Saturday, June 11, 2016

Let Trump Be Fake Trump On A Teleprompter!

The majority leader of the US Senate has suggested that The Trumpster use a teleprompter when delivering his harangues against racial minorities and women and POWs and disabled Americans and Muslims and Latinos and Hispanics and "the blacks"...and...have I left anyone out?

McConnell and other Republicans don't like hearing what Donnie really believes in his heart of darkness, and they don't want the voting public to hear it either. The solution to this is to get Donnie on script and on a teleprompter -- something Donnie has mocked Democratic politicians, including the POTUS, for doing.  Donnie has told the GOP that his supporters love his attacks on minorities, and they love his inability to say anything coherent on domestic and foreign policies. 

What his supporters lap up is Donnie's brilliant answer to any questioning on how he will build that wall and make Mexico pay for it:  "I'M GONNA BE GREAT!"  

They love his answer to the question on how he will deport 11 million undocumented people:  "I'M GONNA BE GREAT!" 

They love his answer when asked how he's going to be great: "YOU'RE GONNA BE SO TIRED OF SEEING ME BEING GREAT! IT'LL BE TREMENDOUS, BELIEVE ME!"

So get used to seeing Donnie on the despised teleprompter, mouthing words written by other people, because the leaders of the GOP actually believe that will erase all the evidence of Donnie's past demagoguery, harangues, and racism. 


  1. If Hillary wins the presidency, combine that with her choosing of the next several Supreme Court justices, and a constituency that will approve of anything she does, and this country is headed for one of two directions. The completion of its transformation to socialism or civil war. Because We The People are either going to allow the decline to communism or fight back. Either scenario is devastating, but I assure you, those are the only two outcomes that are conseavable


  2. To date, the nonpartisan PolitiFact has rated 76 percent of his statements lies — 57 percent false or mostly false, and another 19 percent "Pants on Fire" fabrications. Only 2 percent — 2 percent! — of his assertions were rated true, and another 6 percent mostly true.

    Using a teleprompter won't dispel the fact that Donald J. Trump is this presidential season's BIGGEST LIAR.

  3. I do declare said...

    "If Hillary wins the presidency, combine that with her choosing of the next several Supreme Court justices, and a constituency that will approve of anything she does, and this country is headed for one of two directions. The completion of its transformation to socialism or civil war. Because We The People are either going to allow the decline to communism or fight back. Either scenario is devastating, but I assure you, those are the only two outcomes that are conseavable"

    To "I do declare"

    I suggest a remedial course in English grammar and spelling, just for starters. Upon completion of that, what may be "conseavable" to you is your future ability to communicate your deeply stupid ideas to the blogging world.

  4. I've seen this song and dance around the truth one too many times.. I should have known Better that to even post here at this SHIT house, to be called names.


  5. Dearest "I do declare,"

    Your IDEAS were labeled stupid, not you. Perhaps a remedial course in reading comprehension would be helpful as well?

  6. I wonder what percentage of Trump supporters slammed Pres Obama in the past for using a Teleprompter?

    I'm guessing it's fairly high. Think they'll be just as tough on The Donald?


  7. The Tea Party Republicans mercilessly mocked Mr. Obama for his use of the teleprompter. Sarah Palin was the worst, while using a teleprompter herself. Little minds choose little things to mock their betters.

    Donald Trump savaged anyone who used a teleprompter, but now will have to use one himself because his impromptu speeches are all hot messes of incoherent rants and bigotry. The TGOP thinks if he starts using scripted teleprompter speeches, the American people will forget about what he's said up until before he started using a prompter. Such is the thinking of the desperate political party that has a "thin-skinned racist bully" as its standard bearer and representative.

  8. I'm guessing it's fairly high.

    No doubt about it Dave.

  9. I do declare didn't have the requisite stick-to-ativeness to be a proper troll. He will not be mourned.

    And why would anyone lie about being endorsed by Don King?

  10. Trump will lose in a landslide. Don't get your undies in a bunch.


  11. "Later, while admonishing the "poor sad people" of the Never Trump movement, Trump said, "I'm the least, just so you know, I am the least racist person, the least racist person that you've ever seen, the least. I mean, give me a break. But they are saying, 'Is Donald Trump a racist?' I am the least racist person that you've ever looked at."

    When you have to keep telling people "I AM NOT A RACIST!" you begin to sound a lot like Richard Nixon. LOL!

    TRUMP: "I'm not racist! I'm the least racist of all the other racists. Believe me! I am tremendously not a racist. I mean, I'm YUUUUUUUGEly not a racist. Ask "the blacks." They love me. The Hispanics love me. I'm gonna win big with the Hispanics. Look over there! There's my Pedro! Right, Pedro? You love me. Right?"

  12. Kevin,

    "I do declare" is a troll who came here to disrupt my blog; and when I wouldn't let him/her, called me rude.


  13. There's another persistent idiot troll who keeps writing about his pooping in the toilet and examining it carefully as he flushes it away. Sigh.

    Trolls. When they're not examining their own sh*t, they're describing it to whomever will listen to them talk about it.


  14. Those of our species who may be counted among so-called "intellectuals" seem overfond of conjuring up special names for conditions common to virtually all humanity.

    1. Needless to say that was one of Yhe Porn Queens jerks imitation of me.
      Most likely the Fat Prince of Poetry .


  15. Actually there are several "A Proud Progressive" trolls running around to the rabid right wing blogs and here. I'm the only true one!


  16. "Paul Ryan: Trump Told Me His Deportation Plan Isn't On His Agenda"

    Attention Trump supporters! He's lying to you! You thought he was telling the truth when he said he'd deport illegals? Ha! He won't. He's just lying to you to get your vote!
