Saturday, May 13, 2017

Saturday Night Music

After this week's events, I thought of this song by The Hollies:


  1. Love The Hollies! "He Ain't Heavy" was my favorite, but this song is so cool!


  2. "He Ain't Heavy" was a favorite of mine too!

  3. Have to go with early Hollies (Carrie Anne, Bus Stop, On a Carousel, Look Through Any Window. They had a raw unperfected energy. I really enjoyed them.

    This a very tight, well produced song but it sounds like a Creedence cover.

  4. Ducky, yes. But I chose it for the content, FBI, etc. I agree their other songs were better as well.

  5. If we stay with the Hollies, someone with better song writing skills than myself could probably tunr Carrie Anne into a pretty good parody, Kellyanne.

    Thought it was significant that he thinks he needs to pull her out of cold storage to re-energize the "message".

  6. I urge everyone to go to youtube and search Randy Rainbow if you haven't already done so. It is WELL worth the time and he's clearly a 'bigly' talented writer of parody songs. If I could figure out how to insert a video into my blog, I'd have posted his stuff many times over.. :)
