Sunday, December 13, 2015

Native Americans, Africans, the Irish, Italians, Asians, Hispanics, Arabs: Same as it ever was.

American history:

From a newspaper article, Boston, Mass.:
Anthony Petrosino's photo.

For those who now consider Itailian-Americans "white"--understand it wasn't always so. The largest mass lynching in U.S. history took place in New Orleans in 1891 — and the victims were Italian-Americans. What was the reaction of our country's leaders to these lynchings? Teddy Roosevelt, not yet president, famously said it was "a rather good thing." The response in The New York Times on March 16, 1891 referred to the victims of the lynchings as "... sneaking and cowardly Sicilians, the descendants of bandits and assassins." 

An editorial the next day argued that: "Lynch law was the only course open to the people of New Orleans. ..." John Parker, who helped organize the lynch mob, later went on to be governor of Louisiana. In 1911, he said of Italians that they were "just a little worse than the Negro, being if anything filthier in [their] habits, lawless, and treacherous."


"When it was all over, 11 men who had not been found guilty of any crime were dead. Those responsible for the deaths proclaimed their action was a success and justice had been done. The city's business community and the daily newspapers supported the lynchings. A survey showed that 42 of the nation's newspapers approved of the action, while 58 disapproved. A grand jury indicated that if there was guilt, it was shared by the entire mob, estimated at between 6,000 and 8,000 people."

Racism against Native Americans

The Negro Holocaust: Lynching and Race Riots in the United States,1880-1950

Anti-Irish Racism in the United States

The Darkest anti-Semitic Period in U.S. History

Anti-Chinese Movement and Chinese Exclusion

Anti-Japanese Sentiment and Japanese Internment

Hispanics Face Most Discrimination In U.S. (POLL) 

Donald Trump's Anti-Muslim Rhetoric Will Live in Infamy in American History

Same as it ever was.


  1. Nicholas Kristof in today's NYTimes:

    "Donald Trump's proposal to bar Muslims from America may be a gift to ISIS recruitment and a grotesque echo of the sentiment behind the Chinese Exclusion Act and the internment of Japanese-Americans. But, like those earlier spasms of exclusion, the Trump proposal has plenty of supporters.

    In one recent poll, more than three-quarters of Republicans said that Islam was incompatible with life in the United States. There’s a widespread perception in America that Islam is rooted in misogyny and violence, incorrigible because it is rooted in a holy text that is fundamentally different from others. …

    There’s a profound human tendency, rooted in evolutionary biology, to “otherize” people who don’t belong to our race, our ethnic group, our religion. That’s particularly true when we’re scared. It’s difficult to conceive now that a 1944 poll found that 13 percent of Americans favored “killing all Japanese,” and that the head of a United States government commission in 1945 urged “the extermination of the Japanese in toto.”


  2. Now we know why the Rethuglicans are so in love with the Donald. He's just carrying on an American tradition, and cons love traditions especially the old ones.

  3. True, Mr. Mackey, and there's also this:

    "Consider Bettina Norden, a 60-year-old farmer in Springfield, Oregon, who said of Trump in an interview with the New York Times on Friday: "He'll keep a sharp eye on those Muslims. He'll keep the Patriot Act together. He'll watch immigration. Stop the Muslims from immigrating."

    Norden's statement supports what Olivia Nuzzi declared Friday at the Daily Beast: "Trump's ugliness does not seem to matter to his supporters because Trump's ugliness is a reflection of the rot that can devour the soul when a person is overcome by paranoia and fear."

    The paranoia and fear on far right news sites and far right blogs is driving the wingnuts mad, and that madness has them believing Donald Trump will be their Savior.

  4. Watch Cruz. He has the evangelical fundamentalists and us the natural choice of reactionary conservatives (would that be a redundancy) when the Donald finally self destructs.

  5. We must acknowledge these dark episodes in American history. It saddens me that my country has such a long and cruel history of racism.

  6. Yes, Ahab, I agree. But some Americans call acknowledging our history "America-bashing."

    Those people just don't want us to learn from our egregious mistakes. If we pretend it didn't happen, according to their thinking, then those mistakes won't happen again. It takes a strong country to acknowledge its wrongs.

  7. RN, Trump makes Cruz look normal. He's actually just as bad, even worse in some ways. Let's not forget his father calling Cruz "The Anointed One," and Cruz's willingness to pander to the crazies in the TGOP. He still refuses to say he will NOT support Trump. How can ANYONE trust a little weasel who doesn't have the you-know-whats to stand up to a neo-fascist?

  8. Thank you for the litany of horrors (I had not heard of the 1891 lynching at all). It does show how Trump fits in with the worst of our past, and how the Republican party will likely be judged for a very long time by how it responds to him.

    incorrigible because it is rooted in a holy text that is fundamentally different from others.

    And yet much of the material in the Koran is adapted (some would say "plagiarized") from the Bible. They're far more alike than different. If anything, the Koran's greater emphasis on the torments of Hell puts it more in line with American Evangelical preaching. Not that bigots ever tend to have much comprehension of their targets.

  9. No one can make Cruz look normal. Both Trump and Cruz are so far removed from reality that it is hard to believe they breath the same air as a rational person does.

    It is good to see that you mention the most maligned and discriminate group in against America, the Native American. Unlike other groups who have the numbers to affect elections, the Native American suffers in silence and is ignored when it comes to protecting minorities. Diabetes, suicide and depression are a part of their lives. The federal government has marginalized them for decades with government handouts and corruption.

