Saturday, September 10, 2016

Trump Disrespects The Military and Our Veterans

Trump compares his being in business with veterans who've sacrificed their lives for our country.

Trump insults a POW for getting captured because he likes people who aren't captured.

Trump knows more about ISIS than the generals.

And the military fetishists on the right have no problem with how Trump disrespects the military and our veterans.

 Who will win the presidency? 

Chance of winning FiveThirtyEight 9/10/2016: 

Hillary Clinton 70.0% 

Donald Trump 29.9%


  1. In total fairness, there is one person [Constitutional Insurgent] at the Mother Ship who frequently makes this point regularly. Of course he is dismissed by the others, but he is a strong proponent of the truth, even debunking the lies and fallacies, as he calls them, of many members of that clan as they relate to military issues and even their view of Pres. Obama's actions towards the military, Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Sadly, he is but one voice and is a libertarian, not a GOP supporter.


  2. Dave,

    Well one is better than none, eh? I went there and not to my surprise found this for today's blog:

    Tell me I’m cute…go ahead! I can use the money!
    Posted on September 10, 2016 by geeez2014

    Gretchen Carlson got TWENTY MILLION and Andrea Tantaros is suing for FIFTY MILLION from Ailes/FOX?

    I hate harassment as much as any woman, but……….MILLIONS? REALLY?

    Please, some man, tell me I look cute, okay? Swat my rear as I walk by…just ONCE. I can use FIVE MILLION..PLEASE, go ahead."

    She hates harassment, but not enough to stop her from making fun of and disparaging the women who've been victims? That woman actually believes it's a minor thing for a employer to "swat" a female employee's behind, ask to look at her ass as she walks by, and call her "cutie?" What would she think if, say, a female was the boss and she touched a male employee's behind and called him love-chunks?

    IIRC, that woman and her pals were all over Bill Clinton for sexual his harassment behavior, weren't they? Again, that woman and her friends show their utter lack of core values when they can ditch them to suit their political agendas. Their family/core values are not worth a bucket of warm spit, IMO.


  3. Correction: "...for his sexual harassment behavior..."

  4. Speaking of harassment, here's a comment that sums up many conservatives views towards it...

    "The way I see it, if you feel threatened by unwanted advances by your boss, leave.
    If that costs you a cushy paycheck that you can’t get elsewhere, you’ve just found your fair market value."

    Pretty incredible. A belief that an employer has no responsibility to provide a positive workplace environment. And if you don't like it, tough!

    Your job as an employee is to shut up and accept whatever happens because your boss had been kind enough to give you a job.

    Wow... Understanding the conservative mind...


  5. Dave: "Wow... Understanding the conservative mind..."

    Here's another one in "understanding the (far right) conservative mind" -- which means you have to leave rational thinking behind.

    The rabid radical right has been clear about how unpatriotic footballer Kaepernick is because he wouldn't stand during the national anthem -- a first amendment right guaranteed by our Constitution.

    OTOH, the rabid right is perfectly okay with Donald Trump exercising HIS first amendment right to trash talk America and our American president, praising the former Communist KGB leader, Putin, while appearing on a Russian teevee show, run by the Russian government.

    So let's review: A black athlete exercising his first amendment rights is unpatriotic; a billionaire who praises a Russian against America and our American president, HIS first amendment right, is patriotic.

    This is exactly how people with no core values pick and choose what it means to be an American.

    Rational people believe in this: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

    The rabids on the right do NOT believe in this at all.

  6. I believe that many on the far right believe that BLM is just a front funded by George Soros and therefore has no validity. It's a racist organization that is representative of how Obama has destroyed race relations in America. When in doubt mention Soros and that seals it.
    That's it, no need for further discussion.

    It seems they'll believe some pretty outlandish stuff.
    Just go in and "take the oil" (got enough tankers?) It makes sense to them.

    Their driving force seems to be hate and ignorance, hence Trump.
    From the mothership:

    "Of course obama is unlikeable. he and michele are literally anti-American ghetto punks at the minimum and have no intelligence. To those below their status they are bulies (sic), to those above – like Putin, then (sic) are buffoons.
    The only people who would like them are other ghetto punks and maybe not even then because they have so much money"

    Not someone you can reason with.


  7. "Of course obama is unlikeable. he and michele are literally anti-American ghetto punks at the minimum and have no intelligence.."

    In order to write the above pile of horse shit, the poor demented soul has to pretend that Barack Hussein Obama didn't win two presidential election by the largest popular vote since Dwight Eisenhower won the White House, and the poor demented soul has to pretend that Mr. and Mrs. Obama didn't graduate from this country's most prestigious institutions of higher learning.

    The term "ghetto punks" is just another way for that miserable cretin to say the "N" word. And miserable is the word for someone who holds such rancid anger and detestation in their heart because happy, well adjusted people don't hate with that much intensity.

  8. Hey Dave,

    I always respected the Constitutional Insurgent as well. He was a very reasonable and well-spoken conservative. I used to trade viewpoints with him on the once popular gun blog,

  9. Hillary's Remark Regarding the Shameless and Grotesque Attack on American Voters , Just Becaust They Prefer Trump Over Her Was, And IS Disgusting
    So I'm Deplorable?
    I do not hate anyone for their beliefs but I do have contempt for character traits of the women that made that stupid remark.

    Whatever, there is nothing more terrifying and as her stupidity. After year of watching and listening to HER supporters make a mockery of American politics , and hearing her obvious LIES to the public as well as to the FBI has made me a little testy. You want to call me a hater that is her opinion but I only want these people to wise up and quit being so afraid of hearing the truth for a change.


  10. Jackson Brown wrote: "I do have contempt for character traits of the women[sic] that made that stupid remark."

    "Whatever, there is nothing more terrifying and[sic] as her stupidity. After year[sic] of watching and listening to HER supporters make a mockery of American politics , and hearing her obvious LIES to the public as well as to the FBI has[sic] made me a little testy.[sic] You want to call me a hater that is her opinion[?????] but I only want these people to wise up and quit being so afraid of hearing the truth for a change."

    "I do have contempt for character traits of the women[sic] that made that stupid remark."

    Irony is officially dead, "Jackson Brown" strangled it, put a knife through its heart, and poisoned it.
