Wednesday, March 12, 2014


A recent CNN poll finds that 39 percent of Americans favor Obamacare, while 57 percent oppose it.

That’s awful, right?


" turns out:

39 percent oppose the law because it’s “too liberal,” while

39 percent FAVOR Obamacare  AND

12 percent say it “isn’t liberal enough.”


51 percent favor the law or don’t think it goes far enough.

"And if you peek into the internals, it turns out that Republicans and conservatives are the only groups who oppose Obamacare as too liberal."  h/t daily kos

Marketplace Open Enrollment Process by the Numbers

The Obamacare Recovery Continues: Now Up To 4.2 Million Sign-Ups

"...more concrete figures about how many Americans are benefitting under Obamacare are continuing to emerge. 

Gallup estimated Monday that the number of uninsured had dropped by three to four million people since the law's coverage took effect in January. 

So Republicans are confronting a new political reality: Any more votes for wholesale repeal can be equated with stripping health coverage from millions of people." --TPM

"It's remarkable how low America places in health care efficiency: among the 48 countries included in the Bloomberg study, the U.S. ranks 46th, outpacing just Serbia and Brazil. 

Once that sinks in, try this one on for size: the U.S. ranks worse than China, Algeria, and Iran. But the sheer numbers are really what's humbling about this list: the U.S. ranks second in health care cost per capita ($8,608), only to be outspent by Switzerland ($9,121) -- which, for the record, boasts a top-10 health care system in terms of efficiency. 

Furthermore, the U.S. is tops in terms of health care cost relative to GDP, with 17.2 percent of the country's wealth spent on medical care for every American. 

In other words, the world's richest country spends more of its money on health care while getting less than almost every other nation in return."

The Republicans in the House recently voted for the 50th time to repeal the A.C.A. They apparently are proud of the U.S.A.'s shameful place in the community of advanced nations in how it delivers health care coverage efficiency for its sick citizens:  BOTTOM OF THE LIST!  And want to keep it that way.

Congratulations, GOP, in your efforts to keep the U.S.A.'s health care delivery system on par with a Third World, or worse, country.

Meanwhile, the woman who claimed her health insurance costs went UP under the A.C.A., Julia Boonstra, was WRONG.  

Here's the latest on that shameful propaganda stunt.


  1. I wonder what will happen when most people see that they have the same insurance after ObamaCare than before. Will they blame it for what we have? Or will we ignore the Right for making a mountain out of a molehill?

  2. This is wonderful news, the wealthiest country in the world (for now anyway) ranks poorly in health delivery systems efficiency and has the highest cost. Hm?

    Being the fiscal conservative, concerned with economic realities and a vague feeling somehow nations need to pay their way (unless of course they have a benefactor, USA).

    As ObamaCare kicks in in full force, and liberals work to liberalize it further it will be interesting to see if our standard of living finds its way to that of Iran and the other third world countries mentioned.

    Should this happen? The law of unintended consequences will no doubt be cited by fiscal consevatives.

    I hope the powers that be are smart enough to figure it out. IMNHO some deep thought analyzing national priorities MUST occur, soon. Of course this requires open and honest thoughtful debate leading to greater insight and productive political compromise. Good luck with that.

  3. PS: The Tea Party Republicans and the furthest left Progressives are the biggest obstacles. They need to be neutralized if we are to remain the great republic our founders envisioned.

  4. RN,
    I can think of lots of obstacles that the tea party republicans have thrown up, but what are the "furthest left Progressive" obstacles?

    1. Extremes in ideological thought from any side is dangerous Jerry. As a fiscal consevative and social libertarian I am more concerned with criticizing "my own" than criticizing "yours."

      One should clean up their own backyard before concerning themselves with their neighbors.

      I leave it to you Jerry to question your ideologies extreme.

  5. In order for us to have equal healthcare for all we need to nationalize it so it can be rationed like it is in Canada. The oldest get the least because why do you need to live longer.

    In England you have an option to pay for private care in Canada you can't.

    Statics are what you make them. Even yours show only 39% favor obamacare. Why do you think the gooberment will not say how many have paid and how many get gooberment subsidies?

    Face it we have the best government big money can buy and that applies to both sides.

  6. Always On Watch · May 10, 2013 - 04:31 ·
    Apparently the director of DHS desires more dead and injured Americans or the complete Islamification of our republic. Of course, Dike Napolitano would be one of the first to be stoned under shari’a law.

  7. Was the post about lesbians and Islam? Is there anything constructive to be gained by your comment?

    Oh the similarities...

