Tuesday, June 7, 2016



Trump has doubled down on his accusations against an American judge of Mexican heritage, insisting  that Judge Curiel could not give Trump a fair hearing nor could an American judge of Muslim heritage nor a female judge.

(No one has asked Trump if an American judge of German or Scottish heritage could be impartial.)

Trump doesn't sound like a presidential candidate, he sounds like a menacing capo di capi from a mafia organization.

Lindsey Graham, who said Trump was the least qualified candidate to ever seek the GOP nomination (and who later endorsed this unqualified candidate), has now reversed himself again and said this:

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, another former primary rival of Mr. Trump’s, urged Republicans who have backed Mr. Trump to rescind their endorsements, citing the remarks about Judge Curiel and Mr. Trump’s expression of doubt on Sunday that a Muslim judge could remain neutral in the same lawsuit, given Mr. Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim noncitizens entering the country.

“This is the most un-American thing from a politician since Joe McCarthy,” Mr. Graham said. “If anybody was looking for an off-ramp, this is probably it,” he added. “There’ll come a time when the love of country will trump hatred of Hillary.”

Good for Senator Graham for acknowledging and saying what normal people have known for a year. TRUMP IS AN UNAPOLOGETIC RACIST.

Those T-GOPers still supporting Trump after his unending bigoted comments hate Hillary more than they love their country.  Check out any far right blog and read their pathetic excuses for supporting Trump, a narcissistic buffoon whom they wouldn't go near if he didn't have a fake "R" after his gilded name.

From the HuffPost on the latest revelations on Trump's thuggish behavior:

A clearly irritated Trump told his supporters to attack journalists who ask questions about the lawsuit and his comments about the judge. “The people asking the questions—those are the racists,” Trump said. “I would go at ’em.”

In a call with surrogates, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump showed signs that he is not well by overruling his campaign, and calling all journalists who ask about his comments about the Trump U judge racists.
 Bloomberg reported on Trump’s call with his surrogates: “We will overcome,” Trump said, according to two supporters who were on the call and requested anonymity to share their notes with Bloomberg Politics.

“And I’ve always won and I’m going to continue to win. And that’s the way it is.” ….

 When former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer interrupted the discussion to inform Trump that his own campaign had asked surrogates to stop talking about the lawsuit in an e-mail on Sunday, Trump repeatedly demanded to know who sent the memo, and immediately overruled his staff. “Take that order and throw it the hell out,” Trump said. ….

 A clearly irritated Trump told his supporters to attack journalists who ask questions about the lawsuit and his comments about the judge. “The people asking the questions—those are the racists,” Trump said. “I would go at ’em.”

The Wall Street Journal:

The GOP’s Mexico Derangement 
America’s neighbor isn’t a failed state or a threat—despite what Donald Trump says.


  1. From The Washington Post:

    GOP lawmakers and strategists face uncomfortable questions about how they can support Trump without also tacitly endorsing his criticism of Curiel and his remarks that a Muslim judge might also be questionable. Some Republican lawmakers arriving Monday on Capitol Hill scurried from reporters to avoid answering questions about the remarks; others condemned the comments as wrong while saying they would still support Trump as the Republican nominee."

    (Trump is a disgusting racist, but he's OUR GOP RACIST! so we'll continue to support him.)

    The episode has distracted from the Trump campaign’s efforts to unite the party ahead of a competitive general-election bid against rival Hillary Clinton, who has secured the delegates necessary to win the Democratic nomination. Democrats hope to use his comments — the latest in a series of attacks and proposals that have infuriated Hispanic voters — to paint the entire Republican Party as out of touch with minorities.

    At The Atlantic, James Fallows analyzes Trump's attacks:

    [W]hat’s clear about Trump’s argument, and what is deeply un-American about it, is its essentialism. Trump is saying that because of who you are, in an ethnic or hereditary sense, he will make judgments about what you think and what role in society you can play. The related assumption, as Garrett Epps explains to irrebuttable effect, is that people’s public roles cannot be separated from their ethnic or religious identities. A “Mexican” judge will think and act as a Mexican, not as a judge.

    There is no more un-American concept."

    When will Trump supporters let the scales fall from their eyes? Or will they continue to support this racist buffoon? When they see the poll numbers showing Trump vs. Hillary in the general election, perhaps they'll understand how extreme and out-of-touch they've been for a year.


