Sunday, August 13, 2017

Sunday Night Music

After the events of this shameful weekend, this song by Nine Inch Nails and sung by Johnny Cash represents, to me, what America has done to herself:

What have I become 
My sweetest friend? 
Everyone I know 
Goes away in the end 
And you could have it all 
My empire of dirt 
I will let you down 
I will make you hurt 

I wear this crown of thorns 
Upon my liar's chair 
Full of broken thoughts 
I cannot repair 
Beneath the stains of time 
The feelings disappear 

You are someone else 
I am still right here 
 What have I become 
My sweetest friend? 
Everyone I know 
Goes away in the end 
And you could have it all 
My empire of dirt 
I will let you down 
I will make you hurt


  1. The Guardian view on Donald Trump and racism: a moral failure that shames America

    No previous US president of modern times would have failed to condemn his country’s white nationalists. This one did.

  2. The response on the right is most distressing.
    A popular theory is that Soros financed the "Unite the Right" (i.e. Nazi) march as a black flag operation.

    They are willing to believe anything except that there is a malignancy in the party that must be excised.

  3. He is a White Nationalist. That's his core base.

  4. Ducky: "They are willing to believe anything except that there is a malignancy in the party that must be excised."

    The Mothership of Fools is equating the Nazis with BLM and whining about how Americans are disgusted with the Nazi march on Charlotteville and not the BLM demonstrations. I feel more sorrow than anger for people who are that clueless and ignorant.

    General McMaster has said what happened in Charlotteville is domestic terrorism. We were warned during the Obama administration that the U.S. was in more danger from far right gangs than from Islamist terrorists, and the rabid right lost their minds over that.

    It's much easier to blame a Soros or Barbra Streisand than look within themselves for the rot that is the current GOP.

    I don't know of any Americans who haven't condemned what happened in Charlotteville, except the people on those blogs. They're disgusting Nazi apologists.

  5. Clearwater, FloridaAugust 14, 2017 at 7:50 AM

    Sounds like something you'd read on a certain far right blog, eh?

    CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — The ground underneath the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert Lee in Emancipation Park Saturday night was littered with evidence of President Donald Trump’s cultivation of the far right: protest signs with messages like “The Jewish Media Is Going Down,” “The Goyim Know” and “We Support President Donald Trump.”
