Saturday, March 25, 2017

Saturday Night Poetry

A day or so ago a wingnut left a poem in comment moderation, at the conclusion of which he or she called me a "Commie."

It was a childish, poorly written poem, but never mind that. What is witheringly tiresome is that whenever a wingnut is upset with a Liberal, he/she resorts to red-baiting and labeling the Liberal a COMMIE!

Funny, that, because the leader of their shambolic party and his friends and associates have been playing footsie with former Commies and Mafia-type Rooskies. Trump has embraced, praised, and extolled the ex-Communist head of Russia's KGB for his leadership qualities, and the person who wrote the poem belongs to a group that thinks Vladimir Putin is a better example of western values than former President Obama!

These are the same people who claim Liberalism is a mental disease. Srsly. They actually believe that an ex-Commie thug who murders his opponents and opposition journalists, who controls all Russian media, who threw a female rock band in jail because he didn't like their songs, and who invades countries -- that guy is a better model of western values than Barack Obama.

A blogging friend and fb buddy, Stephen B., wrote the poem below, and he is far more clever than the person who admires Vlad "The Mad" Putin ever hopes to be.

Brave Sir Donald ran away
With Paul Ryan ran away
When came the vote they counted heads
Then bravely turned their tails and fled
Brave, brave, brave sir Donald!

He said he had a secret plan
The greatest healthcare in the land
But when folks noticed that it stunk
With tail between his legs he slunk
Brave, brave, brave sir Donald!

And now he leaves his plan behind
"It wouldn't pass so never mind
Why play the game if you're gonna lose"
He whines and moans and Boo-hoo-hoos
Brave, brave, brave sir Donald!

With acknowledgement to the Monty Python players:


  1. Hah, that poem's good! I wish we could make Trump himself read it. Trump's denunciation of conventional politicians as "all talk, no action" during the campaign is now revealed as psychological projection of the most pitiful kind.

    a group that thinks Vladimir Putin is a better example of western values than former President Obama!

    This shows how dangerously twisted their concept of Western values really is -- mostly resembling that of the European fascist movements of the 20s and 30s, who also claimed to be defending a rigid, shallow, grayed-out version of "Western values" against Jews, individualism, freedom, socialism, etc. (that is, largely against things that constitute real Western values).

    The Obamacare fight shows why Democrats can govern and Republicans can't. When Obamacare was passed, many Democrats were unhappy with various details of it -- many really wanted single-payer, for example. Bu they stood together to enact it, knowing that it's better to take what you can get and try to improve it later, than to insist on all-or-nothing and get nothing.

    Hard-line Republicans who wanted the repeal to be even more sweeping and brutal couldn't view things that way. They did insist on all-or-nothing, and got nothing -- no repeal at all. If they'd been willing to compromise like dissident Democrats did when Obamacare was enacted, they could have gotten something -- taking insurance away from 24 million people -- and built on that toward their true goal of hurting and killing millions more. Since they weren't willing to compromise, they've blown any chance of that for the foreseeable future. And they still don't seem to realize it.

  2. Labels used like that don't mean anything.

  3. All words are labels, and all speakers merely laberlers,

    And labeling well in these times takes many arts. :-)

    Seriously, if we completely refrained from using labels, we couldn't communicate at all. The point is to use them aptly.

  4. If u want 2 see great poetry u should check out Free Thinke's blog.

  5. Infidel753: "The point is to use them aptly."


    For example: "Trump is a liar." That is an apt label.

  6. Infidel753: "'s better to take what you can get and try to improve it later, than to insist on all-or-nothing and get nothing."

    That's called compromise. Something the Goopers don't understand. With them, it's all or nothing, and in this first pass at health care, they got nothing. Another piece of evidence of their inability to govern.

  7. "Anonymous said...
    If u want 2 see great poetry u should check out Free Thinke's blog."