  2. Dana Milbank:

    "A confluence of three factors has caused a sudden and sharp change in Trump’s fortunes. The media scrutiny has increased significantly since he secured the nomination, and journalists, rather than chasing his outrage du jour, are digging in to report more on Trump University, Trump’s stiffing of charities, his lies and his racism. Hillary Clinton has, finally, made the shift to attacking Trump vigorously over his instability. And Republicans are, belatedly, discovering that their presidential candidate wasn’t putting on a show during the GOP primaries: He’s an actual racist.

  3. Shaw... You should know better than to cite Graham. The extremists refuse to believe he is even a Republican.

    They also slam the WSJ as a lame stream media site.

    There is no logic, consistency, or honor in their support of Trump. They've ceded years of saying character matters by choosing a blatant lying racist with no experience who knows nothing about foreign policy or how government functions.

    Every GOP leader who supports should be asked if his comments about the judge were racist and forced to answer. Like McConnell was.

    If they dodge, as he did, so be it, but at least America will know where members of the GOP stand regarding picking a racist to lead their party.

  4. Trump is a dangerously unstable megalomaniac. A seriously disturbed narcissist who must be destroyed politically. Destroyed thoroughly and completely so his brand of is bulldozed into the ash heap of history and forgotten. Forever.

  5. Sweet Jesus. I'm embarrassed for him. Shorter Trump: "He proud Mexican. Me build wall. No fair. Me tremendous and everybody love me." Repeat 32 times, and you have a campaign platform.


  6. Dave Miller: "They've ceded years of saying character matters by choosing a blatant lying racist with no experience who knows nothing about foreign policy or how government functions."

    And they (the far right bloggers and Trump supporters) are the very same people who baselessly accused Barack Obama of being racist -- the same people who refuse to acknowledge the REAL racist -- their nominee, who's been in front of their noses for a year.

    Their hypocrisy and moral cowardice -- saying the Supreme Court is important, so they will vote for a racist, narcissistic baboon, who knows nothing about our Constitution and our laws-- is disgusting.

    If Trump is the ultimate degradation of the TGOP, the people supporting him are the immoral force cheering him on.

  7. RN USA, You and many other principled conservatives saw Trump for the racist coward and narcissistic baboon that he is long ago. IMO, the dregs of the TGOP are the only people now supporting him. Sure, lots of people have legitimate grievances, but to look to a genuine megalomaniac to solve their problems is not the answer. There were plenty of other conservatives running for the nomination, but the TGOP hitched its wagon to a loser.

    Ray, That's what is left of his supporters sounds like.


  8. The Lefty Loon aka as The Progressive Baboons were quoted as saying.

    “Trump is a dangerously unstable megalomaniac. A seriously disturbed narcissist who must be destroyed politically. Destroyed thoroughly and completely so his brand of is bulldozed into the ash heap of history and forgotten. Forever.”

    “RN USA, You and many other principled conservatives saw Trump for the racist coward and narcissistic baboon that he is long ago. IMO, the dregs of the TGOP are the only people now supporting him. Sure, lots of people have legitimate grievances, but to look to a genuine megalomaniac to solve their problems is not the answer. There were plenty of other conservatives running for the nomination, but the TGOP hitched its wagon to a loser.”


    The lying, despicable criminal Hillary who is currently running for president would completely finish Obama’s job of destroying this country. while Bernie Sanders is not a lying criminal. Bernie is pure, true, earnest and unsuperficial who looks, and sounds like a soggy old prune.
    While Hillary looks like the bottom of the toilet bowl with this morning's refuse


  9. Re: The above rant from a Trump supporter angry over the characterization them as the dregs of the TGOP. Q.E.D.

  10. Paul Ryan seems real happy to have endorsed Trump and is having trouble walking back the latest round of blatant bigotry. The Teabags are in a real quandary about how to deal with this Frankenstein's monster.

    They probably realize that Drumpft's campaign strategy is to double down on the bigotry and they're in the crossfire.

  11. There are a thousand shades of grey in politics, yet, you only write about black (negative). You are the opposite of a "Daddy" blog, not better. It's obvious that Republicans are not 100% behind Trump, yet, you never say that. According to you they are ALL the same, wrong. Your posts are just as biased as the red neck Trump blogs. Now go ahead and claim I'm one. But I'm voting for Hillary!

