Thursday, August 25, 2016

I saw this performance last night at A.R.T. in Cambridge. Don't miss it!

Anna Deavere Smith is a force of nature. Her almost two hour, one-woman performance, "Notes From the Field - Doing Time in Education, " accompanied by Marcus Shelby on bass,  was astounding.

"Part of the power of Anna's work is her insistence that we move beyond the perspective of passive spectatorship. By placing herself inside the stories, voices, and physicalities of individuals with conflicting perspectives, Anna demonstrates --and urges us to cultivate--a radical openness to the experience of others." -- Diane Paulus
In ‘Notes From the Field’ at ART, Anna Deavere Smith intends to educate and engage

Based on about 250 interviews Smith conducted around the country, the show tackles a phenomenon that’s been called the school-to-prison pipeline: the often disproportionate punishments meted out to minorities, and how such treatment can nudge children toward a lifetime of involvement with the criminal justice system.

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