Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Yes. Trump is now wasting his presidenting time to defend his daughter's clothing line in a luxury department store. This is actually happening in our once beautiful country.

In  case you haven't heard, the so-called POTUS took time out of his busy schedule presidenting to complain to the country and the world about a luxury department store's decision to drop Ivanka Trump's line of clothing that wasn't selling all that well. So here's the so-called leader of the free world wasting his time over a clothing line! Yeah. He's that big  of a horse's ass.

President Trump’s ridiculous feud with Nordstrom over their decision to drop Ivanka Trump’s poor-performing products just got more interesting.
This morning, our so-called President grew bored during his intelligence briefings and decided to use his official government Twitter account to chastise the luxury department store for dropping his daughter’s fashion brand, which was already under fire for plagiarizing designs from real artists. 

Nordstrom just fired back at Trump, reminding him that this was in the works for quite a while, that it was a good business decision – something Trump is clearly unfamiliar with – and that it had nothing to do with any personal beef.
NEW stmt from @Nordstrom doubles down on @IvankaTrumpHQ brand's performance - Trump was personally informed of the decision in early January
For his part, Trump had his Press Secretary Sean Spicer announce that refusing to do business with his daughter would be considered “an attack.”
state it plainly: the White House press secretary just said that not doing business with the president's children is considered an "attack"
Trump’s behavior is absolutely disgraceful to his office and to our nation. The office of the Presidency is not a soapbox for which to punish companies for their business decisions.

On top of that, what ever happened to that free market Trump loves so much? The free market decided Ivanka Trump made terrible products and decided not to sell them – so Trump is now throwing a fit. It just goes to show what colossal hypocrites Republicans are when it comes to their own business decisions.


  1. Shaw, you are insulting horse's asses. Trump doesn't measure up to anything as intelligent as a horse's ass.

  2. The office of the Presidency is not a soapbox....

    It is now.

  3. For his part, Trump had his Press Secretary Sean Spicer announce that refusing to do business with his daughter would be considered “an attack.”
    Can SNL get a cold open worked up in time?

  4. Ducky: "Trump had his Press Secretary Sean Spicer announce that refusing to do business with his daughter would be considered “an attack.”

    So is he going to send cruise missiles to Nordstrom's? What a fool! Worse are the fools who still support this disaster, Trump.

  5. President $H*tgIBb0n:

    Trump registered a complaint about the hand towels aboard Air Force One (not soft enough).
    “I’ve been in this town for 26 years. I have never seen anything like this,” said Eliot Cohen, a senior State Department official under President George W. Bush and a member of his National Security Council. “I genuinely do not think this is a mentally healthy president.”
