Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Another Trump Lie

Did we mention that #45 is a mendacious swine? And that the 30 percenters who still support him are worse than he is. 

Dear Mr. Mueller, here's another piece of the Trump- Russia scandal.

Trump's business tried to open Trump Tower in Moscow during campaign: report

Members of the Trump Organization and investors nearly reached a deal to open a Trump Tower in Moscow during the 2016 presidential race, according to a new report. Trump’s company and investors signed a letter of intent to open up a massive development as part of the Trump brand but dropped the deal in January 2016 after they failed to get the land and permits to launch the project, 

The Washington Post reported Sunday. Felix Sater, a Russian-born developer, also encouraged Trump to visit Moscow to hear about the proposal and promised he could get Russian President Vladimir Putin to say “great things” about Trump, according to the Post.

Donald Trump sought deal for Trump Tower in Moscow while running for president, report says  

Donald Trump faces allegations his company sought a development deal in Moscow while he was campaigning.  

President Donald Trump tried to cut a deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow during the lead-up to the presidential primaries in late 2015 and early 2016, according to The Washington Post.

The Post reported that Mr Trump and Russian-born real estate developer Felix Sater exchanged emails about the project while Mr Trump was campaigning for the presidency. 

 The newspaper said investors and Mr Trump's company had signed a letter of intent to build a Trump Tower in Moscow but the project, lacking land and permits, was abandoned at the end of January 2016, just before the US presidential primaries began, according to several people familiar with the proposal.

Booman has more on this Trump-Russia scandal:

Trump Has Been Lying About Sater and Russia


  1. The evidence is piling up. Mueller must be very busy.

  2. I wonder if Pence is reading "How to Pardon ex-Presidents for Dummies."
