Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sunday Science Blog

Light blogging over the next few weeks.   Family visiting and other important activities.

Be excellent to each other.


  1. I've got the head of the science department and another professor coming to Oaxaca this summer to in part, inspire kids to the wonders of science. But we face some of the same issues there with religious fundamentalism often trumping science in conversation...

    Enjoy the family Shaw...

  2. Bronowski warned us about this decades ago. Nobody can stop the progress of science, but they can render themselves irrelevant to it. Even if the rejectionist cranks completely drive science out of our schools and suppress research throughout the country, and keep getting re-elected by those masses of know-nothing adults, science will go on. It will just go on in places other than the United States.

  3. When Christian fundamentalists have their way the USA will cease to be a leader in science and technology. But in the minds of some all one needs to know is the word of the Christian god and all else will be taken care of.

  4. Tyson's quote was a reminder why we should push for science-informed policies. Young people live with the mad policies that creationists, climate change deniers, and abstinence-only advocates champion.

  5. RN, I don't disagree but I think our R & D has already been crippled rather badly.

  6. Crippled, not yet destroyed. Lets hope it isn't.