  8. Skud... while the ACA is not perfect, in fact far from it, at least the Dems made a serious attempt and even passed a bill that cemented a few things for many people here in the US...

    1. No company can refuse you coverage because of a preexisting condition.

    2. Kids can stay on their parents policy until 26 if they remain in school. Since parents are required to foot the bill and be part of the education process, this makes sense.

    3. We have a stated goal of covering everyone, because it is better for everyone.

    Now, we can argue and fight all day long on the hows, but let's be honest, there was no GOP plan that offered any real attempts to achieve these goals.

    Are any of these bad goals?

    I've met and talked with quite a few folks from Canada and Europe and they understand that they pay lots of taxes so they can have adequate health care, retirement, vacations, etc.

    Is that a bad thing?

  9. So, RN, I guess I can assume that your attempt at equating "Tea Party Republicans and the furthest left Progressives...[as] the biggest obstacles" is false, since you refuse to give me examples.

    Maybe you have been listening to the MSM too much. They are very good at false equivalencies.

    1. Jerry, I did not "equate", you made the assumption I did.

      I leave it to you to decide, for yourself what the ratio may be. I have done so over many years.

      As for listening to the MSM too much. A convenient deflection.

      What I said I stand by. Those who are strictly partisan will find the statement false. Regardless of ideology. They must.

      Think about it.

  10. There is something to be said for aspiring to self sufficiency. For accepting personal responsibility for ones life. For feeling pride in providing for ones family. For looking inside oneself rather than looking for excuses and passing responsibly or blame to others.

    America is losing it's its grit and internal fortitude. Our destination... Third world status.

  11. Powerful groups, have gone to
    considerable expense to maintain a constant
    attack on the ACA. These same groups are anti-labor, anti-education, successful propagandists and a sad reflection on how a democracy
    can fall victim to the power of

  12. RN,

    Silly me. How could I ever take your statement

    "PS: The Tea Party Republicans and the furthest left Progressives are the biggest obstacles. "

    And think you were equating tea party republicans and the furthest left Progressives?

  13. Together they are, but as in most cases political it is rarely an exact 50/50 split.

    However, depending on ones ideology the % of responsibility placed on each will vary.

    In the case of extreme partisans the % will likely be 100% the other ideology.

    Therein is the problem IMNHO, and the point many choose not to recognize.

    Carry on... I intend to.

  14. /There is something to be said for aspiring to self sufficiency. For accepting personal responsibility for ones life. For feeling pride in providing for ones family. For looking inside oneself rather than looking for excuses and passing responsibly or blame to others./

    .....and there is something to be said when calamity falls on an individual...through no fault of their own....try going blind.

    it's a gas.

    1. That is NOT the issue(s) I am talking about okjimm an I think you know that.

      Helen Keller was a remarkable individual. A true testament to courage and the human spirit.

  15. David,

    The pre existing conditions and not being able to cancel is a good thing.

    I did not realize parents are responsible for their child education until the age of 26. That must be a State issue.

    If we are covering everyone and there were 30 million not covered, why have only 4 million signed up and 25% of those have yet to pay to the covered number is more like 3 million?

    You do realize that only 27% of applicants did not have insurance before.

    The Canadian system is great if you are young and healthy and the English healthcare is great if you are rich.

  16. Skud said...
    //The Canadian system is great//
    ...yes, it is. My sister-in-law prefers it (she is a Canadian) to the 'company insurance' she could get through my brother's American company. She is neither young or healthy.

    once talk from the side of your ass, with no attribution, facts, statistics,knowledge or any other form of inteligent acumen.

    see who easy that was? You say something and I can say you are wrong. quid pro quo.

  17. Skud... it's a federal issue through FAFSA...

    A parent is unable to decide that he, or she will not help pay for a kids college so that the kids can get federal aid.

    A parent can opt out, but then the kid gets no federal aid... no grants, no loans...

    Even if the kid lives alone, is 100% responsible for their own well being. it's an interesting situation.

    Now if you can see the beauty of those benefits, and even Joseph Curl of Drudge and the Wash Times agress they are good, why are our political conservatives unable to see and agree on these?

    Indeed, why are these positions mocked b some on the more conservative blogs we both frequent?

    It is that attitude that I believe is keeping the GOP from being able to recruit new people into the party.

    It is an attitude that there is absolutely nothing good from the Dems that has happened during the Obama Admin.

    When Bush was Pres, there were some key laws passed with many votes from the Dems.
