Wednesday, May 24, 2017


  1. The new pope is a humble man, very much like me...

    Words fail me. Only the fertile minefield of DJT could have possibly thought that one up. Why bother with satire and parody?

  2. Hold on FJ... Pres Trump said that? Do you have a link??

  3. It was a tweet Dave. Actually it's right here on PE. Just look at the bottom of Shaw's post from Tuesday, A Tale of Two Presidents. It's a mindless tweet with the infamous picture of the pope looking sad and Trump's two ladies dressed in mourning. No wonder he looked sad. I'm sure he would have preferred to see them in something light and pretty for Springtime.

  4. The tweet is from December of 2013.

  5. Flying, actually the way the women were dressed was determined by the Vatican's rules which dictate how women visiting that "country" are supposed to dress, similar to that some Islamic countries have. Some women who have visited the Pope have enough power to ignore the rules, and members of a few aristocratic European families are traditionally exempt from them, which is why you may have seen some pictures of women in the Vatican who were dressed normally. Trump's family apparently decided to conform to the rules.

    It's an odd little relic of the Middle Ages -- rather like the Vatican itself.

  6. Infidel753, I read the protocols governing how WOMEN must dress when having a private audience with the Pope. It's absolutely bizarre to read how women must conform to a hierarchically determined dress code. Catholic queens and some Catholic consorts of Catholic royalty are allowed to wear white at a private Papal audience. Some heads of state ignore the protocols --two female Irish presidents ignored them and wore regular business attire.

    One of the fascinating "rules" for female attire is that a woman's arms must be covered, no shoulders must be shown, and a skirt or dress must be below the knees. Ha! Apparently women's arms, shoulders, and knees are considered an occasion of sin for the holies in the Vatican.

    As you point out, this is a holdover from ancient times when women were repressed and seen as jezebels who were hell bent on seducing any man in their company. Sort of like the mentality of the fundamental Muslims, and not just fundamental Muslims. (NB: Mike Pence will not be alone with ANY woman other than his wife.) That sexist caution, again, reinforces the religious fundamental male's belief that women are nothing more than seductresses.