    1. Really Anon? Have you ever seen porn posted here? Ever seen some called a c#*t here? How about ni*#+r? Ever seen us ever call GW Bush un American? Ever see anyone here say someone in the GOP is constitutionally unqualified to be president? Ever see anyone here say Laura Bush or any other First Lady is a fat ugly ape?

      Of course not. Because we are way different from the extremist partisans who frequent blogs that by their admission use "false facts."

      Are we biased and partisan? Yes, of course. Who isn't. But the same as the Smut Hut?

      Not a chance, and if you really think so, you are evidence of what is killing the 2 party system here in the US.

      A system we could add that most here advocate and support.

  12. Dear Anonymous @12:53, you are EXACTLY the sort of person that is attracted to the T-GOP and Trump. You feed of anger and rage and shoot off your mouth before reading.

    My comment to RN above @10:12 AM:

    RN USA, You and many other principled conservatives saw Trump for the racist coward and narcissistic baboon that he is long ago.

    I don't have to defend myself from sloppy readers like you who are trolls and nothing else -- and especially who are NOT voting for Hillary. But for the record, I ALWAYS qualify my criticism of the GOP by saying NOT ALL, and by pointing out that it is the T-GOP that has brought disaster on themselves in the person of Trump.


  13. Ducky,

    They seem to be the only ones in the country who didn't see the train wreck that is Donald Trump. He's all theirs, and right now the Don The Racist represents the Republican Party.


  14. Also, Ducky, Paul Ryan said this:

    Ryan: Trump’s Judge Attacks ‘The Textbook Definition Of A Racist Comment'

    House Speaker Paul Ryan said Tuesday that he wouldn't defend presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump's attacks on a federal judge's ethnicity because they were "indefensible."

    "Claiming a person can't do their job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment," Ryan said at a news conference. "I think that should be absolutely disavowed."

    But like so many hypocrites in the TGOP, he still will support Don The Racist for POTUS? They have no moral courage -- anyone still supporting Trump is a moral coward.

    Ducky, are any of the usual TGOP blogs covering this? (I'll make a guess and say they're still screaming BENGHAZI! and EMAILS!)

  15. From Pm Carpenter's blog:

    The title of Cilizza's piece is "It’s time for GOP leaders to choose sides on Donald Trump." It seems to me that it is, rather, time for party leaders to research convention rules and, before July 18, locate the "morals clause."

    And if there isn't one there? Write one.

    I prefer that they not — that is, either locate or invent a morals clause, which would powerfully repel The Donald like a reverse magnetic charge. I prefer they go down with Trump, the whole wretched lot of them. But if I were a GOP leader (assuming such a creature can still exist), I know I'd be furiously engaged in some really creative parliamentary skulduggery (which, paradoxically enough, would be the only ethical route).

  16. Shaw, they will disavow his specific racist comment and say they support his economic and business position(s) because they create jobs which benefits everyone and ignoring the reality his racism and xenophobia will influence his policy and appointment decisions.

    Simply put, they are hypocritical liars.


  17. A number of Republican politicians -- US Representatives and Senators declined to endorse Trump, but say they'll vote for him.

    Here's the definition of endorse:

    verb (used with object), endorsed, endorsing. Also, indorse (for defs 1–6).
    to approve, support, or sustain:
    to endorse a political candidate.

    So those Republican politicians who will not endorse Trump are saying they will vote for someone they do not approve of or support. WTF?

    How can they live with themselves?

  18. Maybe -H- will get her orange jumpsuit and we can all vote for Joe. That would be the best for the country and the democratic party.
    Do we really want a president who the vast majority of people think is a crook and is an admitted liar to the American people.
    Now we have two bad choices and the only saving grace is Joe.

  19. Simple Shaw. They have no core, no principles, truth had no value for them unless it benefits them, so, they will vote for Trump because they place party loyalty above ALL else.

    They are IMO gutless wonders.

  20. Looks like the goopers are imploding. Never saw anything like this mess going on with the Rethugs. They got a guy who's been accused of fraud, elderly abuse, and racism running for president? And his own paarty won't support him? Lucky duckies those Rethugs.

    Is it bad that I'm smiling?

  21. Shaw, I take back anything nasty I may have said about the Skud missile. He's going to be fun to have around for the next 5 months.

