Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wednesday is Trump Hump Day

Meet the new "presidential" Trump, same as the Loud-Mouth Buffoon Trump:

I'm gonna be great! You'll be so tired of seeing me be great! I'm telling you, you've never seen anyone as great as I am. And I'm rich. Did I tell you how rich I am? But the poors like me! I like the poors too. And the undereducated?  I love them the most!

The Trumper is done with trying to act "presidential" because he knows his supporters want him to be himself -- rude and crude -- that's what his supporters want for a POTUS, not someone who's diplomatic and tactful or decent. That's for wusses. The Trumper will be his small-handed vulgarian self and win the presidency. Just watch him!

The Trumper on John Kasich:

“He has the news conference all the time when he’s eating. I have never seen a human being eat in such a disgusting fashion,” Trump said. “I’m always telling my young son, Barron, always with my kids, all of them, I’d say ‘children, small little bites.’” This guy takes a pancake and he’s shoving it in his mouth, it’s disgusting." 

"Do you want that for your president?" Trump asked the crowd. "I don’t think so” 

"Right. We want an orange psychopath who has no control over what he says. Got it." -- Digby

When his speeches are slowed down, The Trumper sounds like your drunk uncle at the Thanksgiving table after having downed several beers:


  1. Trump was as goofy as usual last night when he boasted about his primary wins. He really believes that his self-loving act will win him votes. He's the most disliked candidate the GOP has ever run for the presidency. He said women don't like Hillary? Has he looked at his number for women? What a jackass.

  2. Here are some numbers for Trump and his supporters to think about:

    If Trump is the nominee, he will be the most unpopular presidential candidate since the former head of the Ku Klux Klan, according to Washington Post-ABC News polling.

    Seven in 10 women view Trump negatively, according to recent NBC News-Wall Street Journal polling.

    So do 3 in 4 millennials

    and 4 in 5 Hispanics.

    So women, young people, and Hispanics detest him.

    Trump is viewed favorably by just 34 percent of women — and that's actually better than he scores in most polls, perhaps because "somewhat favorable" was an option. (Gallup found that just 23 percent of women have a favorable opinion.)

    The majority of women really don't like Donald Trump:

    And in a head-to-head matchup, if the election were today, Clinton would trounce Trump among women unless nearly all undecided women broke his way, which is unlikely.

    Hillary does have trouble with her popularity among women, but Trump is a electoral disaster. disaster!

  3. It'll be hysterical watching Utah go blue this year! Hillary will win a YUUUUUUGEEEEE landslide thanks to the stupidity of the GOP voters.

  4. Talking much about oneself can also be a means to conceal oneself.
    ~Friedrich Nietzsche

    "If I had a nickel for every dumb shit thing Trump said...I'ld have to move a cot into the pub." ~okjimm


  5. APP, Trump just makes up shyte and knows his supporters will believe it.

    BlueBull, I've read how much Utahns hate The Trumper -- so much that they've said they'd vote for Hillary before they'd vote for Trump.

    okjimm, but read what his supporters say, they think he's a great thinker. BTW, he sounded less crazy while reading off of the teleprompter. When he's not on the teleprompter he's the real crazy Trump.


  6. APP, Trump just makes up shyte and knows his supporters will believe it.

    BlueBull, I've read how much Utahns hate The Trumper -- so much that they've said they'd vote for Hillary before they'd vote for Trump.

    okjimm, but read what his supporters say, they think he's a great thinker. BTW, he sounded less crazy while reading off of the teleprompter. When he's not on the teleprompter he's the real crazy Trump.
