Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Pennsylvania special election for 18th Congressional District

In a deeply red district Trump won by 20+ points in 2016, it appears that a Democrat will prevail. The outcome is still too close to call at this point, but even if Lamb loses to Saccone, this race should have been a walk in the park for the Republicans, and it wasn't, despite trump's campaigning for him and the millions and millions of $$$ the RNC poured into Saccone's campaign.

IOW, the Trump "magic" has disappeared along with his fake invincibility. Americans, and more importantly the change-over liberals who voted for trump, are fed up with the corruption, the lies, the chaos, the firings, the infidelities and porn stars, the resignations, and the ongoing criminal investigations into the most dysfunctional administration in modern American history.

This was an election that the GOPer, Saccone, should have easily won, that he didn't is a bleak omen for GOP in the coming House elections in November.

From VOX:

“These results should terrify Republicans,” he said. “Despite their home field advantage and the millions of dollars outside groups poured into this race, Republicans found that their attacks against Conor, including their unpopular tax scam, were not believable. 

There are more than one hundred districts more favorable for Democrats than this one and we look forward to competing hard in every single one.” Even with the race too close to call, the result doesn’t look good for Republicans, who have held on to PA-18 with an iron grip since 2003.

I deleted the Tweet because what Charlie Pierce says below is much, much better:

"This was the last gasp of 10 years of successful electoral chicanery in Pennsylvania, and the Republicans couldn’t boot their candidate home even with $10 million pumped into the district from the national party and from its vast reservoir of PACs and dark money. They couldn’t organize it. They couldn’t buy it. And they couldn’t steal it. That pretty much eliminates all possible ways Republicans generally win elections these days, and bringing in the president* for a last-ditch manic episode didn’t work, either. Not even the crazy was enough."



  1. Republicans are already blaming the candidate.

  2. Can we ask The Trumpster to keep sending Junior The Closer to all of these special House elections? Junior was very supportive of Saccone. Hahahahaha!

  3. Howard, Of course they are. They've forgotten, already, that their hero, Trump, rallied the Goopers for Saccone. Trump is poison for anyone running now. Don't forget what happened in Alabama's senate race! LOL!

    Anon I saw a video of Junior talking up Saccone. Like father; like son. They're poison.

  4. Saccone ran on the tax bill.
    If he can't win convincingly on that platform then Repubs have a problem regardless.

    Only place left for tRump to go is back to hating immigrants, Muslims and blacks.
    Dems should be able to construct a platform that defeats that crap.


  5. If you go read the far right blogs you'll see they're ignorning all the recent news stories about Tillerson and now this Pennsylvania win in a big Republican district by a Democrat. By not addressing this bad news they're pretending nothing to see here, move along. But they do know somewhere in themeselves what a fk-up Trumpie is and how he's gonna bring them down with him. I can't wait.

  6. Ducky: "Saccone ran on the tax bill."

    Obviously, that great tax cut bill did nothing for the Goopers in that district. The righties have been pushing the idea that we're all going to be wealthy from Lord Dampnut's tax cuts. Also those same people have nothing except trashing Hillary Clinton and making fun of Pelosi and Warren. Notice they've nothing positive to say about the porn star shagger they voted into the White House. The PA elecrion shows that many Americans who voted for Trump are getting over the stupor they've been in for the past 2 1/2 years. Only the dregs of our society still support Lord Dampnut.

    Clearwater, It's a self-preservation behavior you're seeing. They know Trump is a horrid person and a disastrous president, they just can't admit it publicly because that will show what poor judges of character they are. Their only "safe place" is to mock Hillary and other Democrats. Let 'em. We'll keep winning important elections till we have the House and maybe the Senate, and then Lord Dampnut's cajones will be put in a pretty little Democratic vise.

  7. "I think everybody realizes, except the one third (of America) that think he’s a legitimate president. The majority of this country knows he’s taking us down the wrong path. He is dangerous, he is incompetent, he is ignorant, he is racist, he is un-American and he doesn’t deserve to be in that office.”

  8. Maybe he bet on the Pennsylvania election

    Only the best. That will keep Lord Dampnut on the straight and narrow.

