Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bergdhazi! Bergdhazi! Bergdhazi!


I hesitated to post anything about Sgt. Bergdahl's rescue because all the facts are not known.  That, however, doesn't stop the right from accusing the Obama administration of all sorts of traitorous motives and other foolish speculation.  This is how they operate:   "If President Obama did it, we're against it!  It's wrong and facts be damned!

Oh, and SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!  Except when the Kenyan Commie Nazi Usurper America hater supports them!

Until more is known about the situation, I will believe what this man has to say, for now, and not the yahoos out there who think they know the facts:

General Martin E. Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, released this statement today: 

"In response to those of you interested in my personal judgments about the recovery of SGT Bowe Bergdahl, the questions about this particular soldier’s conduct are separate from our effort to recover ANY U.S. service member in enemy captivity.  This was likely the last, best opportunity to free him. 

As for the circumstances of his capture, when he is able to provide them, we’ll learn the facts. Like any American, he is innocent until proven guilty. Our Army’s leaders will not look away from misconduct if it occurred. 

In the meantime, we will continue to care for him and his family. Finally, I want to thank those who for almost five years worked to find him, prepared to rescue him, and ultimately put themselves at risk to recover him."

More here:

Conservative bloggers were for Bergdahl release until Obama did it

And this:

Republicans take a 'leave that man behind' view when it's Obama getting Bergdahl's release

"Regardless of circumstances ... we still get an American prisoner back," Obama said during a news conference in Warsaw, Poland. "Period, full stop -- we don't condition that."

Pentagon spokesman Adm. John F. Kirby: 

"When you're in the Navy, and you go overboard, it doesn't matter if you were pushed, fell or jumped," he said. "We're going to turn the ship around and pick you up." 

"This isn't an uncommon view among Republicans talking about the military, either—or at least, it isn't uncommon among them when there's a Republican president. In fact, some of the same people who were urging the White House to free Bergdahl 'using all means necessary' a few months before his release are now joining the outrage."

h/t Daily Kos

13 Things You Need to Know About Bowe Bergdahl


 (O)CT(O)PUS of The Swash Zone has more on this developing story: 

 CNN: Unfair, Unbalanced, and Worse than Fox

Republicans in Congress praised the POW swap, then got their talking points orders from Drudge, Limbaugh, and the rest of the attack dogs, and scrubbed their approvals. Hypocritical GOPers at their finest.


  1. Wingnut:

    "I would like to know what ever happened to 'we do not negotiate with terrorists. But now that we did and our President has set a precedent, ' "

    These people don't know or care to know about anything that happened more than two weeks ago :

    As Lt. Col. Robert Bateman explained, throughout its history the United States has engaged in prisoner swaps to gain the freedom of its servicemen captured in battle. And as it turns out, the one modern president who actually negotiated with terrorists is the same one conservatives revere most, Ronald Reagan.

    On December 4, 1983, President Reagan ordered carrier-based jets to strike targets in Lebanon after reconnaissance aircraft protecting U.S. peacekeeping forces there were fired on. The raid was a disaster. Syrian anti-aircraft batteries downed two jets, killing one pilot and capturing another. As Reagan wrote in his diary that night, "We're trying to get a confirmation & will open negotiations for their return."

    As it turned out, the surviving airman was returned to the United States, but only after the unsanctioned intervention of the Reverend Jesse Jackson. On January 4th, 1984, Reagan had to admit, "You can't quarrel with success. As the AP reported that day:

    "The United States, said Reagan, was ready to approach the problems of the Middle East "with a renewed spirit."

    Reagan also applauded Democratic rival Jesse Jackson for the personal unofficial mission which gained the release of Navy Lt. Robert O. Goodman, Jr ... To Jackson, the president said "it is a great day here in Washington. All Americans thank you.
    There have been a lot of prayers here in Washington. I have been praying for you. I couldn't be happier."

  2. If desertion is the charge then let him face a court martial. Getting him back was the right thing to do.

  3. Shaw, there is a lot in this that is difficult.

    The presence of GOP operatives, if that is what they are, in communicating a platoon's story, does not change the metrics of that story, if it is true.

    At least, it shouldn't.

    Here's what troubles me.

    Once again the Obama admin seems to have been caught flat-footed by the politics and optics of a situation.

    Did no one think Americans would have a problem releasing 5 people whom the pentagon calls high-value detainees and potential leaders of the Hate America crowd?

    Did no one investigate whether or not this soldier left his post and went AWOL, causing others to lose their lives searching for him?

