Friday, April 11, 2014

Rush haz a sad.

The Hindenberg of Gasbags, Rush Limbaugh, has taken to his fainting couch because Stephen Colbert will take over The Late Show when David Letterman retires:


"CBS has just declared war on the heartland of America," Limbaugh said on his radio show Thursday. "No longer is comedy going to be a covert assault on traditional American values [and] conservatives. Now, it's just wide out in the open. What this hire means is a redefinition of what is funny and a redefinition of what is comedy." 

 Colbert said in the announcement that he would retire his faux conservative character from "The Colbert Report" when he starts on CBS. 

However, Limbaugh argued CBS was "blowing up" the traditional, 11:30 p.m. late-night show with a brazenly political hire. It amounted, he said, to the media "planting a flag." "They've hired a partisan, so-called comedian, to run a comedy show," Limbaugh said. "So, that's what I think."


If Limbaugh is p.o'd about this, then it's a spectacularly good thing, and we're thrilled that his tightie whities are uncomfortably bunched up in  his prodigiously large pink posterior.

Rush is upset over Colbert's success? Well that's fabulous for comedy in America; because if there's one thing everyone knows about Limbaugh, it is that he sucks at being funny.  He's embarrassingly lame.   If you have the comedic sophistication of a 12-year old boy, you probably think he's hilarious. But his misogynistic and rascist rants all fall flat on their puerile faces for anyone over their pre-teen years.

Congratulations to Stephen Colbert, one of America's funniest and best.


  1. whoa...somebody told me that yesterday and I thought he was pulling my leg. Seriously, he pulled the chicken leg right out of my hand.

    This is great news....I thought for sure they would get somebody lame and uninteresting, like Sarah Palin....or Kim Carcrashion.

    Dave needed to retire...sheesh..he hasn't dropped a watermelon off the roof in ages.

  2. This is wonderful for Stephen Colbert and all of us. He must be overjoyed to retire the character he is playing. The reasonable conservative schtick sort of plays itself out. I would imagine he would be only to happy to leave politics behind and just go with the zany. Anyway, doesn't Rush know that just about everybody in entertainment is a liberal? It goes along with being smart and relevant.

    I don't think Rush has had a good show since Wednesday, November 5, 2008 when he last gave the republican party its marching orders.

  3. Course... Rush doesn't like Colbert....

    ...cause Rush doesn't like...much of anything.

    ....gees and Rush likes women...or well, who knows. He has been married four times...

    ....which means if he does not blieve in 'marriage equality'...he sure has a hankering for Divorce equality.....

    now, listen, I kind of like Rush...he performs a very useful role in society. See, it's like this...when everything is going well and the sun is shining and the flowers are blooming and there is free beer down at the local, why you just have to tune in Rush....and he can make you feel like shit in no time at all!!!! It is not good to feel good...damages Christian Values.

  4. Whenever Out-on-a-Limbaugh says something about declaring ‘war,’ he’s projecting his own private war on the dog whistle public. War against whom, you ask? War against anyone who doesn’t talk like him, look like him, think like him, and stink like him. If you’re not ‘his kind’ of people, you deserve neither job nor career. You are undeserving of free speech, full citizenship rights, or “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” If you are not of his ilk, Out-on-a-Limbaugh will regard you as sub-human – and therefore unfit for inclusion in the Book of Life.

    In short, Out-on-a-Limbaugh is the quintessential sandbox bully with a microphone prosthetic.

    Sources tell me that Limbaugh’s multiple bouts of hemorrhoid surgery have left him in mortal need of an anal transplant. Thus far, according to the National Organ Transplant Database, all available assholes have rejected him.

  5. Does anyone pay attention to that bag of water anymore? He appeals to crotchety conservative men over 70.

    I love to wake up in the morning and see Limpballs red in the face and blustering over who's got a new late night show.

    Shows how inconsequential he's become.

    1. Ah, but 15 to 20 year's ago El Rushbo was worth a listen. Today, zzzzzzzzz... Nuff said.

  6. I guess Rush was pulling for Hannity to get it?

  7. RN... that was a long time ago... now he's almost a parody of himself...

    Shaw, in a perfect example of what's wrong with the current GOP, religious conservatives have begun raising a stink about the convention being in Las Vegas.

    That was to be expected, but the real clue, into their cluelessness is this... Rev. James Dobson, late of Focus on the Family was complaining that Vegas still has 64 pages of escort services in the yellow pages.

    Who still uses the Yellow Pages other than to level an end table. Most people under 25 have never seen the yellow pages. More evidence of an old party hopelessly out of touch and not even aware of it.

    1. Well Dave, there are many I'm sure who stopped listening to El Rushbo quite some time ago. For those who remain one of the sheeple nothing will change their minds.

      Then there's just stuff...Some call it comic relief.

  8. Didn't Rush get fired from one t.v. gig and get cancelled from another?

    He could never be as funny, bright, and original as Colbert, and everyone, but his angry know-nothing fans know it.

    Not only a large a**hole, but a large loser as well.

  9. Re the Sebelius poster in your header:

    "The Affordable Care Act's enrollment comeback has confounded conservatives in many ways. The realization that there happens to be popular demand for something as self-evidently grotesque as Obamacare has given rise to a palpable cognitive dissonance on the right. A growing recognition among Republicans that they can't bank on organizing the midterm campaign around relentless Obamacare opposition has party elders looking at contingency plans (even if they haven't exactly gone back to the drawing board).

    But most importantly, it has thrown the conservative health policy community for a loop, and completely wrong-footed Republicans in Congress who were hoping -- against considerable odds and a well-worn historical pattern -- to craft an Obamacare alternative that both passes the laugh test and doesn't create a significantly lower level of welfare. If enrollment had sputtered, that task would have been considerably easier. The fact it surged in March, and continues to grow today, measurably limits their options." --Brian Beutler

    I guess the Goopers will have to run on BENGHAZI! BENGHAZI! BENGHAZI!

  10. This the way Rushbo works, Rushbo keeps many people between himself and his failing program.

    When someone pisses him off, he gets rid of them goes postal and bellows at his radio sheeple, which is good for many more months of his crapola, because his audience eats that crap up.

    Luckily his audience is shrinking, like Rush's brain.

  11. I do not dispute that this will be wonderful for Stephen Colbert, as I am sure this job includes a big raise and a bigger audience, but is it wonderful for his fans? Surely it means death for Stephen Colbert (the character) and a more boring Stephen Colbert on CBS, as he will have to appeal to a broader audience. He won't want to offend more Conservative viewers with any mocking of the Right. Not to the wonderful excess like he does on his hilarious Comedy Central program, that's for certain. Could the Colbert Report continue with a different host (given that Jon Stewart wasn't the original Daily Show host?). Very doubtful, I think. I wonder what Comedy Central will replace Colbert with? Are the odds against them striking gold twice? I mean, CC has quite a few bad programs (Workaholics? Tosh? Amy Schumer?). That "Review" program is KIND of funny (but ultimately stupid and I doubt it will last). Colbert leaving will probably cost Jon Stewart quite a bit of money.

  12. 15 or 20 years ago Rush was a bigoted loud mouth, as he still is today...he said on his radio hate show that the NFL all too often looks like a fight between the Bloods and the Crips only without the weapons.

    He also said to an African-American male caller "Take that bone out of your nose and call me back later."

    There are many more disgusting racist comment from this dirt bag. And this dirt bag was and is admired by conservatives.

    He says what a lot of right wingers love to hear. TeaPublicans own this bag of excement. He's all theirs.
