Saturday, January 21, 2017

There Are More People At National Mall For Women’s March Than Attended Trump Inauguration

CNN is reporting that there are already more people at the National Mall for the Women's March On Washington than attended Trump's inauguration.


  1. Let's see Trump try to explain THAT away.

    :: emits Nelson laugh ::


  2. He can't explain it away, but he can bullsh*t it away.

  3. If he were wise he would say nothing, consider why it materialized in such numbers, and effect change in himself.


  4. When will people understand that TRUMP IS A HATED MAN HERE AND AROUND THE WORLD?

  5. Boy, did I underestimate the size of the Boston demonstration. News reports are now placing it at 200,000. That's the largest demonstration in Boston history.

    Several other cities are reporting their largest ever.

    Meanwhile, Grabby's press secretary is lambasting the press for manufacturing "fake news" that the D.C. demonstration was larger than the crowd for the coronation.


  6. It was the biggest crowd I've ever seen in Boston. Today history was made here and around the country and world.

    The press secretary was on the defensive. Not a good position for the first meeting with the media. He was angry, loud, and wrong. Just like his boss, who BTW, was a disgrace in his performance before the CIA. It's going to be a long 4 years. We'll all be guessing how awful he'll be every time he opens his maw.

  7. Hahahahahahaha! Trump did create a huuuuge turnout. It was just a day late.


  8. It was great to see REAL Americans out there marching!

  9. Who are you going to believe:your president or the lying media? Forget I asked.