    This is not to say that it was wrong to do the trade, or work to get the kid back. Only to say that it seems as if, once again, Pres Obama was unprepared for the politics of the moment, and of his office.

    This is a very tough issue, with a lot of angles. Who knows, perhaps this will lead to a lasting peace in Afghanistan.

    I certainly hope so.

  4. Did no one think Americans would have a problem releasing 5 people whom the pentagon calls high-value detainees and potential leaders of the Hate America crowd?
    I'm sure they did but I'll point out that in Afghanistan, Pakistan and North Africa the "Hate America" has a surfeit of leaders.

    These five were in Gitmo for twelve years WITHOUT charges. They could be in there because they were supporting the wrong warlord or got caught in the middle of a feud and given the state of the press it will be a while before it's dispassionately reported.

    The rhetoric around these five is badly exaggerated. Why not release them now as this fiasco is winding down and get something of value?
    We get the return of Bergdahl and establish negotiations with the Haqqani. Not nothing and I'd say worth it despite what "Knuckles" McCain thinks.

  5. 'Did no one think Americans would have a problem releasing 5 people whom the pentagon calls high-value detainees and potential leaders of the Hate America crowd?'

    well, those five guys are still not big fans of America, is what I am thinking.

  6. So now Diane Feinstein is a wingnut.
    Seems to be a turn of events when the queen of liberals comes out against des bummer. He tries to divert attentiom from the VA scandal only to create a bigger one.

    The scandal administration continues, what's next??

    Like joe b said, the presidency is not a position for OJT

  7. Skud, you do realize. That only extremist tea baggers and FAUX NOOZ think the Obama administration th "scandal administration," don't you? You are stuck in a rut with your constant bleating about SCANDALS! You and your pals have been trying since January 20, 2009, to stick that label on this administration. And it hasn't stuck. Ever.

    There's no scandal here. Again. Despite your efforts to make one. Come back in a few days and tell us all about it.

  8. Dave, I'm fairly sure the Obama administration knew exactly how this would play out and went forward anyway because it was the right thing to do. The default reaction by the GOP to ANYTHING this administration does is to bellow SCANDAL!!!! It's like crying wolf every week. It's really comical.

  9. Ducky, as I stated to Dave, no matter what this president does, the Gee-Oh-Pee-ers shout scandal!

  10. Okjimm, When Reagan traded arms for hostages remember how the Goopers yelled SCANDAL!!??? Neither do I.

  11. Obama should have traded all House Republicans to the Taliban. This would have solved a LOT of problems.

  12. About trading Tea Party Republicans to the Taliban in exchange, think of the benefits:

    No more hostage taking in Congress,
    No more legislative gridlock,
    No government shutdown,
    $$$ billions saved
    Peace and quiet throughout the realm.

    My only fear: Once the Taliban realize they got a bad deal, they'll offer a reverse ransom to send back the Tea Thuglicans.

  13. Perhaps (O)CT(O)PUS, but only temporarily.

  14. Right you are Ms. Shaw. It is not a scandal just a bump in the road for obama.

    One week he states terrorism is the biggest threat to the country followed by letting five high profile terrorists go. He did admit they could get involved with terrorists groups. Rice was out in front about how bergdahl served with honor and distinction, oops another glitch since he may have been a deserter. Need to rein that women in. Oh well What difference does it make that they may kill more Americans.

    Dead guy, News Flash, Reagan is not in office any more.

  15. "Folks, there is a lot to this whole episode — like Benghazi — that we may never know. And this is not conspiracy theory, it is truth based upon Arabic and Islamic dogma and tradition.
    Is America going to continue to let Barack Hussein Obama invite parents of rescued POWs to the White House and claim it for Islam? This is not a conspiracy theory, this is genuine honest-to-god disloyalty to America.

    Or maybe — and we’re going to go out on a limb here — it’s a routine phrase in Muslim Prayer that doesn’t actually have any magical power whatsoever, except perhaps the power to freak out wingnuts.
    Get ready for a lot more of this idiocy, folks; somehow, the fact that Bowe Bergdahl’s dad is sympathetic to Muslims has also been Very Big with the Stupidest Man on the Internet. Here’s how terrifying Bob Bergdahl is: He said a phrase in Arabic, and then OBAMA HUGGED HIM! That just doesn’t wash off, you know.
    Be afraid. Be very afraid. And while you’re at it, maybe you should buy some more guns." From H.N.T.

  16. 'Obama should have traded all House Republicans to the Taliban.'

    ...but then I think the Taliban would have also wanted a third baseman, left side linebacker, and two first round draft choices.

    ...after all, the Taliban is still in a rebuilding mode and can use some extra players on defense.

