Thursday, January 11, 2018

Light posting while enjoying sunshine, palm trees, and beaches


The Fire and the Fury
The Last Tudor
A Year in the Village of Eternity


Jimmy Buffett
Bob Marley
Jimmy Cliff
Beach Boys
The Gypsy Kings


  1. Enjoy the break.

    I'm in one of those "shithole" countries, as Pres Trump likes to call places from where non white people hail. I'll be spending the next few weeks enjoying lige helping people here get quality health care, clean drinking water, and an understanding of how a real Christian looks at life, faith and serving others.

    Peace Shaw...

    You deserve it...

  2. Trump is reading something someone wrote for him to honor Dr. Martin Luther King. It is devoid of any feeling or sincerity. A robot would have delivered it better than the Racist-in-Chief.

    I don't believe a word of his horrible reading because we know what Trump really thinks about other races and the countries they come from. As you know, I teach ESOL classes, and several of my students come from Haiti and African countries. Every one of my students are worth 50 of that awful, creep who occupies the White House. Imagine how my students must feel after hearing the POTUS call their countries "shitholes".

    This so- called honoring of MLK is a rotten disgusting lie from the racist who lives in the people's house. We know what he really thinks of people of color.

  3. The usual conservative half-wits, low-life's and racists ("Moslem vermin") are praising Trump for his racist remarks, a And who's surprised? They agree with Trumps "shithole" remark because they're degenerate, racists Like him. No wonder they celebrate that bloated bag of rotting flesh. The con bloggers are made of the same filth.

  4. Wall Street Journal reported Trumps adulterous affair in 2006 with a porn star (he married Melania in2005). Trump paid her $150,000 to keep her mouth shut. This will really make the Evangelical Christians love Donald even more. And what. pious Evangelical Christian wouldn't love an American president calling countries and continents "shitholes" and learning how often he commits adultery?

    He's a man those good Christians continue to support because of his good Christian values!!!

  5. Enjoy the break. Relax always knowing the Trumpfoons are in the minority.

  6. And enjoy this too:

    The mouth on the first critter (lamprey) resembles the mouth on the third critter.

  7. The real shithole of the world: Donald Trump's mouth.

  8. BIG NEWS IN HEADLINES TODAY: Other Presidents volunteered on MLK Jr day…Trump is PLAYING GOLF!

    Man….let the guy relax! Yes, he did slam Obama BIG TIME, for playing about half the golf he’s played this year, but LET HIM ALONE! We Trump cultists love his rank hypocrisy and I ESPECIALLY LOVE IT WHEN HE TALKS SHIT TO ME. Trumps just a dreamy, delicious shit- talker. And I love him.

  9. I am what you call a"Trumpista" and came here to tell you that when President Trump called black countries like Africa "shitholes" he was telling the truth that you snowflakes can't handle. You will never "get" what President Trump is about and why we conservatives like him. He tells the truth and says it plainly and honestly which is better then hearing the garbage the leftists spew about him every day. President Trump is accomplishing things for this country if you people would let him and stop you're whining every day!

  10. Political fury -- If you think Africa is a country, there's absolutely no reason to even bother with you.


  11. Trump and his doctors expect us to believe that trump is healthy when all we need to do is look at that fat junk food eating hog to see the truth And to listen to his gibberish grunting while he wallows in his lying slop like the swine he is? Healthy? Hahahahahaha! Hey if you believe that, I've got an embassy in London that Bush wants to sell you Donnie Fat Butt Trump. Hahahahaha!!!!

    1. So I guess you are wishing him BAD HEALTH !
      Very Nice.

  12. I heard that Trump is as healthy as a racist horse. LOL!

    I'm going back to the beach and another beautiful sunset. Later.

  13. "Free Idiots,"

    They're everywhere.

  14. Trump was getting some on the side again just after poor Melania gave birth to their son. What a guy. Isn't that what every good "Christian" family values guy does to his 3rd wife? The whole world knows Melanie couldn't keep the Donald sexually satisfied, so he had to get it from a porn star. What a classy pig the Donald is.

  15. Egg... maybe he learned it from Newt who served his wife with divorce papers as she was coming out of surgery for cancer.

    Classy group these guys.

    Now, I understand people can screw up and have issues... the problem is that this crowd doesn't believe others can screw up and be given another chance. Witness how they treated Pres Clinton for his indiscretions... while at the same time having other women on the side themselves.

    Rank hypocrisy...

  16. Hey idiot... we're not that crowd. If you remember it was conservatives and GOP party members who cited Bible verses praying for Obama to die. And of course, you could just seek out a certain "Freethinke(r) and read his posts and comments to see his wish that half of America, the liberal half, would just die and burn in hell.

    Another nice Christian man.

  17. Imagine the uproar if Barack Obama​ had an affair with a porn star and paid her to keep quiet about it a month before he won the election and it was further revealed it was in no small part because she reminded him of his daughter.

