Monday, January 30, 2017

From the Atlantic by Eliot A. Cohen:

Some Americans can fight abuses of power and disastrous policies directly—in courts, in congressional offices, in the press. But all can dedicate themselves to restoring the qualities upon which this republic, like all republics depends: on reverence for the truth; on a sober patriotism grounded in duty, moderation, respect for law, commitment to tradition, knowledge of our history, and open-mindedness. These are all the opposites of the qualities exhibited by this president and his advisers. 

Trump, in one spectacular week, has already shown himself one of the worst of our presidents, who has no regard for the truth (indeed a contempt for it), whose patriotism is a belligerent nationalism, whose prior public service lay in avoiding both the draft and taxes, who does not know the Constitution, does not read and therefore does not understand our history, and who, at his moment of greatest success, obsesses about approval ratings, how many people listened to him on the Mall, and enemies.


"There was nothing unanticipated in this first disturbing week of the Trump administration. It will not get better. Americans should therefore steel themselves, and hold their representatives to account. Those in a position to take a stand should do so, and those who are not should lay the groundwork for a better day. 

There is nothing great about the America that Trump thinks he is going to make; but in the end, it is the greatness of America that will stop him." 


  1. What the hell does the rest of the world think?

    This jackass ignores a federal judicial order and fires anyone who tries to act sensibly.
    We've got a genuine dictator on our hands. One who cares nothing for a properly functioning government.

    All the time being counseled by a white supremacist and he thinks the rest of the world is going to deal with him?

    This is worst case.

  2. What the hell does the rest of the world think?

    This jackass ignores a federal judicial order and fires anyone who tries to act sensibly.
    We've got a genuine dictator on our hands. One who cares nothing for a properly functioning government.

    All the time being counseled by a white supremacist and he thinks the rest of the world is going to deal with him?

    This is worst case.

  3. "You're fired!" Of course. This is government by temper tantrum. Samantha Bee was right on target calling him a "70-year-old toddler". He doesn't have the mental development necessary to grasp the concept of someone taking a principled stand against him.

    And Cohen's judicious words appealing to the country's better traditions, like those of Yates, merely brand them as examples of them thar fancy-talkin' over-eddicated types in the eyes of the knuckle-dragging Trumpanzee legions.

  4. I think we are all in shock to have a president who does what he says he is going to do. He needs to be better at communicating what he is doing instead of letting the MSM just run away with fake news.

    Remember it was BHO who drew a line in the sand and let assad continue in power. It was BHO who promoted muslim brotherhood and the Egyptian crisis and it was BHO who sold guns to Mexico drug dealers and created a border incident.

    There are not a travel restrictions on Muslims jut temporary restrictions on people from countries BHO and the magnificent -H- identified as dangerous.
    In his campaign he said he was going to impose a temporary restrictions and he was going to build a wall and now that he is doing it everyone is in shock.
    Protestors needed something to do and now they have choices as to which rally to go to .

    If blame must be placed blame the DNC for selecting a sleezy candidate who can;t even beat a yellow haired non-politician. Had they have run a legitimate primary we may not be in this mess.

  5. "I think we are all in shock to have a president who does what he says he is going to do."

    Yeah. We heard him tell Billy Bush that he grabs women by their genitals because he's a star. That is shocking. But worse than that is the fact that many Americans thought a man who talked like that in addition to insulting POWs and Gold Star families and mocked disabled people would vote for him as the POTUS.

    Speaking of breaking the law, trump is now in violation of the Emolument Clause of the Constitution by the fact that his lease on the US government building that houses his DC hotel allows him to enrich himself while presidenting. But wait. Once he gets Session as his AG, he and his gang can change that law or any other laws that stand in his way.

    So skudrunner comes here and blames protesters, the DNC, President Obama, and Hillary for Donald Trump. Typical. Of course he doesn't blame the nitwits who voted for him -- no that would be placing the responsibility squarely on the people who brought this travesty on America.

    Sorry, skud, the DNC and Hillary and President Obama didn't vote for the horse's ass that's creating havoc and fear across America and the world. That would be the people who voted for him. They put him in office.

  6. As always you are correct with the exception that is was -H- and BHO who created an atmosphere of total disgust by the American voter that caused a person like DJT to win. The DNC decided who theis 2016 candidate was back in 2008 and they did everything they could to eliminate competition.

    How can anyone trust a government who would have a policy of you have to vote for it to see it. That shows how incompetent our legislators are and you wonder how DJT got elected.

    BTW I did not vote for trump and do not support many of his actions currently. DJT is doing what he said he would do. Unlike the transparent administration who sells guns to Mexico, promises you can keep your insurance and Dr and says there will be consequences if you have chemical weapons. The only time BHO stood up was sanctions against Russia who he said was insignificant in 2012 because he feels they caused -H- to lose or purely politics.

