Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Trump's America: "...the kids — who have no idea where their parents are — were hysterical, crying and acting out."

If this doesn't make your blood turn to ice; if this doesn't make you sick to your stomach, then you're not worthy of being called an American -- you're not even worthy of being called a human being.

What have we become under the monster Trump?

City leaders in Houston, Texas -- HOUSTON! Denounce this inhumane cruelty:

Trump administration officials have been sending babies and other young children forcibly separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border to at least three “tender age” shelters in South Texas, The Associated Press has learned.

 Lawyers and medical providers who have visited the Rio Grande Valley shelters described play rooms of crying preschool-age children in crisis. The government also plans to open a fourth shelter to house hundreds of young migrant children in Houston, where city leaders denounced the move Tuesday.

 Since the White House announced its zero tolerance policy in early May, more than 2,300 children have been taken from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border, resulting in a new influx of young children requiring government care. The government has faced withering critiques over images of some of the children in cages inside U.S. Border Patrol processing stations.


By law, child migrants traveling alone must be sent to facilities run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services within three days of being detained. The agency then is responsible for placing the children in shelters or foster homes until they are united with a relative or sponsor in the community as they await immigration court hearings. 

 But U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ announcement last month that the government would criminally prosecute everyone who crosses the U.S.-Mexico border illegally has led to the breakup of hundreds of migrant families and sent a new group of hundreds of young children into the government’s care. The United Nations, some Democratic and Republican lawmakers and religious groups have sharply criticized the policy, calling it inhumane.

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Miserable coward! The people supporting Trump and Sessions are worse than miserable cowards. They are traitors to America's ideals. Damn them all!

Damn the inhumane law! 

The law, in this case, is a ass! It is immoral! Those who support this immorality are complicit in abusing families and children.

From Daily Kos:

Trump and Republicans are losing on this immigration and child abuse issue. There’s video, audio, pictures. There are five First Ladies. You can’t fight that. Sure, you can dig in. No point in a compassion appeal to someone who lacks the gene, but that’s separate from losing the public, and Trump is losing the public.  

Republicans, your cowardly inhumanity will haunt you to your graves. 

Quinnipiac: Stop Taking The Kids, 66 Percent Of U.S. Voters Say, 

Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Support For Dreamers Is 79 Percent


  1. But hey, they got Gorsuch so they’re happy. Nothing seems to be able to move the party to split with their Pres.

  2. Make it clear that this disgusting policy can be ended in a very short time by one person, Generalissimo tRump.
    With the help of that little fascist weasel Carter Page, tRump has implemented this policy and he can end it.

    If they can be shamed (I have my doubts), this should be the act which finally gets the 30% to question what type of America they want. What kind of people are they?

  3. When the democrats controlled congress and the presidency did they use that time to tackle immigration reform, gun registration or creating jobs. Nope they didn't because they spent all their time trying to nationalize healthcare and punish the middle class.

    We had eight years of a lackluster economy, a sinking middle class, increasing racial tension and a president who spent his time attacking the successful between fund raising dinners with billionaires.

    Now we have a growing economy, wadge increases, low jobless rate and a downward rate of welfare recipients. How do the democrats respond, BLM, Pussy hats, me to, guns kill people not people and now it is wrong to keep children out of adult incarnation facilities. They feel if you can let men use womens restrooms you can let children sleep with non family adults.

    When asked about immigration reform the answer from a senior democrat is, that will take months if not years.

    There is hypocrisy on bith sides but the democrats are leading that race.

  4. erratum: little fascist weasel Stephen Miller, not little fascist weasel Carter Page.

  5. "Both sides" didn't separate children from their parents. That policy was instituted by tRump himself with assistance from Beauregard Sessions and white supremacist Stephen Miller. That is the matter at hand.

    Rethugs freakin' own it.

  6. Wow, Skud, I really do try to give you the benefit of doubt but your post is bordering on Trumpian lying.

    Democrats controlled Congress for TWO YEARS! C’mon, you know that! And they got the ACA passed. They DID try working on immigration reform but the repubs would have none of it. Gun registration you say? VP Biden had a commission after Sandy Hook (remember that atrocity?) and was put into legislation that of course the repubs failed to pass. We all know why race relations became so bad — we had a black president, end of story.

    Creating jobs you say? During Obama’s presidency the economy posted seven (7) straight years of annual increases in real gross domestic product. When Obama took office the economy had already lost 4.4 million jobs in the prior 12 months with an unemployment rate of 7.8 and climbing. Obama left TRump a historically low unemployment rate and in 2016 the economy added almost 2.2 million jobs and the economy has gained jobs for 75 straight months!

    Stock market you say? Trump took office with stock markets already near historic highs. S&P 500 was 181% higher than when Obama took office.

    How dare you!


  7. As Ronald Reagan might say, there you go again skud.

  8. Possulady, Skud doesn't believe in facts, he's a true Gooper. I let him comment here so that we get an insight into Trumpistas' thinking. I don't think skud is a bad person, just misguided. But I do need to hear what they have to say.

  9. You are correct. During the two years where they had total control and lap dog members the democrats were only interested in one thing. Getting healthcare for 10 million at the cost of 300 million. I would not say that an increase of GDP of less than 2% for eight years was an accomplishment but maybe you would.
    Obama has shown that his real talent is organizing. His OFA is very successful at bringing people together to protest everything trump. The democrats need his leadership because they haven't done anything or suggested anything in the last ten years.
    Remember we hate trump is not a platform to govern by.
    RN, Glad you quoted the last great president, shows you are coming around.