    But those are the facts in this sordid story about Trump and the porn star he was screwing while Melania was taking care of his son. Trump really is a pig

    Barack Obama is a family values Christian, who was smeared and hated by the family values hypocrites on the "Christian" far right.

    I haven't heard a peep out of them on this report about Trump. I wonder why.

  18. The "anonymous" comment "The Dow up over 300 today and Apple is hiring 20K.....Yikes" is Rusty Shackelford. He submitted a very similar comment to WYD. Plus it contains his trademark multiple periods (and no spaces).

    Additionally, "Political Fury" says his/her words (above) "is a comment that SHAW altered and posted her own words". Although he/she does so in an anonymous comment and NOT a comment from a Blogger account with the name "Political Fury" attached to it. Yet, it seems that the complaint that Shaw alters/fakes comments is made with some frequency on that blog (Theresites citing this as the reason he was so PO'd).

    Which "Fire and Fury" are you reading, btw? (there is more than one book with that title).

  19. Dervish, Rusty keeps coming to this blog, sometimes under his own blogger ID and apparently as "anonymous." I get a lot of traffic from those WYD Trump weirdos. They are devoted to my blog and read it every day., then copy and paste what my commenters or I post in comments. They're as mentally unbalanced as the obese and demented Trump they support.

    PS. I'm reading the Michael Wolff "Fire and Fury." Who do you think will be cast as trump when they make the tee vee movie from F&F? Too bad Chris Farley and John Candy are gone. They'd be perfect, even though they were not as obese as the BLOTUS is.

  20. A majority of Americans see Trump's first year as president a failure. A failure. He still has the lowest approval rating of any president first year in presidency. But we continue to see his cultists worshipping him and his failures.

  21. Apparently Trump supporters think God meant for marriage to be between a man, his third wife, and several porn stars. It's in the Bible somewhere. It must be or else the good Christians who adore Trump wouldn't support him.

  22. tRrump was extremely lucky to have inherited a strong and growing economy from the last years of the Obama Obama was very "unlucky" to have had to shoulder the disasters of GWB's last two years of his administration.
    To deny this is just partisanship or willful ignorance.

    Obama made tons of mistakes during his 2 terms.....yet, smarter Americans should realize what our economy would be like today if an inept and self-centered tRrump would have directly followed the GWB years
    tRump is a racist, a misogamist, a sexual predator, a narcissist, and a xenophobe

  23. Who among us hasn't set up a Delaware LLC I order to pay hush money to a porn star you were shagging after your 3rd wife gave birth to your 5th child?

  24. Good to see you a little down time.

  25. Are the Trumpanzees still proud of the adulterous pig?

  26. News one but you folks really care about this tabloid silliness. The rest of us are much more intune to Trumps booming economy

  27. Anonymous forgot that the immoral pig who inherited the growing economy blamed the previous president for anything that was wrong but the immoral pig took credit for everything that was going well, including the growing economy. You Trumpistas still believe the American people give Trump credit. They don't they give credit for the good economy to President Obama. You Trumpistas still believe the American people agree with you don't you? You're as looney as trump, the immoral pig.

  28. Well here's something no human being has ever been able to say before now: "Tomorrow I plan to mark the first anniversary of the inauguration of the President of the United States by going to the strip club down behind the airport in my hometown to see the porn star he cheated on his third wife with just after the birth of his youngest child."

  29. Of course Bill would hdie away in a strip club like the sleaze he is.

    BY LEAH THOMAS ON 1/11/18 AT 8:55 AM,

  31. It is something to behold, isn't it, This One? So many Trump supporters are as sleazy and scummy as trump is. Like attracts like.

  32. So much for light posting but arrows even fly at night.

  33. I haven't put up a new post, but I have been answering and making comments. I'm too busy doing relaxing stuff to write a post. But because we have a chaotic president, controversy never stops.

    Congratulations on the one year anniversary and the #TrumpShutdown presidency to President Chaos, the porn star adulterer!

  34. Wow! The trumpets want America and specially the Dems to slobber themselves over Trump's first year? Is it all worth it: the jobs, the clawing back of regs, the tax cuts, when we as a nation lost our soul? Lost our dignity? Lost our ideals to this ignorant narcissistic con artist who cares not a wit for anyone -- not even his THIRD WIFE. it's always been about his self promotion, and his money and how many skanks he can bed. Never let the right wing Christians forget they support Trump and his corrupt family.

  35. So Michael, should we put you down as a maybe Trump supporter?

  36. Unlike you, Anonymous, I have my self respect and my love of God and America, therefore I will never support Trump.

    "For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world, but suffer the loss of his soul?" --Jesus Christ

  37. Dervish: Thanks for the heads-up about Political Furry.

    If he gets his jollies going to Trump rallies dressed in a squirrel suit, more power to him.

    But may he choke on a hairball.
