Friday, March 31, 2017

Oh my! That's harsh!

Michael Gerson is a conservative and writes for the Washington Post.

This is how he characterizes the Trump administration:

 "empty, easily distracted, vindictive, shallow, impatient, incompetent and morally small," 

Gerson summarizes the GOP's "free fall" as rather hopeless: 

 "It is now dawning on Republicans what they have done to themselves. They thought they could somehow get away with Trump. That he could be contained. That the adults could provide guidance. That the economy might come to the rescue. That the damage could be limited. Instead, they are seeing a downward spiral of incompetence and public contempt — a collapse that is yet to reach a floor. A presidency is failing. A party unable to govern is becoming unfit to govern. And what, in the short term, can be done about it? Nothing. Nothing at all."

h/t PM Carpenter 

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