Monday, June 18, 2018

This little child is #47 in Trump's America. He will be warehoused with other children who've been taken away from their parents.

Debra Messing
This little boy, who has been taken from his parents, has been assigned a number. #47 on his chest and arm. Like the Holocaust. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Keep Families Together Act S-3036 has the support of All Democrats EXCEPT Claire McCaskill (D-MO) 202-224-6154; Joe Donnelly (D-IN) 202-224-4814; Joe Tester (D-MT )202-224-2644; Doug Jones (D-AL)202-224-4124; Heidi Heitkamp (D-NV) 202-224-2043; Joe Marchon (D-WV) 202-224-3954. At this point, NOT ONE Republican has signed on to this bill that would prohibit children from being separated from their parents. PLEASE CALL your members of Congress. 202-224-3121. Look at this image. It should send chills up your spine. We must not let history repeat itself. We must speak loud and clear. #Wherearethechildren


  1. The chairman of the ostrich board of directors had this to say, though the sound was muffled a little by the sand...

    "I’m not sure if people who are saying these things NOW are aware Obama started this program, or that even articles I just found saying HE [Obama] DID IT, TOO!"

    I'm sure we're not aware of it because IT. IS. NOT. TRUE!

    Where are folks like Nielson, Sanders and the rest of this Alice in Wonderland crew getting their facts? If there is a better example of people only believing info that confirms their previously held hopes and beliefs, I'm not aware of it.

    President Obama, like administrations before him, treated immigration as a civil offense, not criminal, thus requiring one... no immediate prison time and as such... two... no child separation.

    To say otherwise is not only blatantly untrue, it is a straight out lie, ignorant of the facts and supportive of a cruel policy solely because someone does not want to challenge the beliefs of one of the least caring presidents we've ever had. I wonder where Ivanka, special advisor to the President is? Does she have a view about separating kids from their parents?

    These folks are even slamming Laura Bush for daring to have a heart, calling her out for tweeting "insultingly". Note the policy is not insulting, just the tweet condemning it.

    True patriots, everyone of these folks.

  2. Are these folks here leagally?

  3. Anonymous. the children are here through no fault of their own and President Porn-Star Shagger puts them in a detention center. The children did nothing wrong. You are part of what has devealued America. You are the shame of America.

  4. Dave, I've read on several Gooper news sites and blogs that it's President Obama's policy, and of course, the people who believe that lie are the same people who believed the President Porn-Star Shagger would make America great. Do we expect anything better from them?

  5. Fascism still exist and must be stomped out

  6. It is easily verified on Snopes that there was no law under Obama (or Clinton for that matter). I’d link it but I’m not very good at linking things here.


  7. Possumlady, the Trump cultists don't read or listen to facts. The Trump cultists are the same people who rage against fetuses being taken away from uteri, but have no problem sand justify babies, children, and teens being taken away from their parents.

    They have no moral consistency -- worse, like their cult leader, DJT, they have no morals.

  8. Adam, Yes. And it's frightening. Trump and his cultists will pay dearly for this travesty.

  9. Shaw... yes, I expect a certain level of English comprehension, critical thinking skills and an ability to write cogently if you have a blog.

    If I wanted less, I’d just go to Pete’s House of Parrots..

  10. What a information of un-ambiguity and preserveness of valuable familiarity regarding unexpected feelings.
