Monday, December 19, 2016


  1. No suprise, a continuation of the lets "Make America Great Again" team of incompetents.

  2. Trump and his Cabinet better known as Dumb and Dumber.

  3. In reviewing Perry's well documented transcript ,
    we count six D's- including
    Writing for Professionals, Intro to Lit and Economics. As for replacing a world
    class physicist, Perry garnered an F in Organic Chemistry. Trump must be going
    for the 'intangibles' ?

  4. Another BHO choice of someone who has never accomplished anything to head up a department that needs to accomplish something. Of course we can block pipelines that will aid millions to satisfy the few special interest groups or we can gift millions to a few supporters so they can file bankruptcy and pocket the change. Was that what he meant by hope and change?


  5. But...but...BB-Idaho, skudrunner just told us that the nuclear physicist, Ernest Moniz, never accomplished ANYTHING -- because being a Stanford graduate in physics and an MIT professor is no accomplishment when compared to Perry's Gentleman Ds and Dancing With the Stars performances.

    Now THAT'S something to be proud of and quite an accomplishment for the person who will head up the Energy Department. After all, when reviewing serious issues over nuclear energy, etc., one must know the cha-cha-cha and twerking moves, eh? And Perry's the man for that.

  6. How did he do on Dancing with the Stars? Must have been a real twinkletoes.

    I wonder if he's going to abolish the department.

    Just one more fresh face in Drumpf's Cabinet of Outsiders.

  7. Been the Governor of the greatest state in the union. Was pilot in the military and was the agriculture commissioner and competed on dancing with the stars.

    Understanding theory is not the same as leadership that is the reason those who can do those who can't teach. That goes for most professions.

    Moniz knows about nuclear energy which is great but we haven't built a nuclear power plant in how long? Guess his talents have gone to waste


  8. Dancing with the stars is not leadership. If that's the best Perry could do after being the governor of Texas, that says a lot about his governing skills. It is a known fact that the governor of Texas has very little to do with governing. Look it up.

    If you think Moniz knew ONLY nuclear energy, you are very much mistaken, and I'm afraid living in the narrowest of narrow worlds because of that statement.

  9. Old man skuddy is a real piece of work Shaw. Never anything of substance to offer, full of shyte 99% of the time, ignorant of REAL facts all but 1% of the time, almost never links to credible sources to support his statements, and he's having a ball!

    A real Make America Great Again kind of guy.

  10. Basically he sucked. Just as he is likely to do as Secretary. See, he's out of his element, in both venues.

  11. RN, I believe you mean Make America Grate Again

    An impetuous twit is just what the world needs if Russia decides to retaliate against Turkey for the assassination.

    The terror attack on the Berlin market has the mothership calling for a bombing of Mecca. That should settle things down.
    An attack in Berlin, American sanctioned atrocities in Yemen, Russian atrocities in Aleppo and with Little Hands involved it should continue to be an eye for an eye till we go blind.

    Just when you need patience and reason you get Donnie Small Hands.

  12. skud, my old friend,
    In four years, I will be waiting with bated breath to read your list of Trump accomplishments assuming he doesn't pull a "Palin" on us sooner.

  13. JC
    Never said he would accomplish anything I just said if he did 20% of what he says he will do, it will be good for all including you.

    I understand the disappointment on the left that the DNC anointed one didn't win and I was shocked as well but we need to give the new administration a chance. Maybe he will try to serve all the people instead of just the special interest. BHO did nothing for the middle class, small business and minority youth.


  14. skud: "I understand the disappointment on the left that the DNC anointed one didn't win."

    Hillary Clinton garnered more votes than any other person who has run for the presidency, except for Barack Obama.

    Donald Trump got only 0.35 points more of the popular vote than did Michael Dukakis, which I find hilarious. Trump squeaked out a tiny bit more from the popular vote than Dukakis did in 1988! When the U.S. had a smaller voting population than it has today. Such a landslide!

    skud: "Maybe he will try to serve all the people instead of just the special interest."

    Hilarity again. The people he chose for his cabinet are the very definition of "special interest!" And if you believe they will care about or serve the interests of middle or poor America, then I have a wall I'll build for you!

  15. Skud... to say that president Obama did nothing for the middle class, small business or minority youth is simply not true.

    DACA has been an exceptional program to people who know no other country apart from the US. Obamacare has helped insure hundreds of thousands of youth with both preexisting conditions and who had lost health insurance because of aging out.

    Employees of small businesses have been helped by better insurance options and better overtime rules, thus, larger salaries.

    Is any of this perfect? No, of course not, but you will find few libs willing to work with any conservatives who refuse to acknowledge that in 2016, we are light years better than we were when Barack Obama took office in 2008.

    Apply the Reagan standard... are we as a country better off in 2016 than in 2008? Yes we are.

    But until we hear a few conservatives affirming that, don't expect much help. We asked for with Obamacare and many other previous GOP programs that those political extremists once favored but suddenly hated once a Dem proposed them.

    The GOP and, to use someone else's favorite political pejorative, their ilk have been a solid wall of opposition for 8 years. Tell me why the Dems should not treat the GOP agenda with the same disdain?


  16. Dave,
    Even the federalists have admitted that obamacare has been a disaster for the majority of Americans. I will grant you it did help a few but that goes back to the obama administration being a special interest administration and did nothing for the working middle class. This administration did well for special interest groups and the rich.

    Shaw, all I can say is the democrat candidate with vast experience and supported by the hugely popular incumbent president going against an egotistical narcissist lost 304-227. This was a condemnation of the progressive left being defeated by the moderate middle class from the states they ignored.

  17. skud - "...that obamacare has been a disaster for the majority of Americans."

    Do you have any proof that it has been a disaster for the MAJORITY of Americans? Sounds like right wing BS to me.

  18. skud - "...that obamacare has been a disaster for the majority of Americans."

    Do you have any proof that it has been a disaster for the MAJORITY of Americans? Sounds like right wing BS to me.

  19. skuddy enjoys repeating all the far right wing talking points pushed by the FAUX News bobble heads 24 seven.

    He can be entertaining though.
