Wednesday, August 30, 2017

We interrupt today's post to present a moment of clarity brought to you by Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter of Alpine, California

Reported in the San Diego Union Tribune: 

Rep. Duncan Hunter, one of Donald Trump’s first allies in Congress, described the president in profane terms to a group of Republicans on Friday, but also touted the president as their champion. 

“He’s just like he is on TV,” Hunter, R-Alpine, told the group. “He’s an asshole, but he’s our asshole.” 

Hunter’s salty assessment was recounted by four people who were present when the congressman spoke at a Riverside County Young Republicans meeting in a Murrieta sports bar. 

Three spoke on the record with attribution, while one source spoke on the condition of anonymity. 

Others who were there made posts about Hunter’s comments on social media as well. 

 Hunter’s chief of staff did not respond to emails for comment. His voice mailbox was filled and could not accept more messages. 

The House is on recess until Sept. 5.

Why yes. Yes, Trump is the Republicans' asshole. 

Thank you for your insightful observation, Representative Hunter!

And in Trump's continuing quest to out-asshole every asshole in the country...

"Perhaps the most memorable moment of the day came when Trump marveled at the size of his audience, saying in Corpus Christi, “What a crowd, what a turnout.” 

Apparently, in the president’s mind, what mattered during his brief visit to Texas was the number of locals who wanted to see him. Some initial accounts suggested Trump had made the comments to storm victims, but that wasn’t quite right – because he didn’t meet with any victims. Rather, the president thought it’d be a good idea to host an impromptu rally against the backdrop of a deadly natural disaster. 

 A Washington Post analysis noted, “Yet again, Trump managed to turn attention on himself.” 

The piece added that as of late yesterday, “the president had yet to mention those killed, call on other Americans to help or directly encourage donations to relief organizations.” 

 Indeed, a Dallas Morning News reporter, on hand for Trump’s brief visit, noted that the president made no mention of those killed, injured, or displaced by the storm. 

Former Bush/Cheney Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, hardly a liberal provocateur, conceded that empathy for the hurricane’s victims was “missing from what President Trump said.”


  1. Duncan Hunter is in a great position to recognize an asshole. He is one of the republicans best assholes!

  2. Today's Huffington headline :

    Michael Cohen Speaks: Trump Exec Admits Russia Dealings Were Gross, But Not Illegal

    I can't wait till Robert Mueller speaks.

  3. President Trump speaks...

    "After witnessing first hand the horror & devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey, my heart goes out even more so to the great people of Texas!"

    Except Trump never got closer than a gov't briefing and a radar station.

    He saw nothing first hand and even doubled down on Instagram and through his secretary later in the day. He just cannot help himself, or admit when he screws up.


  4. Dave Trump never uttered any words of comfort or empathy for the victims of this horrible disaster. He is incapable of exhibiting the most basic human reactions to other people's suffering.