    Pretty cold to give this guy the bum's rush before he could use government computers to get his completed brackets to his book.

  9. Lamb is a Conservative Democrat who is pro gun rights, anti choice and says he won't support Nancy Pelosi for leader when the next vote is held (provided he is still there). That, and the district is going away. He's only going to be seated for a few months before he's going to have to run again (in a new district). A win is still a win, however. If he wins (not official yet).

  10. Lamb is pro life, pro gun and anti Pelosi....damn, hes a republican

  11. Clearwater...

    Here's a great example. on the Mothership instead of the normal libtards and Demorats are killing America we get happy, happy, happy!

    To answer the question what makes me happy, let me respond with these...

    An election result where a Democrat even gets close in a district that Trump won by 20% in 2016. That shows the tide is turning.

    Public, as opposed to closed door, hearings on how and why the Russians meddled in our elections.

    Even a few members of the GOP who might, just possibly, show some integrity and stand up for a few of the moral principles they've championed for years... before Donald Trump became their standard bearer.

    Any or all of those would make me Most happy!


  12. You know what makes me happy Shaw? Seeing another Rethuglican go down to defeat in a heavily conservative district that tRump won by 20 points in 2016! That makes me very, very happy. We're on a roll. Alabama! Pennsylvania, and everywhere the Dems beat out the GOP! Yup! I'm not an Angry Guy today! I'm a Happy Guy!

  13. Lets not forget, democrats have the habit of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

    Over confidence is often the enemy that has to be overcome.

  14. Well. It's official that Lamb won. And NO!, Lamb is not a Republican, he's a conservative Democrat. Unlike what has happened to the GOP, the Dems welcome more than one point of view. The Goopers have hounded anyone who isn't far right Trumpy-GOP pure out of their party, and now they're left with the dregs, the kooks, the corporatists, and the astoundingly hypocritical Evangelicals. I don't agree with all of Lamb's positions, but he'll be only one of 435 and he'll vote with the Dems. I'll take that. But most of all, I'll enjoy seeing the Democrat who Lord Dampnut rallied against take his seat with the Democrats and porve that Cadet Bone Spurs has lost his aura of being a Winner!

    So much winning, eh DJT?

  15. Dervish: Lamb is a Conservative Democrat who is pro gun rights, anti choice

    He's not anti-choice. He says he's "personally opposed" to abortion but accepts Roe v. Wade as the law of the land, and accepts women's right to make their own decisions. That's pro-choice in practice. I don't care what goes on in the privacy of his own head, I care about how he'll vote.

    As for guns, he supports some regulation but recognizes Second Amendment rights. Sorry, but there are vast areas of the country where gun ownership is a normative part of the culture and any real full-bore attack on it is ballot-box poison. We can't afford to simply write off all those areas.

    Yes, he's more centrist than most Democrats but much better than any Republican. Better to win with a centrist than lose with a solid liberal and send another Trumpanzee to Congress.

  16. Shaw... I bet they're so tired of winning...

  17. I just learned (thanks to Infidel753) among other things that Lamb is pro-choice and is also pro-union, pro-health care, pro-many New Deal issues, an old-time Roosevelt Democrat. He most certainly is NOT a Republican like the Anonymous crowed upthread. That is just another way they convince themselves that their defeat is a win.

    Pennsylvania was not a win it was a crushing defeat for Trump and his supporters.Trump and his family personally traveled to PA to support Saccone, and Saccone lost. Put a gigantic "L" on Trump's forehead for his losing effort.

  18. Chris Matthews, who knows a little about Pennsylvania politics called Lamb a Jack Murtha type of guy. What would that mean? 20 years in the House.


  19. I think Matthews meant Lamb is a conservative Democrat?

    Here's his profile from Wiki.

  20. Republicans are already blaming the candidate.

    No need to change the message then.


  21. The Question is "Have the Republicans, and more specifically tRump, lost their magic?

  22. OT a little bit it’s all Trumpian...

    Maybe be we should start a pool for the next cabinet shakeup. VA? Treasury? Interior? Or maybe HUD where Ben Carson is trying to redecorate on the “cheap.”
