Friday, September 1, 2017

Trump's Russia Scandal Gets Worse and Worse

Check this out:

Donald Trump's lawyers realise charges against him are 'real and serious', says former US attorney

Pro-active approach taken by defence suggests allegations have merit and criminal charges are possible, Preet Bharara

Eugene Robinson of WaPo:

"Just so there’s no confusion: Donald Trump’s longtime personal lawyer emailed Vladimir Putin’s personal spokesman? 

Seeking help from the Kremlin on a deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow? 

During the presidential campaign? 

Yes, this really happened. 

While most attention was rightly focused on the devastating flood in Houston, there was quite a bit of news on the Russia front — all of it, from President Trump’s perspective, quite bad."


  1. White House walks back promise about Trump donating his ‘personal money’ to Harvey victims
    A subtle but significant shift.

  2. FOX is going all out to discredit Mueller and his investigation based on a recent pResnit Trump moment of BS tweet eruptions. Bizarre inded.

  3. Yes, until Christmas and the New Year. 15 until next mid term election.

  4. I was hoping to see some unity to honor all of those suffering in Texas but it is times like these that I am proud to be a Texan. There are only two kinds of people in this country, Texans and those who wish they were.

    Regardless of who the president is the people of Texas came together to help their fellow man regardless of race, religion or national origin. Wouldn't it be nice to see that attitude spread. I failed to see a lot of BLM or We Hate Trump signs in Houston or did I see marches. They will show up after the conditions improve and they don't have to do anything.

    BTW Happy Labour Day

  5. You snark is all to evident, once again skudrunner.

    Fact is presidents need to unite, tRump has done the opposite. Sad indeed.

    I despise and hate tRumps politics and character. I actually feel sorry for him. Of in a way he, and likely you would never understand.

    As for Texas, nice place to vist. Would NEVER live there.

    Oh, BTW, the rest of the nation is help in as well. Liberal as well as conservative.

    Happy Labor Day to you as well.
