Sunday, December 3, 2017

Sunday Night Funnies

Foolish #45 actually believes no other president, and certainly not President Obama, ever said "Merry Christmas."

Here Trump is making a fool of himself. Again. He's telling his dupes that he invented saying "Merry Christmas."

A lie. Surprised?


  1. Carrying on O'Reilly's fictional War on Christmas.

  2. It's Christmas that is a fiction.

  3. Although I was baptized and raised Catholic (going to 12 years of Catholic schools), I associate now with the Unitarian Universalist religion. I always celebrate Christmas but to give a little dig to this whole War on Christmas, I'm purposefully changing my Facebook cover photo every week to a new Happy Holidays image. And, yes, I do have some friends and family that buy into this none existent war...


  4. Possumlady, there is and has never been a war on Christmas. It was all made up by FAUX NOOZ. And Trump being the idiot that he is, jumped on the non-issue because he doesn't have anything of substance to say.

    Happy Holidays to all!
