Tuesday, July 31, 2018


via VOX:

Trump is well-liked by his base. But by historical standards, he's an incredibly *unpopular president* overall, and his party is suffering the consequences.


"Donald Trump is actually a very unpopular president Yes, his base likes him, but his overall numbers are terrible."

"...Trump is an unpopular president by historical standards, and his party appears to be suffering predictable consequences. 

A useful corrective to these niche polls showing Trump’s appeal to select segments of the electorate is to use FiveThirtyEight’s presidential approval tracker to compare his overall popularity to that of other presidents. 

 As you can see, at this point in their presidencies, every president going back 60 years — Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, John Kennedy, and Dwight Eisenhower — was more popular than Trump is."

In other news -- don't believe what the Liar-in-Chief brags about:

From Forbes:

Trump Ranks Sixth In Stock Market Performance Behind Obama And Clinton

The b.s. #45 Tweets daily is to feed his base and to give him the false feeling that he's popular with the American people. He's not. He's the most disliked president in modern American history. Only the loonies in his base support him.


  1. I guess this means no Nobel Peace Prize for the lying sack of shit.

  2. No wonder Republicans are anti-choice, they had many chances to abort their champion with impeachment but they're carrying it to full term.

  3. He doesn't deserve a Nobel unless it is for establishing talks with some of our know enemies and not paying them billions to say he is a nice guy.
    We have evolved into a country where politicians are judged on being nice instead of doing something for all American citizens.

  4. skud, just what has been accomplished by those talks?

    North Korea did return the remains and that is a positive gesture but there are also reports that it is undertaking missile production. There is no evidence that the North Korean state is doing anything but behaving according to habit.
    Kim got some great sound bites for NK state media from our preznit as a freebie.

    The Russian meeting was exactly what? A go ahead for Putin to stick his nose into future elections?

    The billions you refer to must be the money unfrozen as a result of the Iran treaty.
    Well the funds are still unfrozen and we have no treaty. Nice work by preznit tRump.

    Just when has Lord Dampnut trued to do anything the was in the interest of us all?
    Single payer health insurance?
    An economic policy which shrinks the wealth gap?
    Sound ecological stewardship?

    Just what has he done that you can honestly support?

  5. Ducky, all President Spanky's done is undo what President Obama accomplished. That and giving large tax breaks to the 1%, his elite bretheren.

    What President Spanky has NOT done is fulfill his biggest campaign promises:

    1) To build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, and

    2) Repeal and replace Obamacare with something better and less expensive.

    Skud ignores the pain and suffering trump has visited upon millions of our fellow citizens by disrupting Obamacare and having those Americans lose coverage. It's a crime against humanity, just like his barbaric crime against families: kidnapping babies and children, some of whom will NEVER be reunited with their parents because there was no system in place to identify the children and who they beonged to.

    Trump will be remembered as a tyrant and a monster for the suffering he has put so many millions of people through.

  6. Single payer health insurance has not been accomplished and hopefully never will. Subsidies for 2% at the expense of 98% yes he accomplished that and it is being fixed.

    The wealth gap has been a fixture in all countries for centuries. Those that work at it can be successful, those that don't seldom can. Robin hood was a fairy tale. What has happened is a growing GDP and opportunities for the majority, but they will have to get a job. I understand the desire to hold a government job because there is no risk but some want more and are willing to work and sacrifice for the reward. The previous administration made success a dirty word while he was doing fundraisers with billionaires, can you say hypocrite.

    Sound ecological stewardship. What is that, Paris accord that had no teeth but looked good, NAFTA that punished American workers, your union workers, rewarding China for their pollution by giving the tariff breaks. Common ducky you can do better than you did.

  7. Ms. Shaw, Since only nine million signed up for obamacare how can there be millions suffering because obamacare may go away, you know it still exists without the penalty of fines if you don't take it.
    Most Americans don't want open borders so I am not sure your support for them is universal.

  8. Trump has an 87% "own party" approval rating higher then Reagan,Obama,Kennedy,Bush 41 had with their respective parties. This from a WSJ/NBC poll.

  9. Anonymous @7:11, A successful politician would be able to get the approval of voters other than his own tribe. President Porn Star Shagger has only his base. Women, Independents, Democrats, and all other sane people reject the jackass. He's hated by a majority of Americans and the rest of the civilized world. Bragging about 87% of Goopers liking him is not something to be proud of. It points up how sick and demented the GOP is.

  10. skudrunner said...
    "Single payer health insurance has not been accomplished and hopefully never will."

    Medicare is single payer health care and works very well. Most of the civilized world has single payer health care systems and they work. You need to get out more and see how other countries and even your own country works with single payer health care.

  11. You mean the program that you pay for over your working life. That is kind of like a pre-paid insurance policy don't you think. I am very familiar with Medicare as I have been on it for several years and have no issues. The difference is I paid in advance for it and am still paying both in deductions from my income and deductions from by SS.

    Are working taxpayers willing to have their taxes doubled to pay for healthcare for all because that is what it would take. With the disaster of ACA I don't think the sentiment for national healthcare is strong. In England there is a split of public and private healthcare which seems to work well.

    1. With out of the box thinking like yours skud America may get true and effective single payer health care in a couple hundred more years. We lag behind most, if not all western industrialized nations in health care affordability.
