Thursday, February 16, 2017

Seth Meyers Explains Trump's "Winning" So Far


  1. Finally, after 218 years the Logan Act is going to be used.

  2. Did you, Kevin, or anyone, see the Trumper's dumpster fire of a presser?

    That thing is leading America.

    His idea of governing is delegitimizing anyone and any organization that call him out on his chaotic administration.

    I seriously believe he has some sort of mental problem because he keeps repeating himself about his less than historic electoral college win. It's down near the bottom of the pack of electoral college wins, yet he keeps up his b.s. prattle that it was historic. It's been 4 months since the election and he still has the burning need to compare the size of his electoral college win. He's got some deep psychological problems about "size."

  3. Criticizing Preznit Happy Hands, shaw? Very unfair.

  4. Best moment during the presser was Lord Dampnut asking the african-american reporter if she would set up a meeting between himself and the Congressional Black Caucus.

    The world is watching this idiot.

    What did the president know and when did he know it?

  5. Ducky: "Best moment during the presser was Lord Dampnut asking the african-american reporter if she would set up a meeting between himself and the Congressional Black Caucus."

    Of course. The reporter is an African-American woman, therefore, she must know every African-American in the country, including the Black Caucus. Soft racism.

    It's to be expected from this clueless clown.
