Monday, January 29, 2018



  1. This does not mean we should have open borders and unrestricted immigration.

    Nations have the right as well as obligation to maintain their national sovereignty and identity.

  2. This is in response to the trump administration wanting a "merit-based" only immigration policy, and to stopping immigration all together.

  3. How many were in the country legally? Maybe we could go back to the Carter days and just give them all amnesty if they hit our shores or create a temporary system and then ignore it.
    I have yet to hear anyone said stop all immigration. Why would you be against helping our citizens first which we do a lousy job of but that does not garner headlines for madam pelosi and chuckles.


  4. skud: "Maybe we could go back to the Carter days and just give them all amnesty

    I'm not surprised that a Gooper would get that wrong. You really need to revisit our recent history and stop accusing Democratic presidents of doing what Republican presidents did.

    skud: "I have yet to hear anyone said stop all immigration."

    The reforms include radically curbing the number of immigrants allowed into the U.S.,

    skud: "Why would you be against helping our citizens first"

    Where or when have I ever expressed anything approaching that? You have an annoying habit of putting words in my mouth that I've never spoken. Please stop.

  5. Ms, Shaw, Do you remember the Mariel Boatlift in 1980. That was under the Carter watch but you probably knew that.

    Radically curbing and stopping all immigration is radically different.

    Using our resources to provide for people in this country illegally takes away funds that could be used for our citizens. The problem is that it is not good press for politician, regardless of the party, to identify how much money is diverted from our citizens to support those in the country illegally. BTW, it is billions.

  6. skud: "using our resources to provide for people in this country illegally takes away funds that could be used for our citizens."

    You obviously don't pay attention to Paul Ryan and other Gooper pols, which is probably a good thing. But your statement is laughable. Ryan is on record for wanting to get rid of "entitlements," social security, medicare and medicaid. Don't for a minute believe in the fantasy that Republican pols give a flying donut about "providing for people in this country."

    They defunded C.H.I.P., and held it hostage as a bargaining chip, and Planned Parenthood, those are just two examples of the real goals of the GOP.

    At this moment we have a criminal, rogue president breaking all constitutional norms. And you and your brethern don't seem to care a whit.

  7. Shaw, you can lead the blind to water, but, you can't make them drink.

    I can't figure out if skudrunner is just playing the part of the contrarian for shits and grins or if he really is that naive.

  8. Ryan never said he wants to get rid of entitlements but does want reform them. I have never believed medicare and SS are entitlements even though our corrupt congress try to lump them in with the spirit killing welfare.
    The disaster AKA obamacare was suppose to take care of need for C.H.I.P. but all it did was make a expensive broken healthcare system less affordable for the majority.