  7. There is but one truth for trump, trumptruth, ie words lies, lies, and more lies.

    A truly despicable stinky POS. Actually I'm being kind when I call him a POS. I'll leave it at that.

  8. skuddlepuss, can it with the fake news BS why don't you. You're starting to look like a trumpanzewe.

  9. I read only the first part of your comment, skud:

    "As always you are correct with the exception that is was -H- and BHO who created an atmosphere of total disgust by the American voter that caused a person like DJT to win."

    NO. You don't get to blame Hillary nor President Obama nor anyone else for the disaster that is Trump. Mr. Obama, for you edification, left office with one of the highest approval ratings of any modern president. Tell us how he could achieve that very positive, very high approval rating with "disgusted" Americans. Your argument is invalid. Your comments reflect ALTERNATIVE FACTS, which in the rational world are called "lies."

    Hillary Clinton did not create a disgusting atmosphere. Three million more Americans voted for her over Trump. 74 million Americans voted against Trump's 62 million who voted for him. Trump is a minority president because the stats show A MAJORITY OF AMERICANS were disgusted with HIM! Trump is now polling at 50 PERCENT DISAPPROVAL because Americans are DISGUSTED with him.

    A million and a half Brits have signed a petition telling Theresa May to disinvite Trump from his upcoming visit later this year. Brits, our closest allies, protested his Muslim ban this weekend all over the UK. Because they are DISGUSTED by the atmosphere he's created here and worldwide.

    Trump is president because of the Electoral College, which is how we elect presidents, and no one else. Millions of people regret their votes; they didn't look at the Trump who preened and bragged and lied in front of their noses.

    37% of the American people approve of him. And he's been president for only 12 days.

    That 37% approval rate shows that America is DISGUSTED with Trump.

  10. Shaw, Perhaps skud actually agrees with you and just wants you to further support your position so folks who really don't get it might one day catch on to what the real truth is.

    Just sayin... ☺

  11. Ms Shaw, Neither candidate had a 50% record and if this was a two state election, Calif and NY, -H- would have won but it wasn't. The will of the people have prevailed and the -H- lost or maybe it would be better to say the DNC lost because they were the ones who selected her. Had they allowed an open primary things might have been different. The EC is in force and was supported by the democrats including you before things turned on them.

    By your example if -H- won she would have been a minority president so your is not a great example. I do feel that any other republican candidate, except cruz, could have beaten -H- but it was trump who bulldozed over everyone to win.

    Now we are faced with a president who doesn't owe anyone. He ran his own campaign, didn't have the support of the RNC or republican elite politicians and now he is saying I am going to do what I said I would do.

    As to his firing of an AG because she wouldn't follow his edict, good for her for sticking to her principles.

    I think the protesters are afraid he will bring back some jobs and they might have to go to work. What is you opinion on that theory.

    Leslie, I still cannot follow your posts and trying to figure out if you are just ranting or have something to say.

  12. skud, your argument is invalid, again. We're supposed to be a nation that believes in "One Man/Woman One Vote." Therefore, the votes cast in California are equal to the votes cast in Wyoming. Period. And so 3 million more American voters voted for Hillary than for trump. All totaled: Hillary, Stein, Johnson, others, and write-in votes were cast against Trump to the tune of approximately 74 million. Trump won approximately 62 million votes. Trump and his gang of thugs may get away with "alternative facts" but people here won't. So here's a fact: More people voted against trump than voted for him. He's a minority president. Your "what ifs" about Hillary's would be status is meaningless because it is nothing but supposition. Fact are stubborn things. trump is a minority president whose approval rating is around 40%. If you understand math, and I know you do, that means 60% of the American people do not approve of trump.

    BUT former President Obama has a 60% favorability. So this is how that works: More Americans esteem President Obama than they esteem newly elected trump. I don't know of anything comparable to that in modern American history.

    skud: "I think the protesters are afraid he will bring back some jobs and they might have to go to work. What is you opinion on that theory."

    My opinion is that statement is bull$h*t. You're welcome.

    PS. No one by the name of "Leslie" posts comments here.

  13. Nobody by the name of skud or skuddlepuss posts here either yet arrows are slung.
    I hope trump succeeds in his promises and the American people, at least some of them, come to the senses and realize that is what is good for the nation is good for them.

  14. ... at least some of them, come to their senses and realize that is what is good for the nation is good for them.

    Well skudrunner, we're sure 36-38% of the people who support trump will "come to their senses". You know the ones, those living in the alternative universe and love conspiracy theories.

    trump... Making America Great Again By Making It Small.
