Monday, August 11, 2014

Laura "A Bit Slow" Ingraham

Eleven years later, Conservative talk-radio host, Laura Ingraham, discovers Iraq is in worse shape since President George W. Bush invaded it.

It takes some time, but eventually these radio jockeys wander into reality.  

And that must be a bitch.

via Crooks and Liars:

"We're almost in an impossible situation. The America people really have no appetite for America to reengage. They don't want us to go into Syria." 

"If we do nothing here, then what? I mean, let's say Iraq does fall, which I think is a possibility. Iraq may fall. If, indeed, there are no boots are the ground, not going to happen, can't happen." 

"I don't know if there's a good solution right now, which is a horrible thing to say for the United States of America." 

Later in the segment, Ingraham pointed out that al Qaeda -- through its ISIS offshoot group -- was "becoming the Islamic state." "We tried to do all these things in Iraq, now Iraq is worse off!" she exclaimed. 

"I mean, I hate to say that, but Iraq is worse than before we went in to Iraq. Christians are gone, there's no sense of order at all." "Saddam Hussein is gone. That's a good thing, but what's left? A more embolden Islamic state."

 George W. Bush's legacy to the U.S.A. and Iraq:   FUBAR

Infidel753 analyzes the Iraq crisis HERE.


  1. Ingraham isn't even the slowest or the most hare-brained of the masters of hate radio. You gotta give the right credit though, they excel in having the greatest number of idiots on the radio propagandizing their low-information, low-IQ listeners.

  2. Shaw, won't people just say it is worse because Obama took what was at one time better, and then made it even more worser?

    I am sure that will be the Mccain argument... that the surge under Bush had worked and that Obama did not work hard enough to consolidate those gains, thereby plunging the country into an even bigger mess...

  3. By all means George Bush and the incursion into Iraq was a mistake and many conservatives realized this when we went in.

    Now it's time for the barbaric radical extreme flea infested and lice riddled terrorist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, Boko Haram, et al to either advance into the 21 st century leaving the 7th century cult of Islam behind or face the consequences.

  4. I'm sure the right can point to a time when Iraq hasn't been precarious since the invasion (sarcasm sign: UP).

    I suppose you can say that Obama didn't keep Maliki on a short enough leash but we really don't know.

    ISIS can be pushed back but can a government be established that generates Sunni/Shia unity? That's a tough one.

    I think Laura and the rest of rabies radio is just upset that Benghazi has completely fizzled and made them look like fools (not that the realize or care) and it also looks as if he has managed the Ukrainian situation well.

  5. Are there really people who still listen to Ingraham? Didn't she reveal her barking stupidity when she called Justice Sotomayor and her family "immigrants?"

    Justice Sotomayor was born in America and her parents were born in Puerto Rico, which also makes them U.S. citizens.

    As someone said earlier, she appeals to the less-informed by keeping them that way.

  6. Even the smartest women in the world has pointed partial blame on bho so it is not just Ingraham pointing fingers.

    When the going gets rough the presbo yells fore.

  7. skud, we can always count on you to come here and support anything that disses the president.

    So now you agree with Hillary "What Difference Does it Make" Clinton?

    Wow! You guys will get into bed with anyone, as long as it bashes President Obama.

    BTW, plenty of people do not agree with H. Clinton, and plenty of people agree with how the president has handled this.

    But we all knew you'd side with the Obama bashers.


  8. Actually I don't care for H. Clinton , too progressive for me at many levels as well as having a streak if dishonestly. But I'm a thinking at this point since a democrat won in 2008 and 2012 it's too bad it wasn't H. Clinton in 2008. She's a workaholic and my source tells me she's a fine and tough manager.

  9. I guess I should have put "" around the smartest women in the world because that was demo speak during the campaign. It was only after she took the job a SS that she showed how little she has to contribute and made the what difference does it make to Americans deaths.

    Presbo did a long winded speech after the African conference praising everyone but never mentioned the General who was assassinated under his watch.

    Now after pulling out of Iraq he is making inroads back into Iraq and the leftists praise him for being such a great leader.

  10. Skud, I agree Obama is decidedly not a great leader and I'm guessing many liberals are beginning to agree.

    As to Secretary of State Clinton she has a boss named Obama she reports to. As I'm sure you realize the top gun ultimately calls the shots and subordinates have the responsibilty to support their boss. Or resign as Clinton did. I suggest you read "Blood Feud."

    So Skud, who is your estimation should the republicans nominate in 2016 and why?

    I just think it is time to stop the whining and start talking about who in the republican party is a serious and viable possibility.

  11. "I suggest you read 'Blood Feud.'"

    Seriously? Have you read anything about the author of this hack job?

    RN, you pride yourself on not "carrying water" for any party, then recommend a hatchet job by a known partisan -- a Clinton/Obama hater?

    Regnery, the publisher of this book, has a history of releasing anti-Clinton and anti-Obama screeds.

    The original publisher broke with Klein because of the contents in the book and fear of law suits.

    Regnery publishes books from other political hacks: Ann Coulter, Jerome Corsi, and other extreme partisans.

  12. For progresses anything not pro democrat with accolades aplenty for Obama is a screed.

    After awhile it begins to sound rather robotic, exactly like the Tea Party robots.

    Have a great day and stay dry. :-)

  13. Good question Les.
    Whoever follows the current president has a long uphill road to undo the damage done over 6-8 years. They must have the ability to revive the economy through growth not printing presses, have an international relation background and not be a kook.

    My choice would be Jon Huntsman. He appears to be smart, has accomplishments other than organize a block party and has international experience and could help reestablish our destroyed international relationships.

    His biggest issue may be his religion will be an issue but shouldn't be.

  14. It's really fun to read the conservatives writing off Obama and touting their party. We can't forget that they voted twice for George W. Bush, the numbskull who gave us the Iraq war Mission Accomplished, the worst financial disaster since the Great Depression and worse of all Dick Cheney. Their leaders include s.f.b.s like Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman, Louis Gohmert, Stephen King, Mike Huckabee. Their mouthpieces Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Alex Jones.

    And they think they hold the keys to fixing our problems.

    Never forget that these are the goons who hoped for Mr. Obama to fail before he even took his oath of office, and then when they got control over the House blocked everything he tried to do to help the country recover.

    Now they smell blood in the water and believe Mr. Obama's presidency is over.

    Yeah. That'll work. They've been stupid all along by supporting dumbasses, and dumbass ideas. What's changed?


  15. Robert D., based on your comment screed, NOTHING has changed.

  16. So, Hillary is a "workaholic" and Obama is a stereotypical lazy black man? Not a big surprise that the haters of Obama are going with a racist explanation for why he can't get anything done... when the real reason is Republican obstruction (the 113th Congress being the least productive IN HISTORY).

    Remember that playing to racist hate is what the Tea Party is infamous for. This is the same bigotry that causes some to describe Muslims as lice and flea infested (another bigoted stereotype). But I think most of us all know that dog whistling to the Right WORKS. Which is exactly why they do it.