    Maybe -H- will get her orange jumpsuit and we can all vote for Joe. That would be the best for the country and the democratic party.

    It's getting close to the point where they could run Noam Chomsky.

  22. @skud -- Do we really want a president who the vast majority of people think is a crook and is an admitted liar to the American people.
    No, that's why we aren't voting for Trump, skud.

  23. who's surprised that the misogynists, racists, anti-Semites, rotten poets, and pornographers of the Stench Trench are supporting a loser like Trump. We all know the assh*le will never be president, we're just waiting to see how long it will take for him to be the biggest loser. And there's one thing everyone knows terrifies Trump, and that's being labeled a loser and that's his destiny.

  24. Rather clever unorthodox legal strategy from Trump here. If he insults enough categories of people, there will be no judge left fit to preside objectively over his case since every judge in the country will be a member of some category he's insulted.

    The WSJ link on Mexico is something all Republicans should read, but won't. From what I see on their sites, a lot of them really do think Mexico is some kind of Mad Max hell-hole.

    The downside of the Trump clown-with-a-mean-streak show is that we've still got five months of anxiety ahead of us until Hillary finally puts this menace away once and for all. The upside is, after that, we're going to hang this millstone around the neck of the Republicans and conservatism forever. They will always be the party and movement that nominated Trump, and the party and movement whose leaders mostly backed him, even after it had long been clear what he was.

    1. Infidel... That was a great article. I spend half my life in Mexico every year, believe me, it rings true.

      But you're right... I've been told numerous times by people who've never been there and don't speak the language that I'm clueless and that they know better...

  25. It gives me hope when I see members of the Republican party turning on Trump. If the party is this divided on that vile man, it means that he may fail to win the presidency.

  26. Duck,
    Last time I looked the dislike is toward both candidates. Wonder if -H- can get her orange jump suit made by Armani or will she be forced to wear an off the rack.
    Just kidding, there is no way the administration will allow he to be indited for any of her illegal actions.
    We are going to be forced to have another 4 years of obama great recovery. As a government employee you don't care if the GDP raises above 2% in eight years but those who depend on the private sector e4conomy do.

  27. Noah Millman from The Week:

    Trump is ranting about Curiel's bias not because doing so is part of any kind of rational political strategy, but because he is going to lose the case. And if he loses, it must be somebody else's fault. He's not just talking about himself instead of something that actually matters to voters. He's talking to himself, telling himself a story of how big a winner he is, no matter how often he loses. And he's doing it in front of the entire country.

    In a very basic sense, this is the emotional connection that Trump forged from the beginning of his campaign. Trump sees himself as a winner whose occasional setbacks are the result of other people's unfairness or incompetence. He has connected with a slice of the voting public that sees America's problems in similar terms: the fault of corrupt, incompetent, and disloyal elites….

    Which is why that cynical operative should despair. He's made his peace with Trump, and is now focused on highlighting his distinctive strengths and controlling the damage of his distinctive style of politics, so as to get the best result for the party come November. But Trump isn't interested in getting the best result for the party. He's got a whole host of strategies for convincing himself that he's a winner even when he loses, because the loss is always somebody else's fault. And he's got a whole host of strategies for making sure that, monetarily and psychically speaking, the bulk of his losses hits somebody else's balance sheet rather than his own. Historically, those have been his priorities, and from the look of things, they still are.

    So if Trump looks like he's in real trouble after Labor Day, what makes anyone think he's even going to try to win — as opposed to assuring himself (and his supporters) that someone else is to blame for his loss?

    And if he does lose, who do you think he's going to make sure gets blamed?

  28. For years Shaw, we've dealt with any discussion of race being perceived as pandering by the right.

    We've been called racists ourselves for simply bringing up race, and have been accused of wanting to incite racial animus.

    Now we have the Donald front and center with a real racist attack, one many in his own party describe as such, and now suddenly, talk of racial issues is not divisive, but seen as truth.

    The world is indeed upside down.

  29. We don't talk about race we just throw stones. We are incapable of discussing race because if you mention a person of color you are a racist. Most of the Mexicans I know don't refer to themselves as Mexican Americans they are either Mexican or American. The XX-American phrase seems to be reserved for those of color and born in this country but wants to let everyone know the true roots.
