Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Hillary and Parkinson's Disease?


More baseless hysteria from the easily duped bottom-feeders on the Rabid Radical Right.

Re: The ridiculous rumors going around the Radical Rabid Right Wing blogs about Hillary Clinton and Parkinson's disease:

From a friend who is a medical doctor, Michael K.:

I am informed that Hillary Clinton has Parkinson's disease. Hadn't heard that, so I Googled 'Hillary Clinton Parkinson's'. I found that the primary source for a great many such posts was none other than Martin Shkreli, the notorious Big Pharma profiteer, who has never spent a day in medical school, never taken care of a patient, and never met Clinton herself. 

Shame on anybody credulous enough to repeat this crap without further solid evidence.

Michael, it's all they have. They are desperate because the likelihood of Trump losing BIGLY to Hillary Clinton and destroying the GOP this November is becoming clearer every day that Trump opens his lying maw.

Here's one of the sites that the easily fooled Trump supporters lap up as "true facts." 

And there's this -- Trump's angering and losing veterans:

Veteran sets up GoFundMe campaign to send Donald Trump to Iraq so he can earn a Purple Heart


For those people who think what Trump said was overblown by the media and the Democrats, read this: 

 A US Secret Service official confirms to CNN that the USSS has spoken to the Trump campaign regarding his Second Amendment comments. "There has been more than one conversation" on the topic, the official told CNN. 

Did Trump go to that rally with the idea of inciting his supporters to use a Second Amendment solution should Hillary become president? Probably not. But Trump's intemperate personality and inability to self-censor the harebrained thoughts that flit through his basal ganglia got him into another major unforced error.  


  1. Maybe the media should stop harping on the phony fear. Like they did with Palin in the Gabby Giffords shooting it was have been smoothly bypassed. But no they have to crease hysteria at every turn


  2. Anonymous @12:36, the fact that a presidential candidate from one of the two major political parties implied that one way to prevent Hillary from choosing Supreme Court justices is to use a Second Amendment solution. That is unprecedented in our history and it's not "harping on the phony fear." Only cowardly apologists would think it is funny to suggest assassination as a way of preventing a president from implementing her Constitutional right to nominate a someone to the Supreme Court.

    It's apparent you wish this controversy to be "smoothly bypassed" because it puts Trump in the hot seat again and exposes how unfit he is to hold elective office.

    Normal people have had a normal reaction to hearing a candidate for the presidency suggest murder as a viable solution to prevent the nomination of justices they may not like.

    You and the other trolls who've left comments here just don't get it. And why would we think you would-- you support a maniac.

  3. From PoliticusUSA:

    Fox Business’s Maria Bartiromo asked Trump about changes to his campaign, and the Republican nominee gave a shockingly out of touch answer:

    Well, I think that you know, my temperament has gotten me here. I’ve always had a good temperament, and it’s gotten me here. I beat a lot of people in the primaries, and we only have one left, and we’re actually doing pretty well there, but we’ll see where it all comes out. We have some good state information. We actually have some very good polling information, so we’ll see how it all comes out, but you know, you can’t and you don’t want to. I certainly don’t think it is appropriate to start changing all of a sudden when you’ve been winning. I mean, I’ve beaten many people, and now we’re down to one. And we’ll see how it works out, but I think it’s going to work out well.

    Donald Trump is losing this election. Things are going the opposite of well for Trump. The Republican nominee has managed to put solid red states like Utah, Georgia, and Arizona into play. He is getting crushed by double-digits in the Rust Belt states that were deemed essential for his campaign to be successful.

    Y'know, I'm beginning to feel sorry for the people who hitched their presidential hopes to this idiot's wagon. Normal people saw the wreck that he is on the day he announced and labeled all Mexicans as rapists and criminals. By the time he got to Megyn Kelly, undecided normal people saw him for what he is.

    I can't account for the dupes who still believe he'd make a terrific president. But knowing that sort of person shares this country with me is enough to keep me awake at night.

    Trump cannot, will not prevail.

  4. Wow, we thought last week was horible for Don the Con but he's doing even worse this week. He keep topping himself in being an out of control jackass! Republicans! You built him!

  5. To say Trump meant to have -H- shot is about as absurd as -H- had Seth Rich eliminated. The big difference is the MSM will put the Trump accusations front and center and the Rich assassination will not be discussed.
    -H- will win, it was decided eight years ago by the DNC and, thanks to the republican idiots, it will come true.