  17. The barking jackals on the right pay no attention to this soldier's comment because it doesn't fit their talking points. And their talking points are always to slam Obama. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is essentially calling the howler monkeys on the right to STFU!

    "General Martin E. Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, released this statement today:

    "In response to those of you interested in my personal judgments about the recovery of SGT Bowe Bergdahl, the questions about this particular soldier’s conduct are separate from our effort to recover ANY U.S. service member in enemy captivity. This was likely the last, best opportunity to free him."

  18. skud: "...followed by letting five high profile terrorists go."

    From Jonathan Turley:

    "...the status of these Gitmo detainees remains a problem and the country cannot hold them indefinitely — so that these five would have had to be returned to Afghanistan eventually unless we were to use the widely ridiculed tribunal system."

  19. Skud, the VA debacle is a scandal. The treatment of our veterans should be above politics and partisan bickering.

    The problem is that anytime the Obama Admin has a result, or pursues an action that the GOP dislikes, they call it a scandal.

    Maybe we are in the everything is a scandal, so nothing is a scandal moment.

    The GOP created this by elevating everything to Watergate level hyperbole.

    Is this now POWgate?

  20. The general Dempsey comment is telling...

    For years Obama was pilloried by the GOP because he supposedly did not listen to his generals.

    Now when they don't like what the generals are saying, apparently you do not have to listen to them.

    Ironic isn't it?

  21. More conservative hypocrisy:

    Last October this very conservative, very Texan guy was challenging President Obama to bring home Bergdahl:

    FROM THE TEXAS CONSERVATIVE'S BLOG: "America has Muslim Brotherhood operatives in the White House and the Department of Homeland Security. The US Justice Department is actively protecting Islamic insurgents here in America. Recently, it was announced that the Obama administration would move forward with $1.6 billion dollars in aid to the Pakistan Taliban, the party responsible for untold US military casualties. However, securing the release of one soldier, a man that has upheld his oath---unlike Senator McCain also his honor---and defended his country is not a priority for the President."

    Obama leaves American POW Sgt. Bowe Robert Bergdahl to Rot in Afghanistan – Provides Only Excuses

  22. Obama must be floundering seeing CNN ,Newsweek and the Times aren't backing him.
    But I am sure someone from the WH will get to them to have them renege and help him save face

  23. Faster than you can say Mitt Romney, the TeaPublicans flip-flopped on this Bergdahl swap. They were for it before Obama announced it, now they're against it.

    Don't negotiate with Terrarists! Yeah? Their HE-row, Ronnie Raygun knew how to do that BIG TIME.


  24. Here's a stupid question the squirrel brains are asking: "Why would they try to rescue a deserter when they wouldn't even help an ambassador and three security officials?"

    How dumb can you get? How do these people manage to sit up, never mind dress and feed themselves?

  25. You missed the part about reason and logic. There are thousands of people held in prison who will eventually be let out. Why don't we let them out now, same logic.

    The leftists have come up with some really lame excuses for obama's incompetence but that last statement is way over the top.

  26. skud, I'm sorry, but you're being deliberately obtuse on this issue.

    Please stop.

  27. I didn't see Dave's comments before I published my last one.

    He's correct, of course. Everytime some issue or controversy arises--no matter how small (and I'm not saying this particular matter is small--everyone has an opinion on it but no one really knows the details) but even who the president invites to WH dinners or what Mrs. Obama is suggesting for our nation's children's diets, the rightwingers go berserk, predict the end of this country as we know it, and that we'll all turn into commie nazi socialists under sharia law.

    It's very much like the nitwits who walk around open-carrying their firearms because they CAN! And guess what, the American public is finally sick of their antics and in-your-face menacing behavior.

    The GOP's scandal mongering will have the same effect on the American public.

    As Dave so correctly put it, if EVERYTHING'S a scandal, then nothing's a scandal.

    Let the GOP make fools of themselves. I'm enjoying the show.

  28. Good points, but overemphasis of any bit of e"vidence primarily to score points for a particular "side" results in distortion of the truth, which does no lasting good. When both sides do it, both are equally wrong.

    Even if Sgt. Bergdahl really is guilty of desertion and possibly treason, it has been extremely unwise and distasteful -- not to say impolitic -- for Conservative elements to jump on this and beat it to death right now.

  29. yupperz...everything is a scandal...BUT...the one that really grabs the EXTREME right wing by the nuts is....ok, let's say it the way they see it...

    there is a nigger in the white house.

    ....racism is not dead in America...it just changes underwear a little more frequently...
