend it — clearly violated “the Free Exercise and Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.”

Good for Judge Foote, and a win for the Constitution.

There is a streak of meanness and a wish to inflict humiliation that runs through this sort of religious fanaticism.  Where it is in the majority in the Bible Belt (or anywhere else in the world), this is the sort of unchecked descrimination it practices.

I have a personal experience on this sort of behavior.  My grandson was humiliated in a public school for not raising his hand when the public school teacher asked her class how many of them read the Bible every day.  My grandson was being raised in a family that did not practice any religion.  I suppose he could have lied and raised his hands so as not to look like the odd-child-out, but he didn't, he was honest.  As a result, the teacher ridiculed him.  His classmates, (after finding out something they didn't know until the teacher made them reveal it), harassed and bullied him for not reading the Bible.  This happened in Orange County, California. 



  1. Both Hinduism and Buddhism are interesting, indeed fascinating in a truly spiritual sense.

    People fear that which they do not understand. And, they use ridicule to hide their fear of that which they make no attempt at understanding.

  2. Almost forgot. Good judicial decision and good post.

  3. So what has this to do with Jindal?
    Is it some off the wall kook did something or is it something Jindal said or did?

    Is this just a case of the tolerant left being intolerant or is it just if you don't agree with me you are wrong?

  4. Jindal signed a bill that equates creationism with evolution:

    "The Louisiana Science Education Act, Act 473 (SB733) of 2008 is a controversial law passed by the Louisiana Legislature on June 11, 2008 and signed into law by Governor Bobby Jindal on June 25. The act allows public school teachers to use supplemental materials in the science classroom which are critical of established science on such topics as the theory of evolution and global warming."

    Louisiana was the first state to have passed a law of this type.

    More here on Jindal's efforts to keep Louisiana in the Dark Ages and the laughing stock of the world.

    Creationism is a myth and has no basis in science Any governor who would sign into law something as idiotic as what Jindal did is forcing a particular religious belief on ALL his citizens.

    That is wholly unAmerican an unConstitutional

    That's what this has to do with Jindal. He unleased and codified the ignorance that made the teacher in this post feel comfortable in calling a student's religion "stupid."

    That's what happens when governors favor one religion over another.

    Jindal should spend time trying to figure out how to improve his state that is chronically poor and at the bottom of the barrel in education and quality of life, and at the top of the list in poverty.

    You apparently had no idea that this was a law in Lousiana? But that didn't stop you from being wrong in your usual presumptions.

  5. Jindal is the conservative governor of a relatively conservative state. The judge in this relatvely conservative state ruled in favor of reason AND the Constitution.

    The intolerance rest not with the person in the minority but rather with the Christian majority in "the bible belt."

    Hope that clears it up for ya Skud. It really is not all that complicated. Unless ones goal is to make it so.

  6. Global warming is a myth as well but that doesn't stop the propaganda machine from running overtime.

    It does seem that you believe only ideas supported by the certain groups should be taught so you can form opinions rather than encourage thought.

  7. "...[T]he new Fox Cosmos series was controversial (with its relatively minor mentions of climate change, evolution, and the Big Bang), Sunday night's show threw down the gauntlet. Pretty much the entire episode was devoted to the topic of evolution, and the vast profusion of evidence (especially genetic evidence) showing that it is indeed the explanation behind all life on Earth. At one point, host Neil deGrasse Tyson stated it as plainly as you possibly can: 'The theory of evolution, like the theory of gravity, is a scientific fact.' "

    Governors like Jindal who try to pass off creationism as science deserve to be ridiculed. They are participating in an effort to keep their citizens stupid.

    Stupid is as stupid does.


  8. So skud, if 97% of biologists said that ingesting acertain plant would cause instant death and only 3% said it wouldn't, would you eat it anyway?

    Apparently you would, thereby posthumously winning a Darwin Award.

    Global Warming is confirmed by 97% of climate scientists.

    It is denied by the same folks who believe creationism is a science and that Sarah Palin is an intellectual.

  9. How the hell is our next generation supposed to compete with their peers in other countries when they have this kind of anti-science dreck foisted on them at the behest of state governments? Do you think German or Japanese schools are hobbled by this kind of nonsense? Even Iran teaches evolution in its schools. Republican administrations have made some US states more backward than Iran.

  10. Sarah Palin is really irrelevant to this post and discussion. Perhaps in general.

    In theory global warming is, well. still a theory. Since it is based on data over a relatively short period of time and computer models it is not provable.

    So, the choice is to decide to do nothing and allow nature to just run its course or, place your bets that scientific theory will again be right and adjust accordingly.

    The choice is ours. Each one of us. Individually and as a society of individuals.

    Hopefully the human race makes the right choice.

  11. Replies
    1. As I said, based on available data and computer models. How many years ago was it global cooling? 40 or so?

      Hey, I'm keeping an active mind here, a questioning mind. I have no agenda. I say err on the side of science. AND... keep recording data, plugging it in, and

  12. Just imagine the whining if a teacher called believing in Christianity "stupid."

    It's so easy to be a bully wehn you're a majority.

  13. Indeed it is easy to be a bully when ones party holds a clear majority. Which is the strongest argument FOR divided government.

  14. Perhaps some slow progress has been made: they no longer burn
    people at the stake-they just pick on their children.


  15. Many of these people are NOT hypocrites. They honestly believe in Dominionism -- and that, of course, is the saddest and most frightening thing about them.

    More to be pitied than despised is my verdict on crazy religious sects -- except for the evil geniuses behind them.

  16. RN: "People fear that which they do not understand..."

    True, but I also think there's an element of bullying, as I said, that comes with any group that is in the majority for a long period of time. The ascendant group tells itself that it has the "truth," and that "truth" must be accepted by everyone.

    CD, I read about that. And the extremists on the religious right are ripping angry about what Cosmos is presenting.

    Infidel753, the people who wish to impose their dogma on everyone are the same people who whine about being persecuted. And then blame everything on the fact that Christian prayers are not allowed in public schools.

    BB-Idaho, these are the same folks who worry about Sharia Law taking over the U.S., but see nothing wrong with forcing Christian dogma on the U.S.

    Harvey K., interesting link.

  17. The "test" question was really in all caps and had all those exclamation points attached? If so, I think it highly probable that teacher is an idiot. In any case, she's clearly intolerant.

    Perhaps that bill signed into law by Jindal is "controversial" due to it's stupidity? Religion has no place in the classroom, IMO. Keep it in the home and in the church. Why is that not enough for these people?

    Personally I'm sick of this Conservative BS that Normals not putting up with their bigotry is somehow "intolerance".

    Also, in regards to global cooling... The past existence of the theory does not disprove global warming. Wikipedia says... [The] Global cooling... hypothesis had little support in the scientific community, but gained temporary popular attention due to a combination of a slight downward trend of temperatures from the 1940s to the early 1970s and press reports that did not accurately reflect the scientific understanding of ice age cycles. ...the current scientific opinion on climate change is that the Earth has not durably cooled, but undergone global warming throughout the 20th century.

    See my post on the topic here for more information.

    As for making the right choice... we won't. "Active" and "questioning" minds will prevent us from taking the problem seriously and nothing of much consequence will ever be accomplished. Future generations will suffer the consequences, but the "active" and "questioning" minds that prevented action will be dead.
