Saturday, July 7, 2018



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  2. Grey One talks sassJuly 8, 2018 at 8:36 AM

    Peter Piper - Rule 34 exists. No really, please do your own freaking research before coming to this family friendly blog and spreading your peck of peppers all over the place.

    Your homophobia is noted. You are an unenlightened troll who really should be living under a bridge instead of the veterans with PTSD.

    So, any suggestions as to where we will find YOUR humanity? Any suggestions at all?

  3. Grey One talks sassJuly 8, 2018 at 8:51 AM

    Re Dancing - I found myself naming every movie where there was a dance scene. It is telling (at least to me) that many of the DVDs I own are included in the clip.

    I guess I really really like dancing. :)

    Thanks Shaw. Loved it a lot.

  4. Sorry for the troll infestation. I'm away this weekend and Internet service is sketchy. Forgot to put comment moderation back on, so the mentally ill from WYD.

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  7. Grey One talks sassJuly 8, 2018 at 10:07 AM

    Dervish - did anyone force you to come here and comment? Did you forget you have Free Will?

    Shaw - no apologies needed for the trolls. They exist and occasionally I need a reminder of their insane craving for spite. I hope your away time is exactly what you need. I know the walk you've walked (ie CANCER SUCKS) and understand all too well how valuable a respite can be.

    Take care of you. I had fun with the trolls. Now that I have internet I'm at liberty to comment instead of lurking in the shadows. Thank you. :)

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  10. OT - WYD's flying trumpanzees and sock puppets are having a hay weekend. Hitting both RN USA and here. It really is comical!

    Enjoying the FreeThinke makeover with its focus on the "higher authority" as well. There is no doubt but what tRump has galvanized the evangelical loonies on the right and extreme conservatives. Plan on seeing things get more unhinged before they settle down and once again move towards sensible and meaningful dialogue between opposing political views.

  11. RN... what makeover? Where? It looks the same...

  12. Dave, he is less combative, mote pious. But the poison remains the same.
