Sunday, January 24, 2016

18-Year Old Ted Cruz Tells Everyone What His Ambition Is...

To be:

Rich. Powerful. And have World Domination.

Perfect candidate for the Goopers.


  1. A major creep. And GOPer.

  2. This is far from surprising. It is a trait common to individuals of intelligence, ambition, discipline, and the desire to make a difference. Supreme self confidence and a touch of narcissism thrown in is also required.

    Of course the desire to control others through the ability to persuade is a large part of the equation.

    Cruz, by virtue of greater intellect is a greater threat to our republican values than Trump.

  3. Correction... republican values is meant to mean the values of a true democratic republic .

  4. So eight years before "Austin Powers International Man of Mystery" was ever released, we already had a little brat that embodied all of the satire and caricature of Dr. Evil?

    Well... Who really wants Dr. Evil or even Mini-Me to be president of the U.S.A.

    Where did this idea of Cruz being intelligent come from? Intelligence comes from a deeper source than simply being able to do well in school.

  5. F.J., "Intelligence comes from a deeper source than simply being able to do well in school."

    Very few people understand that, F.J.

  6. @ Flying Junior - Where did this idea of Cruz being intelligent come from? Intelligence comes from a deeper source than simply being able to do well in school.

    One can be intelligent and lacking in wisdom. One can also be of average intelligence and posses a great deal of wisdom.

    Nowhere have I said Ted Cruz is wise. Which of course as a leader of people he likely would be among one of the worst.

    Hopefully this clarifies my prior statement.

  7. Actually RN, I was thinking it was Always on Watch who said that Ted was the most intelligent candidate in the race. But on second thought I believe it was some lady who called herself, "His Wiser..." something or another. Cute blog title. She had some post recently about how sad her life is related to her check engine light coming on.

  8. Why can't I remember anything important? She calls herself "His Wiser Angel," her blog is "The Lonely Libertarian."

    Isn't blogging such fun?
