Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Ivanka Jeered and Booed at Forum in Germany

Ivanka Trump Kushner defended her father at a forum in Germany.

She defended a man who bragged about grabbing women's genitals because he's a star.

She defended a man who bragged about bursting into teenage beauty contestants' dressing rooms, leering at  them while they were half naked.

She defended a man who said it was okay for shock jock Howard Stern to call then 20-year old Ivanka "a piece of ass." Any other father would have punched Stern in the face for such a disgusting remark. 

She defended a man who cheated on Wife #1 with Wife #2 and who cheated on Wife #2 with Wife #3 and allegedly cheated on Wife #3 with some beauty queen.

She defended a man who made Wife #1 get breast implants and plastic surgery on her face.

She defended a man who urged Wife #2, while she was his wife, to pose nude in Playboy Magazine.

She defended a man who told Wife #3 she had to get her figure back after the birth of their son, or else, and who had breast implants and facial surgery as well.

She defended a man who bragged about having sex with other men's wives.

She defended a man who said it is hard for a woman who doesn't have double D implants to be a "10," and who evaluates women on their looks alone.

She defended a man who made fun of Carly Fiorina's looks.

She defended a man who called Megyn Kelly a bimbo.

She defended a man who's called women fat pigs if they were overweight. (He's practically obese, BTW.)

She defended a man who disrespected German Chancellor, Angela Merkel.

And the absolute SICKEST of all, Ivanka defended the man who admitted that he was sexually attracted to his daughter.

Facts are stubborn things. 

Ivanka refuses to see her father as the misogynist, sexist, and incestuous creep that he is because she's his daughter, and that position will never allow her to see the moral swine that he is, especially where women are concerned

The rest of the world DOES see his and her hypocrisy, and that's why she was jeered and booed.

(And let's never forget that the folks who like to think of themselves as the "Moral Majority" -- the Evangelical right -- have no problem with any of the above. They voted for a man who is everything they detest in a human being. But Trump put the magic "R" after his name, so it's all good.)

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