Sunday, March 9, 2014



  1. The name calling from the right reminds me of when I was a kid and how the neighborhood bullies resorted to slinging a load of name calling to other kids that they didn't like, so they labeled them as sissies and other names that I wouldn’t write in a public forum. TeaPublicans don't use fact, reason, documentation or proof to back up their claims about those with whom they disagree.

    And SistahSarah is the worst.

  2. LOL. Palin is a Barbie without brains.

  3. Cool picture. Applicable to a broad spectrum of POLS and Pundits.

    Popcorn, peanuts, and crackerjacks... nothing else need be said methinks.

  4. Truth is out! The cons love authoritarian strongmen. They just love those guys who'll be really, really STRONG with them. If ya know what I mean. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

  5. When a Democrat President is in office and he is a weak, cowardly wimp like Obamba is, then I think that it's justified if a Republican were to make the comparison And it's NOT( fawning over Putin), everyone despises the tyrant, it's simply drawing a contrast between their Captain marvel and our Peewee Herman.

  6. In regard to that Convoluted Troll who called themself Progressive Erections said..., and who is an Lurker from Geeeeez........... Isn’t it funny how they think these stupid mimicking of Progressive’s comments are funny!

    No it’s not funny, it’s childish and idiotic, I guess that they don't have anything else to do with their time except bash us and see who can come up with the more stupid comments?

    This is really depressing. We are supposed to be adult here. Don't they have something more constrictive to do with their time, like WONK?

    I’ve never met a Conservative/Tea Panty who defended their politics by bushing Bash, Never.

    I never met a Conservative/Tea Party who defended Bush with any sort of documentation, but only by saying “well, Granpa did it” or “Reagan did it” What is that? Why don’t they ever think more analytically?

    When someone has to make their point, by compression, it’s most likely because they don’t have a point to bang with.

  7. CPAC is an albatross on the GOP neck.

  8. "Palin also had advice for Republicans on women voters, with whom the party has performed poorly in recent years. After telling the men in the crowd to play games on their phones, she spoke directly to the "ladies" about why they shouldn't support Democrats.

    "Women, don't let them use you," she said. "Unless you choose to be their political pawn or just their piece of accessory on their arm."

    Said the half-wit, half-term governor who was chosen by John McCain for her ability to be eye candy for the 65+ old white-haired goats in the GOP.

    Hey Sarah, could you see the White House from there?

  9. BB... but they've been around for a long time. Is there an equal group on the Dems side that gets as much publicity?

    Or is the media conspiring to keep that type of sideshow secret?

  10. Speaking of CPAC, their top hree presidential picks were no surprise:

    1. Rand Paul

    2. Ted "Oh Canada!" Cruz

    3. Ben Carson

    ... that lineup has Hillary shaking.
