Thursday, August 7, 2014

This Land is Mine: History of the Israel - Palestine Conflict in One Short Video

By Nina Paley



  1. They have been at it since the beginning of time and will stay at it until the end of time.

    With recent statements by JC, it looks like he has taken back the title of worse president in history, saved bho's bacon.

  2. Indeed it is so. Lacking a lightning bolt of reason and wisdom striking Hamas, as well as Hezbollah and all the rest of the terrorist organizations, Israel will have to continue fighting for its existence and that of it's people. After all is is in the Good Book Qur'an that all infidels must convert, submit to Islam, or die. And these nuts in Hamas plan on realizing the dream of Mohamed the "Prophet."

    As for Jimmy (Peanut Man) Carter? Lets just say he should have stuck to peanut farming and building homes for Habitat for Humanity. His services are urgently needed in The non nation of Palestine.

  3. The Arabs have been living in that land for thousands of years. It is home to 3 of the worlds largest religions.
    Where is the Arab State promised at the same time the western powers (victors of the recent WW) proclaimed the State of Israel?
    Then the US overthrows the democratically elected leader of Iran and installed the Shaw. Then we wonder why these people hate us.
    The world revolted against the imperialism of England, not just 13 colonies of America. Now America is the imperialist forcing its will on that area through its military might. Iran revolted against America and America continues to make new enemies.
    It has been the policy of multiple American presidents (republican and democratic) that Israel stop building settlements. Israel in effect has imprisoned the Palestinians and control their movement, killed innocent Arabs, and have been condemned by world organizations for their inhumane treatment, and all of this America backs with their military might. Were the Jews not terrorists when they bombed and killed to get England to leave? Good and evil are not so black and white, yet it's the Arabs who have been crowned the evil.

  4. again...Skud makes two comments...the first irrelevent...the second one smacking of such redundancy of his oft stated believes that it evokes of satire, as noted before.

  5. Anonymous is obviously blinded by the love of religious tyranny or any tyranny for that matter, hatred for the United States of America and the west, ignorance of the fact the Israelis originated in the same region as the Arabs, and his or her apparent desire for the extermination of the Jewish people.

    You make one puke Anonymous.

  6. RN...puke is both insuffcient and trite. To reduce the history of the region into scant sentences is precisely what ails America. It is Dancing with the Stars and Fucking American Idol and done and stitched in one hour.

    ..... Sir, I sense in you an angst that is both refreshing and thirsty. Beer is good....and periodically the news demands a Scotch.

  7. Okay, vomit then. Perhaps just a bit softer on the ears with more finesse.

    It is now time for thatr single malt scotch. Oban methinks. I will be raising my glass to the safety and well being of the Israeli's.
