Friday, September 22, 2017

Clueless Trump


  1. It's apparently all but dead and they'll miss the Sept. 31st deadline. After that the rethugs need 60 votes.

    Lord Dampnut can go back to playing chicken with North Korea.

  2. Ducky, neither Trump nor the senators pushing this monstrosity of a bill have any idea of what it would do to the American people who actually prefer the ACA by almost 60%. It appears the Goopers, like their president, don't know how to govern.

  3. The Goopers I'm beginning to believe couldn't successfully manage a pig farm.

  4. RN, I would say the Goopers who are presently in charge of the Executive and Congressional branches don't know how to govern. We do know that the sane Republicans were able to govern. Unfortunately, those Republicans are nowhere to be found in Trump's Republican Party.

    Our own Massachusetts governor proves there are sane Republicans out there.

  5. Thank you for clarifying. That is exactly correct and what I really meant. Hell, I WAS a Republican back when Republican leadersbip actually were sane leaders.

  6. PS: Many more sane republicans must begin speaking out, and very loudly, if the party is to ever again occupy the high ground. Frankly, I don't see this happening during the remainder of my lifetime.

  7. Trump and his gang would never be elected to manage a pig farm since the pigs would find them too disgusting to tolerate. As for the failed repeal bill, by Trump's own standards he should be glad it failed -- since he said he wouldn't sign it if it didn't cover pre-existing conditions, and it doesn't.

    Now, on to their next triumphs of governance -- failing to build a wall, failing to pass tax "reform", failing to deport the DREAMers, etc.

  8. Shaw - "...neither Trump nor the senators pushing this monstrosity of a bill have any idea of what it would do to the American people..."

    I disagree. They know exactly what it will do! THEY DON'T CARE about the American people. They only want to remove anything Obama did and give a tax cut to their benefactors.

  9. Jerry you're probably correct. I do recall Sen. Grassley saying something to the effect that he probably couldn't support what's in the bill but the Goopers HAD to pass it because Preznit Dotard promised his base he would. Now there's an interesting reason to cause misery and possibly death to millions of Americans! A half-wit elistist billionaire who knew nothing about health care promised his 30 percenters to get rid of Obamacare!

    I will never let those people forget what they did to America. They need to be mocked and shamed for all eternity.

  10. Infidel753, I wonder who Preznit Dotard will kick off his team of deplorables when this bill fails.
