Friday, February 12, 2016

Funny or Die's "The Art of the Deal" Starring Johnny Depp

Out for the weekend.

Be excellent to each other.


  1. Don't forget to celebrate the death of Antonin Scalia

  2. I don't celebrate anyone's death. Like Scalia, my father died suddenly at 79. And like Scalia, my father was a Scilian American. I'm sorry for his family. I know what it's like to lose a father suddenly.

    I didn't agree with him politically at all.
    I hope President Obama is allowed to do what all presidents have the right to do,and nominate and have approved a justice of his choice.

    The TGOPeers won't allow that.

  3. Seriously? McConnell said the American people should decide who the next Supreme should be? They did decide in 2012. Idiot GOPers don't remember mr. Obama was America's choice twice! It's the damn Goopers that never accepted that truth. The hell with them and their spiteful petulance. President Obama will choose.

  4. And it's the Congresses job to confirm, no time limit mentioned in the Constitution

  5. It will be something to watch the show. I will be quite surprised if his first, or even second nomination is accepted by the Senate.

    It might even be as entertaining as the GOP primary debates. Which by the way were quite contentious at times last night. It was rewarding to see the audience booing Trumpy, multiple times.

  6. Ronald Reagan had a Supreme nominee confirmed in his last term. But that was before the Goopers turned into the party of NO! And was consumed by toxic hatred. The only reason to not confirm a nominee is spite and contempt for Mr. Obama. Two things that has defined the GOP these last 7 years. To see how low it has sunk, just look at he baboon leading the GOP polls.

  7. My brother in an e-mail to me puts it into perspective, unemotionally and without hyperbole.

    It's something that gets mentioned as important on occasion in election season but it's mostly abstract. That just changed. The nomination and confirmation show that's coming will have more folks than usual thinking about the effect of their votes on the potential composition of the SC.

    It will be interesting to watch Republicans argue that tradition dictates that outgoing Presidents not nominate SC justices as an excuse for Senate inaction while Democrats argue the president is filling his constitutional obligation.

    Personally, I thinks it's a stretch to claim that a President is acting inappropriately with eleven months left in a term. We are the only nation on earth with an election cycle more than several months long in practice. I suspect that's related to our "Money is protected speech" system.

  8. If you wonder where some of this tit for tat between the parties comes from - remember Anita Hill, a coke can and pubic hair, or the term "Borked." Good ole uncle Joe was the head of the Judiciary committee then. Sen. Grassley is the head of the Judiciary committee now. I'm tired of being told only one party plays these stupid games. Republicans have majority now, it's their play/game.

  9. The guy who was against the Iraq War?

  10. You can bet if it were a President Romney
    Picking a conservative judge to replace RB Ginsberg, the dems would never confirm them.
    Pubic hair on a can of coke anyone?

  11. So the Goopers think it's okay to practice vendettas over what happened 30 years ago? As I've said the GOPers love their pet hatreds more than they love their country. An eye for an eye and everyone's blind. Just because the Dems held up a couple of nominees that were withdrawn, the Goopers believe Obama should not fulfill his constitutional duties?

  12. ya, it just kills me when the say Obama is a 'lame duck' and should not appoint a Justice. "Let the will of the people" bullshit....Marco Rubio announced his 'retirement' effective in 2016...hmmmm maybe he should recuse himself from Senate votes cause he is a 'lame fuck'. He should recuse himself from voting in any confirmation vote. I am tired...tired..tired. The Republicans are scripting this like a Samuel Beckett play.
