Friday, June 9, 2017


  1. More nauseating hypocrisy from the Trumpistas:

    GOP attacked Obama as an “amateur,” but Trump gets a pass because “he’s new to this”
    By Oliver Willis

    After nearly a decade of attacks on President Obama for being "naïve" and an "amateur," Republicans like Paul Ryan now say Donald Trump deserves a break because he's "new to this."

  2. "new to this" only works if your first job is in the mailroom, not as boss of the whole operation.

  3. They also attacked Obama for being 'just a community organizer'. Meanwhile, their orange weasel-king has never been anything but a con artist grifter who inherited enough money to never work again. Trouble is, he did work and kept losing lots of that money and the monies of lots of other people. Yeah, I'll take the community organizer over this world-wide disorganizer any day of the week!

  4. Well Jerry, when it's your guy a lot gets overlooked. It is the way it is. Ryan is a jackass and his party is rolling in elephant sh*t. Apparently they enjoy it.

  5. On a different front (I don't think there's going to be quite enough to hand the stiff).

    First The Orange Man endorses Le Pen and she gets slapped down.

    Now it looks as if Theresa Thatcher is so far up the junction she can't form a government without an ultra religious party with terrorist ties to the Ulster Defense League (ironic).

    Can't wait till she negotiates Brexit. Angie will eat her lunch.


    But if France and England can do it there's hope here.


  6. Holy Christ......Ducky is banking on France? After Comey proved himself to be a political coward the left is looking over the pond.

  7. Anonymous @1:18AM,

    Correction: Comey proved himself to be a truth teller.

    Comey testified under oath. Only a besotted Trump bot -- y'know, the 34 percenters -- believe Comey lied. The entire world knows that Trump is a pathological liar. Nothing he says should every be believed unless proved otherwise.

    Trump is a liar.

    Ducky is correct.

  8. Jerry, Blue, RN, Ducky, Remember how the Goopers yammered to the country that Mr. Obama was unqualified to be POTUS because he had no experience, even though he served in the Illinois legislature for 7 years and was a US Senator for two years? Trump has no experience whatsoever in any elected office, but the Goopers are saying because he has no experience, he doesn't know what the hell he's doing, and that's okay.

    The Goopers bring a deeper meaning to the word hypocrisy.

    1. They bring a deeper meaning to the word stupid as well.

  9. Trump made a big mistake in firing Comey. It freed him to talk in a way that he couldn't when he was the FBI director. And the way they did it made an enemy of him in a big way. This was very, very stupid. But when you have people who have zero experience and instinct for bureaucratic politics this is what happens.

    Trumpie ran a nice little family business using money he inherited from his daddy and borrowed from mobsters. His experience is basically useless as president. (Well, I should amend that to say that his experience as a conman and TV reality star did help him win over some uninformed voters. So, that's something.)


  10. Yesterday, I sat through the entire bull-shit session yesterday. Until it
    He "felt" Trump may not be honest. He "thought" he had to document his discussions with Trump to protect himself and the FBI.

    Why is it that Comey refused to admit that Trump was not the target of any Russian investigation because it would be inappropriate to release that information but he felt it was appropriate to leak information he hoped would be damaging to Trump?
    But I got to tell you something,
    Trump had better wise up. It's time to fight back with ALL the power of his grass roots supporters behind him before the liberals succeed in charging him or associates for something like jaywalking and hounding him from office! God know that they are trying hard enough.

  11. C.O.T. wrote: “Yesterday, I sat through the entire bull-shit session yesterday.”

    S.K.: So, we understand that you sat through the Comey testimony on Thursday. (also, “bull-shit” is not hyphenated; it’s one word: Bullshit, chew on that.

    C.O.T.: “Until it
    He "felt" Trump may not be honest. He "thought" he had to document his discussions with Trump to protect himself and the FBI.”

    S.K.: I “feel” you have trouble with the English language, I “think” you don’t know how to accurately express yourself.

    C.O.T.: “Why is it that Comey refused to admit that Trump was not the target of any Russian investigation because it would be inappropriate to release that information but he felt it was appropriate to leak information he hoped would be damaging to Trump?”

    S.K.: Comey didn’t refuse to admit that Trump was not the target of any Russian investigation, he stated that he would have to speak to that subject in a closed session. Also, for your edification, Comey could not at the time unequivocally state Trump wasn’t under investigation for the Russian scandal because he, Comey, was not certain that subsequent evidence would arise that would put Trump under investigation. It’s rather nuanced and technical, so we don’t expect C.O.T. to understand

    C.O.T.: “But I got to tell you something,”

    S.K.: Really? What exactly did you get to tell me?

    C.O.T.: “Trump had better wise up. It's time to fight back with ALL the power of his grass roots supporters behind him before the liberals succeed in charging him or associates for something like jaywalking and hounding him from office! God know that they are trying hard enough.”

    S.K.: Perhaps Trump should get his measly 34% to “fight back” while the remaining 66% of Americans continue to resist the lying sack of treason.

  12. Anonymous, well said. Trump has fallen into the perjury trap. He's accused Comey of lying under oath; he has denied asking for an oath of loyalty and of asking Comey to let the Flynn investigation go and stated he would testify to this under oath. Those are very, very serious accusations by the POTUS -- a man known to be a pathological liar. Trump has lied and cheated and scammed and conned his way to the presidency, but he's now way in over his ridiculously bleach-blond head. Robert Mueller is a very, very smart man who has something very important that Trump lacks: integrity.

    Pass the popcorn.

  13. One other point, Chewy:

    Trump claimed everything Comey testified to is a lie. But then Trump said Comey's testimony "vindicated" him.

    If Comey lied, how could his testimony vindicate Trump?

  14. Either Trump doesn't know what the word vindicate means or he's, once again, playing to his uninformed base.

  15. Trump's lawyer: ... I will now play the tape. [presses button]
    "Mr Trump, I pledge you my loyalty and my life!"

    "I'm flattered, but that really isn't necessary."

    "No, no, I want too! I've never known a man as strong and powerful as you! Your electoral victory was historically huge, no one ever had inaugural crowds as big as yours!

    "I know. I hope you will always do the right thing, like you are doing right now. Now, bring me a coke."
    Judge: Mr Kasowitz, that is clearly the voice of Chris Christie.

    Trump: Totally vindicated!

  16. The J Mopper.

    Nice to hear from you. And yes, his besotted base is spinning. But today I read that his own son that when Trump says he "hopes" someone does what he asks, Trump means he WANTS IT DONE! So Don the Con WAS demanding that Comey call off the Flynn investigation, his own son understands that.

  17. Stephen B. Hahaha! No wonder you're in the theater!