    1. Skud... They might be the most voiceless among us.

      Our "Christian" ideals were on full display as we murdered, raped, stole from and marginalized our indigenous peoples, all in the name of our Manifest Destiny...

      This is perhaps the strongest why I can't support the idea we are, or were founded on Christian ideals. There was nothing truly Christian about it.

  10. you don't mention the Jews! No reason to ask why, you are a Jew hater , so they don't get mentioned. Still hiding that Jew hat bitch?

  11. Notice how excruciatingly stupid Anonymous @12:59 is. I let this through only to illustrate why this country is in such trouble: Morons who can't read or think, but who can engage in ad hominem attacks, are growing in numbers at an alarming rate in this country.

    Racism against Native Americans
    The Negro Holocaust: Lynching and Race Riots in the United States,1880-1950
    Anti-Irish Racism in the United States

    The Darkest anti-Semitic Period in U.S. History

    Anti-Chinese Movement and Chinese Exclusion
    Anti-Japanese Sentiment and Japanese Internment
    Hispanics Face Most Discrimination In U.S. (POLL)
    Donald Trump's Anti-Muslim Rhetoric Will Live in Infamy in American History

    And of course they're all supporting the neo-fascist Trump.


  12. "Morons who can't read or think, but who can engage in ad hominem attacks, are growing in numbers at an alarming rate in this country."

    Their breeding ground is The Shit Pit.

  13. The anonymous @ 12:59 is TOM. He hit RN USA with the same bilge. Dude must be off his meds again.

  14. REF, there are a lot more breeding grounds than just the The Shit Pit, aka The Smut Hut, aka The Stench Trench. They are strewn all across reichwing blogistan.

    Leftwing blogistan has its share of issues as well.

  15. @skud --- No one can make Cruz look normal.

    Is that a problem for a large portion of the Republican base?

    I'm still of the opinion that Trump doesn't really want the presidency but he is looking for a pay day.
    Something in exchange for his support and Cruz is his go to.

    What kind of a deal will Cruz make for Trump saving Cruz the effort of putting the Republican hate
    machine into hyperdrive? Don't know but watch for it.

    Shaw, well researched and informative post.

  16. RN, who is TOM? Refugee from the smut hut?

  17. What is anon talking about.

    Anti-semitism is distinctly mentioned in the post.

  18. Repost as damn auto spell on smart phone incorrectly corrected name abbreviation.

    RRG, there are a lot more breeding grounds than just the The Shit Pit, aka The Smut Hut, aka The Stench Trench. They are strewn all across reichwing blogistan.

    Leftwing blogistan has its share of issues as well.

  19. No Ducky, TOM is not from the smut hut.

    Tom is a liberal with issues. Or, it could be Steve, a reactionary with issues posing as TOM, but I think not in this case.

  20. RN, who is TOM? Refugee from the smut hut?

    RN will answer, and so will I. He used to comment on this blog and on Helloooo...Mr. President blog, but he's obviously gone off his rocker, as they say. He's been a troll on this blog for 4 or 5 years, using foul language and acting like a jerk. He's sick in the head.

    As you can see, he can't read either.

  21. Racism from a Supreme Court Justice:

    "During oral arguments in a pivotal affirmative action case on Wednesday morning, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia raised the suggestion that African American students might belong at less rigorous schools than their white peers, and that perhaps the University of Texas should have fewer black students in its ranks."

    So Antonin "Fat Tony" Scalia thinks his fellow justice Clarence Thomas might have done better if he'd been in a less rigorous school? Condoleeza Rice? Ben Carson? Michael Steele. What's this creep trying to tell us about himself?

    Do African-American Republicans understand that Fat Tony thinks they don't have what it takes to do hard academic work and they should go to easier schools. What a racist POS!

  22. Recently, an anonymous commenter has been posting hostile messages at the Swash Zone, messages that target certain members of this community with accusations of bigotry. This week alone, there were three such messages. I suspect the anonymous commenter trolling both blogs is the same person.

    About this suspected troll named TOM, I recall some details dating back 6 to 7 years ago. If memory serves, his blog was called “Stay Awhile,” and I recall a few posts and comments that alluded to some kind of medical issue involving brain surgery. With these details, although few and purely conjectural, one can infer that Tom’s claim of having brain surgery may be true. Over time, I noticed gradual changes in his online behavior. In recent years, these messages have become more delusional in content.

    Gradual personality changes, delusional thoughts, and most especially an inability to regulate social interactions are often a result of brain surgery and would account for erratic behaviors.

    Can you treat this person in the same way as other trolls? Hardly! These behaviors are attributable to a medical condition, not a partisan argument or a character defect. Does this troll have control over these behaviors? Probably not. Can you hold this troll accountable for behaviors over which he/she has no control? No.

    If you accept this conjecture, and the inferences drawn, these best course of action is to ignore this troll. Do not post these comments. Do not turn them into topics of discussion or derision. It would be absolutely pointless to subject this person to any kind judgement or ridicule. Nor ethical, I might add.

  23. (O)CT(O)PUS, another commenter who went by the name of "Steve" posted hostile messages as well. Neither RN nor I know if "Steve" and the "Anonymous" who may be "TOM" are one and the same or two different commenters. "He" comes to this blog almost every day and leaves pornographic and hostile comments.