    Don't let your head explode over this because Trump is all for -H- as well. Wonder what cabinet seat he has been promised.


  6. skud, the Secret Service and the FBI took what Trump said seriously. Maybe you didn't read or hear that, but it's a fact. So the uproar isn't frivolous. Normal mature candidates don't "joke" about "Second Amendment solutions." Immature nitwits who are used to getting away with saying outrageous claptrap and are never called on it -- IOW, Trump, is in the big leagues now, and people listen to what he says and take him at his word. Isn't that why his supporters are so ga-ga over him? He means what he says! Except when it gets him in trouble, then he backtracks and lies about it.

    Who is Seth Rich?

    No, skud. Nothing was decided eight years ago. What happened is that millions of the GOP's base decided that a thrice-married, serial adulterer and fraud who passes himself off as a successful serial-bankruptcy businessman and scam artist would make a great candidate because "he's not pc!" This guy, who the GOP says is "one of them," -- the guy who lives in a 33,000 square foot luxury apartment that would be the envy of Louis XVI and flies in his own private jet to his luxurious homes in Florida and gawd knows where else convinced the poor suckers in the base of the GOP that he's like THEM!

    And you preposterous claim that Hillary promised him a cabinet post sounds like something from the scrambled-eggs brain of the Short Fingered Vulgarian, Trump himself.

    I feel your pain. If the political party I identified with ran an obvious con artist like Donnie Little Hands, I, too, would be despondent and embarrassed.

  7. You made my point "who is seth rich"

    Once -H- backed away in 2008 she was promised the nomination. Bernie got in the way but the DNC put a stop to him.

    There were two candidates who -H- could beat and that was cruz and trump and the republican party let them take the lead. They should have been smart and followed the DNC example of stepping on whoever goes against them.

    You are correct in my being bitter. We have two candidates who are not fit to lead anything much less the country. It is a choice is to which one of the sewer dwellers is the worst, an admitted liar or a con man.

  8. shaw, do you ever feel guilty about having such an easy side to defend? think about those poor buggers trying to defend and make sense of trump's antics.

  9. Trump's denying the Secret Service spoke to him about his Second Amendment threat? He's a freaking liar. But that's like saying water is wet.

  10. skkud: "You made my point 'who is seth rich' "

    Skud, not everyone is into conspiracies like you Professional Hillary Haters. I googled Rich and Seth Rich's own family have come out and told the conspiracy nuts to stop their lies. I believe them, not the Goopers who'd blame Hillary for killing Christ if they could.

    Hillary Clinton has been found to be way more honest than Trump. She's not the Devil in Disguise. Get used to saying Madam President.

    Don't be bitter. Think of the good that you have in your life.

  11. Jeebus! Trump is saying the Secret Service is lying and never spoke to him!

    From PoliticusUSA:

    "Of course, the Secret Service talked to Trump. The Republican nominee’s denial of the story serves no purpose other than to make the Secret Service look bad. It is impossible to believe that even Donald Trump would be dumb enough to insult the agency that is responsible for his protection, but that is exactly what he is doing.

    Donald Trump has a history of lying, but he wants voters to believe that the real liars are CNN and the Secret Service. All CNN did was report what a Secret Service official said, and the Secret Service has no reason to lie.

    What Trump should have done was thank the Secret Service and acknowledged their conversation. Someone is definitely lying here, and the only person with a motivation to lie is Donald Trump.

    Of course, the Secret Service talked to Trump. The Republican nominee’s denial of the story serves no purpose other than to make the Secret Service look bad. It is impossible to believe that even Donald Trump would be dumb enough to insult the agency that is responsible for his protection, but that is exactly what he is doing.

    Donald Trump has a history of lying, but he wants voters to believe that the real liars are CNN and the Secret Service. All CNN did was report what a Secret Service official said, and the Secret Service has no reason to lie.

    What Trump should have done was thank the Secret Service and acknowledged their conversation. Someone is definitely lying here, and the only person with a motivation to lie is Donald Trump."

  12. In polling news, Trump is running 4th among African-American voters with 1% of the vote (Huffington).
    Wow, worse than he's doing with Hispanics and women.

    His campaign strategy seems to be, "Keep digging".
