Thursday, November 16, 2017

Friday Music Blog

My nephew, classical guitar composer and instructor, Kevin Callaham.

Kevin Callahan

The Possessed

Yessler Way Music

 "This fascinating and complex advanced piece was commissioned by Russian guitarist Artyom Dervoed and premiered by him at the Guitar Foundation of America convention in 2015.

We’ll let Callahan describe his piece: “The Possessed is in three movements. The first movement features numerous and furious scales juxtaposed with lyrical sections that, for some, recall Chopin and Paganini. This is a very animated movement backed by power and bravado, yet offering moments of contemplation.

“The middle movement begins with harmonics and a feeling of space, a feeling of nostalgia. It is soon followed by a passacaglia that morphs into an accented series of odd meters where voices interplay and perhaps hint at modern Baroque.

 “The last movement, while continuing with themes found in the first and second movements, combines both modern elements with easily accessible melodies culminating in a fury of discordant chords and blistering scales.”

 Below, Russian guitarist Artyom Dervoed plays the lyrical second movement:


  1. You've featured him before. Must be nice to be able to be such a proud aunt!

  2. Yes. I am proud of him. This is the first time Classical Guitar Magazine featured him. He's working on putting together a CD with all his compositions on it. I have bits and pieces from YouTube and a couple I downloaded from iTunes.

  3. Congratulations to your nephew on his talent.

    Re: the banner about Trumper and Moore: Trump calls his own victims liars. He's silent on Roy Moore. Al Franken? That's a different story.

    As far as we know, there's only one woman who's come forth with her sexual assault story on Franken, and Franken has apologized for his stupid behavior and the woman has accepted his apology.

    Meanwhile Trump has 16 WOMEN accusing him of the same thing Franken's accuser says he did, and Trump is silent, and he's silent about child molester Moore.


  4. Your nephew is a talented classical guitarist and composer.

    I enjoyed Deveord's performance of the second movement.

  5. Because you are a musician, RN, I knew you'd appreciate this post.
