Saturday, July 5, 2014

Governing in the Spirit of Revenge

Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post explains how Congressional Republicans have done their best to gridlock the country, interfere with allowing President Obama to even begin to enact his policies and appoint his nominees, which, because he was elected twice by the American people, are what the American people voted for.  Those policies and nominees have been thwarted and even nullified by a vengeful, nihilistic cult within the GOP:

"As we celebrate the Fourth of July, who can argue that our democracy is working the way the Founders intended? And who can deny that most of the blame for dysfunction must fall to the Republican Party? 

George Washington distrusted all political parties. He warned in his farewell address that, as they alternated power, parties would act in “the spirit of revenge” — rather than, presumably, in the best interests of the nation. The “disorders and miseries” that resulted, Washington feared, would inevitably threaten democracy. 

For most of U.S. history, the major parties, even while differing sharply on philosophy and policy, have acted in a spirit of shared enterprise. There are significant exceptions — notably the years leading up to the Civil War. There was no possible compromise on an issue so fundamental as slavery. 

Today, we face no question of such magnitude. Yet Republicans have decided not to collaborate with President Obama in fulfilling the most basic obligations of government, preferring to let “disorders and miseries” fester rather than address them. 

Perhaps the House Republicans who block Obama’s legislative proposals and the Senate Republicans who block his executive and judicial appointments are acting in narrow political self-interest. Perhaps, as much of the overheated GOP rhetoric suggests, they are acting with the vengeful animus that Washington feared.

Whatever the motivation, Republicans have paralyzed our government in a way that would have shocked and depressed the Founders. Compounding the outrage, Republicans have the temerity to criticize Obama for using his executive powers in the national interest. This is dangerously close to nihilism."

Read the rest here.

While the extremists in the GOP busy themselves this weekend celebrating Independence Day, our country is suffering from the bitterness and spite they have spread across this land because they refuse to work with or recognize the legitimacy of our duly elected president, a man the American people, their fellow citizens, elected and re-elected, Barack Hussein Obama.

Their idea of governing is to make the country suffer because its citizens elected a man they hate.

What we are experiencing is the GOP's "spirit of revenge."  And that is not what the Founding Fathers-- whom they venerate but mock with their hostility to and contempt for cooperative governing--that is not what those true patriots hoped for this country when they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor in signing the Declaration of Independence.


  1. FoxNews, Limbaugh, Hannity and the
    far right media should be happy:
    they lit the fire and keep it going.

  2. .

    "(Republican'T Party)... governing is to make the country suffer because its citizens elected a man they hate."


    Ema Nymton

  3. BB-Idaho, those characters and FAUX NOOZ are guilty of promoting divisiveness and discontent in the weak minded who listen to them. And that's millions of citizens.

    Ema N., Spiteful governance in the spirit of revenge because: Obummer!

    That's the modern Gee-Oh-Pee.

  4. Methinks it will be most interesting to observe the dynamics the next time there is a republican prez and a democratic house.

  5. O.T.

    No discussion of last weeks jobs report? A just published study in the peer reviewed New England Journal of Medicine measured the effect of the ACA after the first enrollment period found that the ACA was even more successful than ACA advocates claimed it would be before the enrollment period began:

    We were told that 'Obamacare' was a job killing train wreck that would destroy the economy. No comment yet by the GOP or MTP or any of the Sunday talk shows on the economic news of last week’s economic report,; 200K + jobs added every month in the last five months a record never matched during the Bush Administration and it all happened under the job killing train wreck of 'Obamacare'.. As a comparison, the unemployment rate in the second year of Obama's second term is 6.1% (June 2014).

    In Reagans second year of his second term the unemployment rate was 7.2% (June 1986). Someone is listening. In the only two polls published since the BLS employment report Rasmussen has the President at 46% approval and Gallup has the President at 45% up 5 points up from 40% in two days since the BLS report:

  6. The dynamics the next time there is a republican president and a democratic house... will be that the Democrats will work with the Republicans to do what is best for the nation... as they always have. I wouldn't expect anything any more "interesting" than that.

  7. A majority of Democrats were against Bush's Iraq War, but they voted to keep it going when Bush went to the House for addition monies to keep the war going.
